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BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Printable Version

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BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Barrier Gate Station - 07-20-2017


With the closing in of various groups that would like to call Barrier Gate their own, the Station Security and Administration team are seeking new recruits to buff out the ranks of station security.

Those looking for Steady and Profitably need look no further.

Training can and will be provided, though previous experience in the field is always appreciated. Equipment may be privately sourced or loaned out via the station, per personal preference. Those interested may send their applications per this open frequency, or per secured connection.

*Eye Color:
*Hair Color:
House or Region of Origin:

*Professional History:

Previous Work Experience:

*Section Application: [ ]Security [ ]Administration


RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - YaoiKat - 07-20-2017

*Name: Hattori Natsu
*Age: 23
*Gender: Female
*Height: 155
*Weight: 46
*Eye Color: Black
*Hair Color: Black
House or Region of Origin: Kusari

*Professional History: Student, Junker rookie.

Previous Work Experience: No data.

*Section Application: [* ]Security [ ]Administration

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Barrier Gate Station - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: denis-favier-2.jpg?w=294]

ID: Chief of Security Jean-Michel Bechard
Recipient: Hattori Natsu
Subject: Your Application

Loading Message
20th July, 824 AS

Good Evening, Miss Natsu, My name is Jean-Michel Bechard, recently appointed Chief of Security for Barrier Gate Station. I have taken the time to review your application, and am afraid to say I find it somewhat sparse. If you could elaborate on the specifics of what you've studied, or what kind of experience you have in the Security Field, it would be most appreciated. Until I have received such further information, I am afraid I cannot accept your application as it is.

If you could provide me with the specifics of your past employment and experience, I would be most appreciative.

Yours respectfully,

Jean-Michel Bechard,
Barrier Gate Chief of Security
Transmission Ends

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - YaoiKat - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSx0Hwqmv1hdnIf7lIZ1v9...DWLXaAyhVl]

ID: Hattori Natsu
Recipient: Chief of Security Jean-Michel Bechard
Subject: My Application

Loading Message
20th July, 824 AS

Konnichiwa! The issues is that I was not employed officially, so I cannot provide any documentation. I was escorting transports with artifacts from Sigmas to Kusari, that's all. That might not sound to impressive, but I'm not asking for the full payment until I will gain enough of experience.

Pleeeease Bechard-san, I really need to get this job!

~Hattori Natsu~
Transmission Ends

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Barrier Gate Station - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: denis-favier-2.jpg?w=294]

ID: Chief of Security Jean-Michel Bechard
Recipient: Hattori Natsu
Subject: Your Application

Loading Message
20th July, 824 AS

Miss Natsu, I am not asking for a proof of employment. What I did ask for however, was what kind of studies or experiences you had in the field. Experience is not necessarily needed, as we can provide on the Job Training. Begging however, is far from the level of professionality we desire. However hesitantly, we will however accept your application for the time being. Follow the directions as stated in the contact information.

Yours respectfully,

Jean-Michel Bechard,
Barrier Gate Chief of Security
Transmission Ends

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Shalo - 07-20-2017


RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Barrier Gate Station - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: denis-favier-2.jpg?w=294]

ID: Chief of Security Jean-Michel Bechard
Recipient: Matthias Hayes
Subject: Your Application

Loading Message
20th July, 824 AS

Good Afternoon, Mister Hayes.

I've had the time now to overview your application, and I believe we could make use of your skills on the Staff of Barrier Gate Station. Please find enclosed the Necessary communication frequency authentications. Consider your application accepted. If you would kindly, report to the security administration offices to be signed in.

Yours respectfully,

Jean-Michel Bechard,
Barrier Gate Chief of Security
Transmission Ends

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Spectre - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: LucyHale-1756.jpg]

*Name: Karen Grey
*Age: 23
*Gender: Female
*Height: 187 cm
*Weight: 70 kg
*Eye Color: Brown
*Hair Color: Black
House or Region of Origin: Bretonia

*Professional History: Former Crayter Military Lieutenant

Previous Work Experience: I used to fly for the Crayter Military as a Lieutenant in their primary wing. I left after some disagreements between me and command, and have stayed near Barrier Gate since working around the station and such.

*Section Application: [X]Security [ ]Administration

Transmission Ends

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Barrier Gate Station - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: denis-favier-2.jpg?w=294]

ID: Chief of Security Jean-Michel Bechard
Recipient: Karen Grey
Subject: Your Application

Loading Message
20th July, 824 AS

Good Evening, Miss Grey.

While we do believe your skills and previous military experience would certainly benefit us, you mentioned disagreements between yourself and the Crayter Military's Command Structure. Can I trust these issues will not influence your judgement and action in regards to the Crayter Military and Station Security?

Yours respectfully,

Jean-Michel Bechard,
Barrier Gate Chief of Security
Transmission Ends

RE: BGS| Security and Administration Recruitment - Spectre - 07-20-2017

Incoming Transmission
[Image: LucyHale-1756.jpg]

ID: Karen Grey
Recipient: Chief of Security Jean-Michel Bechard
Subject: RE: Your Application

Loading Message
20th July, 824 AS

Evening, Mr. Bechard,

The disagreement was nothing. A small argument between me an my CO. Most of my time there was under a codename anyway, so I doubt anybody even knew who I was before I packed up. I hope this doesn't mark me off as an unknown, and if you have any other questions, I'm game to answer.

Wish you the best,
Karen Grey.
Transmission Ends