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Hi, im thinking about giving it another try. - Printable Version

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Hi, im thinking about giving it another try. - HoakinBlackforge - 07-21-2017

So, im sure not many people remember me, but i once played here, and its a long story of why i left.

Pretty much what caused me to leave the game was due in was in a huge depression because of my situation, what was once my life went to absolute shit when my father assaulted my mother and we had to escape from him, and after a few months, we won the trial aganist him and he got sentenced with a restraining order for 2 years.

After that, my mother and i we moved together to a shared flat in madrid, and i tried to find a job as soon as i could, but i didnt had that luck, and the landlady was an absolute inhuman garbage who deserves to die insane woman who got mad at me because i wasnt able to find a job in my first 2 months of living there, despite my mother was the one paying the rent at that time, so she kicked me and my mother out after that.

Luckly, my mother and i found another flat in a village at 1 hour from Madrid, entirely for us and in an incredibly good condition, so we moved in, and things have gone better since. My mother is still working and im still trying to get a job while i study at the same time, i met a girl that thanks to her i got my strenght to keep living back, we are slowly making a relationship, but for now we are both focused on studying. Im happy with my life right now, and im slowly making progress to my goals in the future.

So, ending with all of that, wihout much to do on vacations, i remembered about this game, and though about giving it another try.

My experience here wasnt the best one, since many times i found myself with pvpwhores who wanted to kill anyone on sight because they could, and being a trader wasnt safe at all since there was never any kind of security around on most of the common routes.

I want to start from all over, wihout making a character that its already on a faction, i want to decide myself who to join and who to be enemy this time. I want it to be my own experience. I may not be as interested in rp as much i should be, but that may change later, for now i want to enjoy a game.

How much the game has changed in my absence? Has the population increased in some way? Is most of the factions on the game still dead as i left? Those are the questions i have. Thanks in advance.

RE: Hi, im thinking about giving it another try. - Sombs - 07-21-2017

Welcome back! Not much changed. There are a few systems you might want to explore. Smile

RE: Hi, im thinking about giving it another try. - Yak - 07-21-2017

Hi, welcome back!

Just started playing again myself, so probably not the best person to answer your questions...

Still got to watch out for those pirates though, but that'll never change Wink

Anyway, glad to hear you're getting through the other side of a rough patch, have fun and see you in space!

~ Yak

PS: if you've lost all your ships and starting again with nothing, might be worth checking out the Aid for Veterans while you're getting started.