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To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Printable Version

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To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Omicron - 07-31-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 31/07/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: The GMG Administration


Greetings to representatives of the Guild. We, The Order had always held your institution in high regard and co-operated as peaceful neighbours with relations spanning several years. We had not received word since last representative, namely Taiheiyo Consortium however the Guild had not faded.

I am Grand Admiral Golanski, the highest authority of The Order Black Fleet. We come to you to reiterate our offer to the Guild as we did to every member of the Guild before. GMG is invited to trade within The Order Protectorate and are among list of our favoured customers concerning sale of weaponry, be it a sidearm or a gunboat. I know The Guild while founded and deriving greatest profits from being primary supplier of H-Fuel across Colonies, is not foreign to invest into other avenues and engage in trade both overt and covert with various outfits in every colony of Man. I extend offer of co-operation to you as well and offer to talk about how we can benefit of one another.

It also had come to our attention that certain Imperial elements are stirring diplomatic incidents for the Guild in House of Rheinland. Our operatives have sifted the news across the Colonies and had reached something of interest for us both. Most likely you know already, should you now here is the Exempt from "Rheinland Imperator" which touches possibly recent endeavours of the Guild in Sigmas. We are not sellswords for hire that Guild may be accustomed to enlist to their aid but we value strenght in mutually respected bonds between factions. You have our attention and safe heaven in Omicrons.

I am awaiting your answer.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Shelco - 07-31-2017

Planet Manhattan, New York system
31.07.824 A.S.

[Image: wYHbGfc.png]

[Image: 1GBkqWE.jpg]

COMM ID: Kara Yukari

Recipient ID: Michal Golanski
Encryption: GMG827432

Kon'nichiwa, Mister Golanski

my name is Kara Yukari, Guildmistress of the Gas Miners Guild, it is both an honor and a pleasure to speak with you. You are not mistaken, the Unioners have made enormous pressure on us, now that I see that they actually went to cry their eyes out on the desk of the Bundestag, I see that the threat worked perfectly. If the Bundestag wishes to act against the Gas Miners Guild now, I will be glad to reveal all our unlawful allies by forming an alliance with them, I would welcome Order capital ships to shoot both the Unioners and Rheinlanders alike, I fear no war.

While I gladly work together with you on an economic basis as well, I'm afraid that anything equipment related is of no use for us as long as we are not at war with Rheinland, it would only reveal the relations we have which might escalate the situation, I might fight the wars but I do not initiate them. So all we can do for you is ensuring that your ships are fuelled and all you can do is ensure that credits land on our net account.

Kara Yukari

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Omicron - 08-01-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 1/08/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: The GMG Administration



I understand the sentiment regarding use of Order vessels by your group. However our open still stands, especially if you may find a need for specialized craft to operate far from reach of both Rheinland and Kusari's reach such as deep Omicrons. Weapons of smaller, more readily available caliber may perhaps be an exception?

I offer assistance in covert delivery of hi-tech equipment and infrantry-level weaponry to offer you an edge. It is far more potent and efficient than BDM and Militar standard issue, but I will allow your own experts to confirm my words validity of these words. We can take care of covertly dispatching caches after a cache which will be free for you to ship to critical locations in need of extra firepower. With time, we can replace all of your aging and existing service arms of your current standing marine force. Even if fools akin Bureau realized potency of Kemwer already in use by certain rebel groups in Rheinland, they will face unpleasant surprise during boarding actions.

Second readily available export are vast numbers of palladium, which - if you do not require yourself - may fence to any Sirian and Gallic market as you please. Metal is just an element, you cannot tie it to any specific organization. Access, specific routes and simmilar details I preffer to iron out in face-to-face meeting. Sigmas and Omicrons are vast enough to find quiet enough place where both may meet without prying eyes of our enemies. I personnaly find Sigma 59 to be particularly off the beaten track.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Shelco - 08-02-2017

Planet Manhattan, New York system
02.08.824 A.S.

