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The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - Ice Princess - 08-12-2017

[Image: F81m0xz.png]

The sun already set on California Minor while a big snowstorm raged on the planets surface. Iona was sitting on the bed inside her bedroom of the small planet side hideout. She stood up and walked over to her desk, "Whose idea was it to build this hideout on Minor..." She let out a sigh and turned on the screen of her workstation. Her expression quickly turned into a shocked one as she stared at the security footage that could be seen on the screen.

[Image: iOFmSid.png]

It took her several seconds to comprehend what was happening before she turned on the microphone of her headset, she grabbed it and said directly into the microphone, "Louise, meet me at the front entrance. Kanade brought a visitor, looks like Nicole. Bring a gun." A quick answer could be heard, coming from Louise, "Oui, I'm on my way." Iona took her two pistols from from the desk and left her room, she ran directly to the long corridor with the entrance door at the end. Kanade was standing in the middle, she looked at Iona, "I'm sorry... It wasn't my fault." "I told you never to reveal yourself. But don't worry, OK? Just get in position and aim at the door. Oh, and don't try to kill her." Kanade nodes and knelt down with her pistol pointed at the door. Louise arrived a few seconds later, she immediately lays down on the floor, "Ready sister." Iona nodded at her. "Alright, turn the lights off." The lights went out and the corridor got immediately filled by an eerie silence and darkness. Iona let out a silent sigh as she waited for door to open, she whispered, "If only Jacob was here..."

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - DarkTails - 08-12-2017

In the following minutes, the eerie silence was broken by the door being kicked open, but no one appearing at first. After a few moments, the pink haired girl peeked inside, before positioning her sidearm to take aim at whatever she finds. "Where the hell did she go..." She slowly stepped inside, shivering from the snowstorm outside. She quietly proceeded inside, closing the door behind her. Peering into the dark corridor, she saw little to nothing. "Must've gone deeper in.. I expected a welcoming party too.."

Nicole somewhat relaxed, stepping forwards with caution, her sidearm still firmly in her hands, unaware of the ambushers. "With this snowstorm I'll never be able to call for footsoldiers, do I hide and wait for deal with it myself.." She paused for a moment in the corridor, thinking. "I'll try and find a layout.. then call in the troopers.." She once more slowly proceeded, though not in the best direction as she couldn't see. "Where's the damned lightswitch.."

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - Ice Princess - 08-12-2017

Louise took a short look through her rifles thermal scope before whispering to Iona, "I can see her, want me to tranq her?" "Don't. We need her help, let's not piss her off.." Kanade meanwhile is starting to getting nervous and moves closer to the wall at her left. Once she reached the wall she stood up and accidentally hit the light switch with her shoulder. The lights turn on and blind everyone in the room for a short amount of time. Louise sighs in an annoyed tone, "Great work, Kanade."

Several seconds later, her eyesight returned to Nicole. She could now clearly see everyone in the room, the pink haired Louise in her long dress, the silver haired Iona in her blue uniform and the white haired Kanade in her long, black coat. Iona starts to move towards Nicole in a slow pace while slowly lowering her weapons, "Nicole, put down your gun. We won't hurt you, you have my word. I once even saved you from an Outcast in Manhattan's Orbit. Trust me, we're not against you, we're on the same side." Nicole immediately noticed the striking resemblance of Iona's and Ice's voice.

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - DarkTails - 08-12-2017

"Good but not enough. Why should I trust a bunch of Order agents!? She focused her sights on Iona, but visibly hesitant in taking aim. She couldn't understand that one of the people she spoke to normally could be with the Order. "Why should i trust anyone in the Order? Give me a good reason." Her golden eyes wandered to the other two. "I paid you to get rid of him, anyone would've done it. Now the codenames make sense. How many of you are there?"

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - A1ex - 08-12-2017

[Image: OOq4ymx.png]
The ground started to vibrate as the earsplitting roar of an engine broke every other sound in the corridor. A spotlight briefly went over the building just before a Hathor-class gunboat skimmed the area and began to circle the building a few times before touching down on the small mound just behind the building. The roaring of the black market engines came to a stop just a few seconds later.

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - Ice Princess - 08-12-2017

Irritated by sudden appearance of the loud noise, Iona completely forgot about the questions asked by Nicole. And now being unable to see the ship, she just heard the incredibly loud engine,"What the... Who is that?" Louise stood up and walked up to Iona while still pointing her rifle at Nicole's head, "What do you think it is? Nicole called backup! Give me one reason not to pull the trigger!" Iona immediately pushed the barrel of Louise' rifle down. "The storm would've blocked any signal. That was not Nicole... Let's just hold the Line for now. And, don't shoot anyone until I tell you to."

Kanade slowly moved backwards and stopped just behind a vending machine that was standing in the corridor. She looked at Iona, "Alright, lets defend this ugly little hideout." Louise walked back to her old position and laid before answering Iona in a noticeably pissed of tone,"Oui. Only on your signal sister." Iona looked Nicole directly into her eyes, "Look, we don't know who that is and by the sound of it, it probably wasn't just a lone fighter. It's not the Navy and we both know it. So let me ask you something, Are you with us on this one?" And once again the eerie silence filled the room.

