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Pob's question - Printable Version

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Pob's question - LORD CHRIS - 07-20-2017

Hi admins. Is there any news about the pob situation? If not can I ask roughly how long this may take to get fixed?

RE: Pob's question - ronillon - 07-20-2017

Well, that is a good question. I was wondering that myself too today.

RE: Pob's question - LORD CHRIS - 07-20-2017

No reply from admins?

RE: Pob's question - sindroms - 07-20-2017

It is hard to tell just yet. It will be announced once it is for certain and players will be given a day to prepare before they pop back in.

RE: Pob's question - ronillon - 07-21-2017

(07-20-2017, 10:18 PM)sindroms Wrote: It is hard to tell just yet.
Amazing, it was like only 12 hours and the POBs are back. Thanks, hope the crashes are gone now.

(07-20-2017, 10:18 PM)sindroms Wrote: It will be announced once it is for certain and players will be given a day to prepare before they pop back in.
It seems you kinda forgot about this part though. Not that it affected me too much, cause my POBs were luckily supplied before the plugin was disabled.