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To Spazzy - Printable Version

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To Spazzy - Manny Calavera - 08-13-2017

You finally really did it. You ruined the CR event by putting the sair vs outcast event on the same day......

RE: To Spazzy - Durandal - 08-13-2017

inb4 OC vs CR event where they park 20 Ranseurs in Coro.

RE: To Spazzy - sindroms - 08-13-2017

Your event was an invite-only one for certain individuals.
Mine was open and lasted all week.

If those individuals who pledged their attendance did not want to attend your event in the end, it means that the issue is somewhere on your end instead.

RE: To Spazzy - DannyDelicious - 08-13-2017

Idk man you have magic admin powers to boost the popularity of your event where events started by players seem often limited.

RE: To Spazzy - sindroms - 08-13-2017

OFLs do as well.

RE: To Spazzy - TheShooter36 - 08-13-2017

I didnt know there was such subforum. Thanks for enlightening spazzy