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To: Archduke Friedmann. Highly Encrypted. Subject: Police Corruption? - Printable Version

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To: Archduke Friedmann. Highly Encrypted. Subject: Police Corruption? - The Syndicate Leagues - 08-26-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: Mt89F0q.png]

To: Archduke Friedmann, DeJure Emperor of House Rheinland, the Near Omegas, The Near Sigmas.
From: Armin Jansen.
Subject: Treason.

I have a most shocking revelation for you.

Upon a recent engagement between evenly matched forces of the Gas Mining Guild and mercenaries under GMG employ against our own patriots, heavy assets of Rheinland’s own police force, beyond the sphere of the Federal border, engaged Unioner forces outside of their judiciary. This is not only a violation of police protocall for the police to interfere in foreign affairs matters, but a disturbing geopolitical revelation – it all but confirms the hypothesis that the GMG’s paid-for bribery of senior officials within the justice system extends to the highest echelons of the justiciary and enforcement agencies, effectively abusing entities funded by the Rheinlandic taxpayer as their own personal vassals.

This collusion, if it indeed is collusion, may even come under such categories as treason. We have long been aware of the GMG friendliness between ALG and Republican shipping, although, for the most part, these associations have been mostly above board. We request that the Imperial Partei lobbies for an independent investigation by the BDM to seek out just how far the rabbit hole goes, for police corruption within our institutions cannot be tolerated by the people, especially when the corruptors involve known hostile foreign entities.

Recovered Log Partitions: Wrote:[26.08.2017 15:15:29] Imperial.Rheinland: donau is here
[26.08.2017 15:15:38] Imperial.Rheinland: Rheinland Federal Police
[26.08.2017 15:15:44] UN|Scharfrichter: ?: Federals, this doesn't concern you.
[26.08.2017 15:15:58] RFP|Chemnitz: Cavlin: Are you sure?
[26.08.2017 15:16:09] GMG|Yukari.Maru: Matawa: Attack the damn Unioners!!!
-[26.08.2017 15:16:19] UN|Scharfrichter: ?: Unless you want to defame the memory of our common ancestors out here.
[26.08.2017 15:16:25] RFP|Chemnitz: Calvin: Preparing to open fire!
[26.08.2017 15:16:36] UN|Scharfrichter: ?: Oh great. The Bloody federals are collaborating with the GMG!
[26.08.2017 15:16:40] UN|Scharfrichter: Screw you, Traitor.


- Unioners.

Whatever our differences of opinion, Officers of the Rhein killing Rheinlanders on the orders of a foreign power is an odious offence to the memory of those who fought in the War of GMG Aggression, and to those who seek to defend our house from further expansionism, especially when no crime was committed by these Unioners against Rheinland agents until they were forced to act in self-defence. The attack was extra-judicial and unwarranted, even excluding the egregious conflict-of-intrest that comes from our own police force protecting an agency which is, even now, under investigation for criminal misconduct towards Rheinland government elements within the Sigmas, and an insult to our noble military, who even now are acting diligently to check the resurgent GMG hordes before they strike again.

The people must know. Their own police force contains moles. Contains traitors.

Armin Jansen,
Location undisclosed.
Transmission Ended