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To: The Order From: Serious Repairs - Printable Version

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To: The Order From: Serious Repairs - Serious Repairs - 08-08-2017

[Image: giphy.gif]

Communication Via: *SR* Research.Communications.Vessel.Zodiak
Sender: Chief Artificer Octavian
Channel: Highly Secure
Subject: Freedom

*Holographic projector initialised*

[Image: giphy.gif]

"Good Evening to whom it may concern,

We would like to thank the Order for freeing one of our deep space reconnaissance Artificers from Outcast Slavery.

ExplorerA manned by Nathaniel Gilbert was captured hours before and forced to attend the outcast fleet above Malta.

With the damage to his ship he became unimportant to his captors, with that he managed to leave the system.

I gather from his relief that he found docking onboard Battleship Amenta, so that he could repair his ship.


Thankyou for your help once again, should there be anything we could do to return the favour then do not hesitate to
contact myself.

I wish you and your people good fortune"

*Holographic Projection fades*

Transmission End