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - DarkTails - 08-12-2017

"Try anything, and ill shoot all three of you." Nicole lowered her weapon away from Iona, instead going to find suitable cover. 'Something isn't right here... what the hell's going on...' She thought, taking up a defensive position. Nicole chose a spot that would be best Incase it the three turned on her, providing limited cover.

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - A1ex - 08-12-2017

[Image: 2jhx5uR.png]
[Image: 6TvrKP6.png]
"Did we shake them?" Jacob's voice sounded somewhat exhausted as he looked out of the big window of the Gunboat's bridge. Alex was watching the radar in front of him, "looks clear to me. At least the cruiser is gone, let's hope it stays that way." "I'll get us down onto the planet. It should be easy to get past the planetary defense, after that we'll go into cold run." The Gunship took a few minutes to get past the atmosphere of California Minor. "Alright, we made it. Activating cold run." Jacob pressed a few button on the ships command panel, most of the ship's major and secondary systems began to shut down until only engines and a few other systems remained that are necessary to prevent the ship from falling onto the ground. He pushed a small button on the Panel and activated the intercom of the Gunboat, "This is Jacob Taylor speaking. Logan, I need to borrow your team and your armor. I expect both of them to be ready in five minutes." He let go of the button as soon as Alex pointed out of the bridge's window, he pointed at a weak light in the distance that could barely be seen through the heavy snow storm. "I picked up her signal, she and the others definitely are there. But there is a fourth signal and a second ship... A CTU-7f to be exactly. Transponder is civilian." "I still got a bad feeling... Let's not take any risks." Jacob waited until both Alex and him were able to see the small hideout and both ships landed next to it. "That's it, I'll get us down on the hill behind the building." He slowly approached the small building and flew a few circles around it before landing the ship behind it. "Engines on cool-down. Alex, I need you to stay here, the ship's anti-fighter turrets will remain online. If anything approaches... Take it down." He stands up from his captains chair and walks towards the bridge's exit. "Got it. Good luck, Jacob." Alex briefly nodded at him before he stood up just to sit down at the captains chair himself.
After leaving the bridge, Jacob immediately headed for the armory. It was a small room, with just enough space to store gear for 20 Soldiers, it wasn't much but it's all the gunship's tight interior could spare. Jacob put on the combat armor which was the standard uniform for most of the soldiers, that were part of the ORG's Military Wing. he grabbed one of the rifles from the weapon rack and fixed it onto his back. Upon leaving the armory he was greeted by four men, bearing the same equipment as him. One of them saluted, "Director Taylor, Logan told us that you need some extra firepower." "Not exactly firepower, just a small team to secure the area." He continued to make his way towards the cargo bay and was closely followed by the four soldiers. They reached the cargo bay and the loading ramp began to extend all the way down to the ground. "Alright, let's do this. Don't shoot until i give you the order to." It took them a few minutes to get through the snow storm all the way down the hill and as soon as they got close to the building, Jacob pointed at the Raven's Talon that was standing right beside the Wraith, "I need two of you to guard the ship, make sure that it's owner doesn't escape until we're done here!" Two of the soldiers ran over to the ship and took out their weapons to guard the empty vessel.

Jacob entered the building through the front door and stepped right into the corridor, he was closely followed by the other two soldiers who both immediately pointed their rifles at Nicole. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the bright light. As soon as he saw Iona, he took of his helmet just to smile at her, "Iona... You don't know how worried I was about you."

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - DarkTails - 08-12-2017

Nicole disregarded the comment, taking aim at the two men. "Drop your weapons.." She muttered. Her appearance was entirely civilian, hoodie, pants, boots, but her side arm was Navy standard issue, easily recognizable.

"What is this, more friends of yours?" She held her weapon firm, aligning the sights to one of the soldiers heads. "You'll need a few more people to kill me..."

RE: The three Sisters and the Blue Eagle - Ice Princess - 08-12-2017

Iona just stared at Jacob after he took of his helmet. She dropped her gun just to run into his arms, "Jacob, I'm sorry. I know it was stupid... I should have told you." She gave him a kiss. Kanade meanwhile left her cover and walked over to Nicole. "Hey, I know that we all lied to you and I'm incredibly sorry for that but everyone calls us terrorist because we are with the Order... We aren't spies and we definitely aren't terrorists. We are scientists." She points at Jacob. "This is Jacob Taylor, he is the Director of the Omicron Research Group, me, Iona and Louise, we're all part of it. He also is Iona's husband. Please Nicole... Just put down your gun. "

Louise stood up before slowely walking towards Jacob. "Dammit Jacob. You scared the hell out of us. Don't do that again." She chuckled briefly and looked over to Nicole, "Soldiers. Put down your weapons, she is not our enemy." Iona was still hugging Jacob, "Hai. She is not our enemy, it was just bad luck that she followed Kanade. Please, take your weapons down."