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To: Admiral Sterr From: Major Jakob von Braun - Printable Version

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To: Admiral Sterr From: Major Jakob von Braun - Major. - 08-24-2017

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Sanitätslager, Planet New Berlin, New Berlin-System, Bundesrepublik Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-MC-R2R-RIET-ET

Submitter: Major Jakob von Braun
Recipant: Admiral Sterr
Subject: Re: The will to return into the active Service

Guten Tag Herr Admiral Sterr,
It took me quite a while to get back onto my feets again. The last Kampf against the Hessians didn't ended very well for my Donau Kreuzer Hansa... as you may heard, it got destroyed and more than 70% of my crew didn't survived the explosion.

For now Admiral, I just want to know if you allow me back into the active service, it would be a honor for me to serve under you again.

Major Jakob von Braun

RE: To: Admiral Sterr From: Major Jakob von Braun - Yber - 08-24-2017

Source: Battleship Schwerin, Munich-System, Bundesrepublik Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-K1NG-R3IN-RC

Submitter: Admiral Driedrik Sterr
Recipant: Major Jakob von Braun
Subject: The will to return into the active Service

Herr Braun;

To not allow you to avenge your crew would be the same as spitting on them.
Welcome back. You are thereby assigned to the Munich fleet, RV Battleship Schwerin.

Admiral Driedrik Sterr