[Image: wYHbGfc.png]

[Image: 1GBkqWE.jpg]

COMM ID: Kara Yukari

Recipient ID: Michal Golanski

Encryption: GMG827432

Kon'nichiwa, Mister Golanski

your offer is welcome and if the time comes, accepted. For now, with the Unioners putting pressure on us from Sigma-13, even alarming the Bundestag about our threat, we cannot afford to reveal our connections yet. I will soon have to have a word with the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums as well and make my threat about the Red Hessian Army true as well. We have one clear advantage, that is our neutral or allied ties to each other, a cooperation is therefore not impossible at all. I would like to wait for a response of the Bundestag, I will either face it diplomatically or with violence, the latter will be initiated by them. I have no doubt that your weapons, munitions, and soldiers are better than the ones of the Rheinland Military and the BDM, and maybe their potential will come to use here. I welcome a meeting with you, the Omicrons are not too far from the Sigmas, but you would have to tell me a date, time and place since I am still traveling. I will await your answer.

Kara Yukari

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Omicron - 08-04-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 4/08/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: The GMG Administration


War between GMG and Federal Republic of Rheinland is not something we are happy about, in which we are in agreement. The risks include reduced stability of Sigma sector and unwanted attention drawn to our own interests in the region. However, we are prepared to enact contingencies and adapt our overall strategy to cope with both offensive or defensive actions in our stellar neighbourhood. We will avoid escalating the situation and keep low profile, my intention is to send reconaissance teams and warships no bigger than Hathor escorts into Sigma 15 and Frankfurt to collect intelligence on our behalf. If needed, a recon outfitted cruiser may be deployed within one day's time to assist, specialized in electronic warfare.

Specifics of meeting I am not to divulge over these channels but for location I suggest either Sigma 59 or Eridani blackhole region, both of which I can deploy myself alone or with token escort momentarily. Fighter's only, timetable to be issued over in ecrypted packet attached. Let's keep it flexible, in case of potential enemy ambush.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Shelco - 08-04-2017

Helgoland Station, Sigma-13 system
04.08.824 A.S.

[Image: wYHbGfc.png]

[Image: 1GBkqWE.jpg]

COMM ID: Kara Yukari

Recipient ID: Michal Golanski

Encryption: GMG827432

Kon'nichiwa, Mister Golanski

war is indeed something we, and I, would not be happy about but despite me not trying to start it, I will fight it. If Rheinland thinks it is powerful enough to attack the Gas Miners Guild openly, we will have to smash their recently rebuilt fleet once more, it must become tiring for them to lose wars, maybe they are smart enough to realize this and just see it as a threat against the Unioners. I welcome any support craft you are making available to us and you may land them on GMG bases, given, that nobody is near to witness it. I have said the same to the Blood Dragons, the Golden Chrysanthemums and the Red Hessian Army alike, the latter reacted harsher than you do. A cruiser would require a larger facility, though, I guess Niigata Star City is the only station where this would be possible. But I would have to assure myself on that first. Sigma-59 would be a good place to meet, not as crowded there and a lot of space. But since I will probably have to attend a meeting with Cryer and Interpace very soon, I have to tell you an exact date and time as soon as I have that appointment scheduled.

Kara Yukari

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Omicron - 08-24-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 24/08/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: The GMG Administration


Coordinates of the meeting are being sent to you as I speak though one of my courier agents to your office at Niigata star city. I have secured potential coordination between Order and Hessian forces if that will be needed, including face to face meeting with Heinrich. Your presence is... highly requested, as we - The Order - remain one of the few dependable options you have in any conflict. Cairo's defenders are already informed about securing a safe passage for you and any escort you deem adequate to bring along. You will find no restriction concerning any number and warship classes so long you feel safe in Omicrons.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: GMG || Re-establishing contact - Shelco - 08-24-2017

Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13 system
24.08.824 A.S.

[Image: wYHbGfc.png]

[Image: 1GBkqWE.jpg]

COMM ID: Kara Yukari

Recipient ID: Michal Golanski

Encryption: GMG827432

Kon'nichiwa, Grand Admiral Golanski,

I will attend your meeting as soon as possible. Don't worry about any warships, we have none to bring. A situation, I wish to change, though. I assume that Miss Heinrich will be on Cairo as well then?

Kara Yukari