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To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Printable Version

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To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Occam Razor - 08-07-2017

Incoming Transmission

Location: Unknown
Sender ID: Kyou Haruko
Message Type: Text Only
Encryption: High

Konnichiwa, Miss Fujimura,

I hope you still remember me from the race, your name I remember very well, as you have been one of the few people to actually openly transmit it. Also, after getting used to the track, you demonstrated that you do have a hand for racing. Perhaps you would be interested in catching a drink with me sometime, and maybe doing some private races from time to time, you know, to keep the edge?

Kyou Haruko

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Yak - 08-07-2017

[Image: yKLrme3.png]

Kon'nichiwa Kyou!

You hope i remember you, huh? Of course i do! Won't be forgetting those mean cornering skills any time soon!

So, anyway, yeah, I'd totally love to catch up over a mug of warm sake anytime! Oh, yeah, and I recently got a super-cool tip-off about an awesome track in the Tottori system, I'd love to have someone to come check it out with me.

Anyway, let me know where you like to hang out, I can get around Kusari pretty easy in my little Hayabusa, but I guess you know all about that already! See you soon Kyou san!

Bye byes for now!

[Image: bMy7VIg.png]

RE: To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Occam Razor - 08-08-2017

Incoming Transmission

Location: Unknown
Sender ID: Kyou Haruko
Message Type: Text Only
Encryption: High

Konnichiwa, Suzuko,

I will make sure to come by Kusari very soon, perhaps you can recommend a place to meet, for a drink? I spend most of my time in Liberty, so I would appreciate it.

A racing track in Tottori? I can not say I have ever heard of that, and I do not think I have ever been in that system. I can't wait to take a look, and try the track with you. I will notify you once I know the time.

I will also have to replace some of the parts of my Hayabusa, and get rid of alot of radiation damage from that cloud, before I try to race again, but it definitely was worth it!

Looking forward to beating you in Tottori,
Kyou Haruko

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Yak - 08-09-2017

[Image: v1w6tv6.png]


Yeah, do come by soon. Well, if you want me to come meet you somewhere else, I'm always totally game for a bit of travelling!

Buuuuut... I do know some pretty sweet places to chill out in Kusari. I had a little stay at Shinagawa Station recently, and wow... those Kishiro guys totally know how to stock a bar. But if you want the best of the best, I'm sponsored by a a super-cute company from Kyushu called the Golden Fox Rice House, totally awesome sushi, and they always get the best sake from New Tokyo!

Erm, well, even better, I get to bring my friends to eat and drink until we explode... for free!

So, yeah, let me know what you're up for. And, yeah, we should totally go run that track in Tottori super-mega-soon. I've done a little scout on it, and... wow... dunno what to say, except "LOOKS SUPER-FUN".

Oh, and yeah, I should totally get my ship looked at after that race. Got some funny hissing noises going on, think it might be coming from my fuel regulators...

Oh, I should probably get that sorted out, so, yeah, let me know if you find any good mechanics on the cheap! Don't want to break down in Tottori do we?!

Bye byes for now!

[Image: bMy7VIg.png]

RE: To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Occam Razor - 08-10-2017

Incoming Transmission

Location: Unknown
Sender ID: Kyou Haruko
Message Type: Text Only
Encryption: High

Konnichiwa, Suzuko,

'Golden Fox Rice House' sounds interesting, let's try that. Just.. no exploding until we raced, I'm pretty sure an overly full stomach does not help your abilities and reflexes, even if it's for free. I'll make some time very soon, as I mentioned, I'll warn you in advance.

About repairing my ship, I am usually around Liberty, so I just find some locals to take a look at the Hayabusa, so far they've been able to keep it working just fine. I doubt that is gonna help you much, I don't know any of the Kusarian ones, but I'm sure as a racer you know your way around the local mechanics!

Make sure your ship is in top shape once I arrive, so you can't blame losing on that!
Kyou Haruko

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: Suzuko Fujimura | From: Kyou Haruko - Yak - 08-15-2017

[Image: LEFNaR8.png]

Kon'nichiwa again Kyou!

Sorry for being so slow about sorting out our girls' night out. Daddy's on my case about "getting a job" and all that stuff!

Maybe try not to kick my ass so hard next time we race and he might leave me alone, huh?!

Hah, only joking, wouldn't want it too easy, or where's the fun at, yeah?

So, anyway, yeah, I hope you can make it, but I got a table booked at the Cherry Blossom on Kitsune Doro, in Kagoshima City. It's booked for the night, so we can meet whenever's good for you... well I might get there early, so I hope you get there before I do actually explode... I mean, yeah, the the syoga yaki is totally sweet!

Anyway, check out the menu, and drop me a line if you want to pre-order... on my tab of course!

[Image: EgtG8ur.png]

Looking forward to seeing you Kyou!

Bye byes for now!

[Image: bMy7VIg.png]