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To Anna Heinrich || From The Order - Printable Version

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To Anna Heinrich || From The Order - Omicron - 08-16-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 16/08/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Anna Heinrich

Sigma and Rheinland affairs

I find it is imperative to at very least put aside misunderstandings and difference in how he operate to discuss a brewing Rheinland screw up that may become of northern borders of your House. You had no doubt spoke with Guildmaster Yukari, of the GMG as she herself told me that you two are in contact over recent hostilities.

I expect to talk with the woman in charge and no one else. A Special Operations proxy will not suffice as it does not properly allow us to talk about diplomacy without your man relaying every major decision though you. Your own Commando's were in the past dealings with your precedessors issued a special docking permission in request to gain strategical advantage and flexibility over Corsairs and Core, but had been forgotten by your special outfit in suspicious circumstances. Notably it can be summed into "higher echelon involved with The Order had dissapeared into the void" and no Hessian since touched upon this. While never used, this order was never formally rescinded and was used in context of Dabadoru, the southernmost garrison of The Order not too far from Corsair Empire.

You are formally invited to take upon this opportunity and come over to The Order Protectorate to discuss further course of action in Sigma theater. Of course, it may be more convenient to reroute to Cairo in Sigmas and bring escort of any composition and number as you insist upon for your own security. Guildmaster Yukari may be involved as well but primarly we should talk about relationship between Red Hessian movement and The Order in wake of possible Rheinland aggression in Sigmas.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To Anna Heinrich || From The Order - Wesker - 08-16-2017

Unknown Location , Omega-54
15. August, 824 A.S.

[Image: 38b6R6y.gif]

Sender: Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich, Rote Hessen Armee.
Recipient: The Order
Topic: Affairs


The amount of direct message relays to myself has become amusingly high in the past few days, this is interesting though. The Admiral of the Order looking ease relations rather than have his inquisitors make demands? I suppose as wars begin, so do unique opportunities.

Very well then, I'm unfarmiliar with the Sigmas beyond Sigma-13 and Sigma-15. A route to Cario from Frankfurt would be appreciated, I will be accompanied by guests, especially if we are meeting in person. This isn't a threat, rather a precaution, for the sake of future relations I do hope you can understand.

Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee

Transmission End

RE: To Anna Heinrich || From The Order - Omicron - 08-24-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 24/08/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Anna Heinrich

Sigma and Rheinland affairs

Our personnel stationed at Bruchsal will be more than helpful to offer you guidance towards Cairo station, once I issue neccesary order. Tank up on fuel, there is still considerable distance to cover despite the second half of the trip taking route though firm GMG sovereign territory. You and your escorts will be expected.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"