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Admin Notice: Player Sent To Prison - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Sent To Prison - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-13-2009

[KNF]Red|Dwarf and [KNF]Red/|\Dwarf have been jailed for:

Carrying official faction tags when you are not actually in the faction ...
This is the second time this has happened, the last time it was the BAF. Seems this may be a little bit of a
revenge thing, for them not allowing you to join ?
So when you have changed the names, please post here, and you can be released.


Admin Notice: Player Sent To Prison - Blacknq - 01-13-2009

Ok i admit to the BAf incident and me wanting to join KNF for revenge but i was Told by a KNF member i could join them and change my name since i did a High Command mission with him, now i find he was a new KNF and cant give that permission so i am incicent here.

I cant change y name in prision i dont have a certificate.

plz let me out and i will change it,


Admin Notice: Player Sent To Prison - Guest - 01-13-2009

my apologies for posting here, but i figured it would be faster to tell him, than to make him wait. Please use the /renameme function. /renameme charname and you will be disconnected. It costs 2mil

Admin Notice: Player Sent To Prison - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-13-2009

The situation has been resolved now, with a timely, and generous offer from the KNF. I hope you prove
yourself worthy of their trust sir, and we do not see your account cross our desks again.
