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Greetings and releasing my anger - Printable Version

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Greetings and releasing my anger - Sesom - 07-28-2017

Greetings, I am a new player on the server.
I am enjoying the freelancer part so far. I realy do. It is great and realy amazing to see that there is a living Community and that I can enter the freelancer universe once more (finished the singleplayer 2 times in my childhood).

But I got a problem with the roleplaypart. it is quite disencouraging when there are people bribing you by 10.000.000, with a cargo that just cost you 20mill 2 minutes ago, by saying they will kill you probably so or so. (in RP)
They could just login as another pirat and bribe again and/or just kill you after taking your money. This is bad.

Smile I got the feeling that they were just bored of the game and just wanted to shoot someone.
Smile I don't care.
Smile I will enjoy the game.

But, to end with something positive:
Every new player I met was just amazing, they roleplay and act as I expect them to do. It is realy fun to play with them. And I hope this game will just stay as much fun as possible and I will do my best to make it so! To mak Kusary great again!

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - Sombs - 07-28-2017

Welcome to Discovery! (sun)

Pro-Tip: If you are in desperate need of money, trade in areas where nobody else is currently. That is mostly Gallia and often Kusari, often Rheinland. In New York, you're almost predestinated to get pirated. In Bretonia, you're relatively safe.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - sasapinjic - 07-28-2017

Hello new player, and welcome to discovery. First , let me asure you, there are server rules that forbide Pirates that do things you describe :
-Pirate demand must be reasonable. Pirate cant ask 10 M from small ship, only from big with pricy cargo. If you pay for cargo 20 M (i assume you had close to 5000 uints of ore) , Pirate has right to ask 10 M, since you can sell ore on best destination for at least 40 M.
-Pirate cant switch character to pirate you again, and once you pay him, he MUST let you trade for at least 2 hours. Also, once you futfill his demand , you are free, he cant kill you or ask something else.
If Pirate break any rule, post proof to administrator and he will be sanctioned. You can take in game screenshots by presing print on keyboard, they will be stored in seperatee folder in place where is your discovery freelancer game installed.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - Sombs - 07-28-2017

(07-28-2017, 03:38 PM)sasapinjic Wrote: -Pirate demand must be reasonable. Pirate cant ask 10 M from small ship, only from big with pricy cargo. If you pay for cargo 20 M (i assume you had close to 5000 uints of ore) , Pirate has right to ask 10 M, since you can sell ore on best destination for at least 40 M.
-Pirate cant switch character to pirate you again, and once you pay him, he MUST let you trade for at least 2 hours.

This is wrong, please don't take this as a hard limit. The reasonibility of a piracy demand depends on the ship size and the commodity value. If you are carrying something valuable, the pirate can either demand the entire cargo or a fitting amount of money. I can tell you, from experience, credit demands are usually between 500.000 and 5.000.000 Credits for a normal commodity, 3.000.000 to 10.000.000 Credits for contraband, up to 15.000.000 Credits for ores and up to 20.000.000 Credits for event commodities. Usually, they don't make very high demands because they want you to come back to get more encounters, and rarely people do piracy for the sake of making much money, as trading is in all cases more efficient. Also, while cargo piracy is more profitable in many cases, people usually go for credit piracy. The demands they make in credits are in most cases between 20% to 60% of your profit if you're on a 5000 cargo transport. If the demand is higher than what you would make in terms of profit for the entire run, that's definitely unreasonable.

Also, a pirate can pirate you multiple times. You are not safe from piracy once you got pirated, that is outright wrong. What you're safe from is getting pirated from the same player in short time. Like, when you enter the same area over and over again, he can pirate you - because why would you be stupid enough to go where you know there is a pirate, inRP. The pirate however can't just follow you and pirate you over and over again over various systems or using different characters. If you notice such case, you can file a report.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - Sesom - 07-29-2017

Hy, thanks for the replies, that is very helpfull. Yeah, in fact I was carrying ore, so I will take all your tipps in account. Also it is very good to know that one single player is not allowed to login and pirate me with an second character again.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - Banned player t202085 - 07-29-2017

(07-28-2017, 03:38 PM)sasapinjic Wrote: Hello new player, and welcome to discovery. First , let me asure you, there are server rules that forbide Pirates that do things you describe :
-Pirate demand must be reasonable. Pirate cant ask 10 M from small ship, only from big with pricy cargo. If you pay for cargo 20 M (i assume you had close to 5000 uints of ore) , Pirate has right to ask 10 M, since you can sell ore on best destination for at least 40 M.
-Pirate cant switch character to pirate you again, and once you pay him, he MUST let you trade for at least 2 hours. Also, once you futfill his demand , you are free, he cant kill you or ask something else.
If Pirate break any rule, post proof to administrator and he will be sanctioned. You can take in game screenshots by presing print on keyboard, they will be stored in seperatee folder in place where is your discovery freelancer game installed.

Pirates can ask for what they want
They cannot: "4.2 Demands should be reasonable and only one monetary or cargo demand can be issued during each piracy interaction."~Skorak
, I agree with the sentiment though, recently people are asking for an excessive amount of money, I paid The.Black.Liner 5mil each time I passed him in the O3 -O7 last time I saw that pilot he wanted 30mil as that would have resulted in a net loss I have just moved my trade line.

A trader isn't going to make 40mil on ore if he's buying it for 14, getting pirated once for 10 cuts your profits to 16mil for the run, what if you get pirated twice? then its just a waste of time and money but this is the risk and the fun of playing the hauling game. If you find that the route you take is full of pirates then make a new route.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - Banned player t202085 - 07-30-2017

They cannot: "4.2 Demands should be reasonable and only one monetary or cargo demand can be issued during each piracy interaction."~Skorak

Define reasonable for this situation? that's far too vague to be imposed as a rule surely?

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - nOmnomnOm - 07-30-2017

Sombra was wrong on one thing that I will correct now: pirates can pirate you once in the system you are in. Once you have left the system, a pirate can technically pirate you again.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - Sombs - 07-30-2017

The pirate can't follow you and pirate you in the next system as well.

RE: Greetings and releasing my anger - sasapinjic - 07-30-2017

(07-30-2017, 01:58 PM)Silverlight Wrote:
They cannot: "4.2 Demands should be reasonable and only one monetary or cargo demand can be issued during each piracy interaction."~Skorak

Define reasonable for this situation? that's far too vague to be imposed as a rule surely?
There were to many cicumstances to fit in rule, thats why it is sad like this. Common sense is only thing you need when pirating.
-Trader has 3000 uints of ale, you as pirate ask 3 M, thats at border of reason. Trader can pay that much, its goods is not worth that much, but in return he can negotiate free pass for return trip.
-Trader has 3000 uints of gold ore, you ask for 20 M, thats not reasonable couse trader already payed around 10 M for ore, and when he sell he will be in minus or on zero, not to count lost time. If you ask up to 10M, that can be accepted. If you ask all cargo, thats also not reasonable , couse trader will be in great lose, and you forcing him to try to fight his way out. If you ask half cargo that can be accepted.
-Trader has big , expensive ship, he is level 90 or close, but empty cargo hold. You can ask up to 5 M, then lover price if nessesery, he may pay, becouse he is obviusly Rich, and he may pass there again, so he will basicly buy him self cheap pass. Or you can ignore him, and bait him to pass one more time, with ore.
And, i dont know how others pirates do , but i pirate player only once, after that he may pass by me free at least 2 hours, often hole Day. I consider douche move to pirate same guy twice , no mater if it is same system or not. If you pirate same guy twice thats buling, you demotivate him and force him of game, not thing discovery need. Have fun, but not at expense of some other player. Wink