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Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Printable Version

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Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - looqas - 01-13-2009

I think we all have realised that Discovery is about symbiosis. Two or more factions needing each other to give purpose and meaning what comes to interaction. This means that if a faction has quality RP and natural draw it will inevitably bring life to a faction countering to it. So factions either blossom together or wither away together. Some factions are more blessed than other since they can have interaction with many factions.

I'm using Rheinland and it's factions since I know that corner of space best.

For example, Red Hessians. They have Rheinland military AND Corsairs to interact with. If for some reason Military is dormant the relations with Corsairs can carry the Hessian factions over the dry times. And vice versa.

On the other hand Bundschuh which mainly plays ball with RM is in trouble if RM goes dormant.

This same principle applies to all Sirius. Some factions (smaller local ones) really need to make an effort keep the opposition alive. And not complain about the inactivity. A very good and efficient way is to have an event with them. Raise the profile of your enemy.

The point is. Encourage and give kudos and praise to the enemy faction, cultivate your relations with it, give positive feedback and you WILL reap the benefits of it. If the other faction for some reason does not wish to interact with you (be that you, and your faction, have been cap spamming, ganking, in general being a jack-ass) it will have an effect on your faction too. Your faction will wither away slowly, but surely.

You and your faction enemy share a common interest of sorts. Don't throw away the fun, that you can have together, by your own actions. Think about it for a while.

Part 2:
I want to dole out pats in the back here and get the goodwill ball rolling and name the factions I have fun interacting with around the places I operate. Mind that the faction you can have interaction with is not necessarily your enemy, but can be also your ally or traders.

RM, always nice to see military guys around. The more the better. And RP is good with you guys.

OPG, to me you have become the primary Corsairs since other Corsairs tend to avoid Omegas. It's nice to chat with you since you are usually not in a hurry to engage but savor the RP first. I see also the Brotherhood and Benitez pilots occasionally and I also commend you.

Lane Hackers, Phate especially. I still remember with fondness how you with 2 of your wingmen (2xGB) just turned down the gauntlet thrown by me in my Bounty Hunter Hammerhead. You didn't even dignify a response and your wingmen played their RP nicely.

TAZ - Since you guys have all the time in the world it's almost always very interesting talk that can be had with you.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - gekerd - 01-13-2009

//I actually tend to keep my enemies alive by joining them:P

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Friday - 01-13-2009

I know as a GMG pilot there is almost something happening every day - usually in Sigma-13 of course!

There are literally dozens of interactions available to us:

Corsairs (mainly as pirates)
Outcasts (mainly as smugglers)

Only problem is that it tends to be one side or the other dominating at any one time. Some of the best moments are when both are present and the Guild is caught in the middle of their blood war.

If one side dominates, they become more belligerent and more likely to directly attack our bases. We really need them both to distract each other (from us!).

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - swift - 01-13-2009

Popping in to give a word of bolstering to all the Outcast factions. All of them. You guys are good, and make time fun. It is just a shame that most of you are not so active. If you can, I would ask you to be, since there's maximum 1 or 2 of you at one given time, with a few exceptions.

I don't want to deal with Outcast indies, simply because 90% of them have proven to be royal pains in the butt.

And also, I would like to single out the RoS and CCS, RoS for everything they do, and CCS for some of their members who cooperate with me to always keep it fair, and to tell them to train those rookies up some more, so we don't finish them off so quickly.:P

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Marburg - 01-13-2009

Everyone needs a nemesis. Some of the most fun I've had on this server was when I had one.

My Gaian character had numerous encounters with an OSC player & we never fired a shot against each other...what we did do was to stare each other down with our fists clenched, both ready to toe the line & we RP'd.

Eventually, we gained a grudging respect for each other, & we would have some really good moments and aggressively banter back & forth as we pass on another in space. We even had derogatory nicknames for each other. Until then, I never really saw people refer to Gaians as hippies, but nowandays, it's the stereotype.

Anyway, my point is, you can't have an up without a down, night w/o day, Obi Wan w/o Anakin Mozart w/o Soliari or Holmes w/o Moriatry.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - ProwlerPC - 01-13-2009

Well I'll put in GMG as my favorite now.
As Friday put it; Sigma-13 isn't boring, no shortage of enemies coming in there and we get the joy of being pitted against both Corsair caps and Outcast caps.
GMG enjoys a strong alliance with Kishiro and the Zoners, it's handy being allies with Zoners the only others being the Order faction, so at times you can expect to see a GMG vessel near one of the Freeports.
GMG has a major grudge against Kruger as well as the RM and RFP due to war that was initiated when Kruger convinced Rheinland to invade the Sigmas. After 80 years if fighting, Rheinlands fleet was wiped out. This resulted in a big mess of debris in Sigma-13 system and despite GMG's grudge against Rheinland an agreement was made to allow ALG to come in and clean up Rheinlands mess.
GMG is also enmeshed with the internal politics going on in Kusari. GMG has secret ties with the Blood Dragons, Blood Dragons receive funding and training from GMG in exchange they target Samura ships to hinder their gas mining efforts. This while maintaining a neutral status with Samura itself (former allies but switched to Kishiro).
GMG had a former alliance with Corsairs and Hogosha as the middlemen in the artifact trade but GMG got cut out by the 2 factions and now holds a large grudge against both the Corsairs and Hogosha. This works out fine because Samura, while neutral to Kishiro, uses the Hogosha to impede Kishiro industrial progress because they are major competitors.
Then there's the Outcasts GMG has come to hate when the JH to Omicron Beta was discovered and Outcasts came pouring out. This is interesting because their is an alliance between Blood Dragons and Outcasts, but Blood Dragons maintain their relations to GMG.
All so very complicated.......and yet all so very fun. ;)

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Zapp - 01-13-2009

I'd say BHG and criminals are my favorite... me and Grimly were forced to peace as we sat around FP1, a Zoner Destroyer sitting there... the ensuing RP was fun, as was the chase when Grimly broke for Cadiz (he got away with 50 bots left on his Praet), but it became apparent that the BHG fought the Corsairs for money, and the Corsairs fought the BHG for sport/survival.

I also like interactions between my LN and the Phantoms. Always fun.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Tenacity - 01-13-2009

hm... well i hate to say it but really its the BHG keeping the order alive right now, they're everywhere - whereas the liberty navy/lsf almost never come into our space, and the keepers/wild/phantoms are almost never online =/

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 01-13-2009

OPG and the RHA are the lifeblood of the Omegas, speaking as an SCRA, without those guys toodling around, it would jsut be silent traders adn independents.

RHA are always up for a chat, and the OPG seem to enjoy talking and trashtalking prior to a scrum lol

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Unseelie - 01-13-2009

The Gaians, yo.
Seriously, whenever a Gaian gets on, its great oodles of fun. Need more Gaians.