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New Guard Message Dump - Printable Version

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New Guard Message Dump - MrSns - 09-02-2006

**In comming trainsmission**

To: New Guard
Comm ID:{NG}Fable

This is the Message Dump for the New Guard Only. Phantoms have permission 2 Post hear as well.
Every Now and than I will ask u all 2 report in on What u have done to the serious sector and how meany humans have been enlighted.

Clan Ranks:

Lord Admin: Onca
Grand Admiral: Vanquish, Fable
Captain: Sean
Major: Spacefrog
Commander: Open
Commander: Open
Commander: Open
Lieutenant Commander: Open
Lieutenant Commander: Open
1st Lieutenant: Open
1st Lieutenant: Open
2nd Lieutenant: Open
2nd Lieutenant: Open
2nd Lieutenant: Open
Ensign: All New Players

Happy Killing

New Guard Message Dump - onca - 09-02-2006

@Message To: Fable

@Comm ID: Monaro

Excellent work Fable. We'll have this thing up and running in no time. Now that I have my ship fixed (ooc: my keyboard) we can proceed as planned. I think the Mollys still mistake me for an enemy.... bless their stupid, moronic hearts... o well they will love me soon enough.

@Message out

<ooc> i'm off to bed

New Guard Message Dump - marauder - 09-02-2006

To: Fable

Comm ID: Vanquish


Renaming in progress. Will be stationed at arranmore soon. Currently checking weapon-fits.

Message ends>


Stuck for something to say...

New Guard Message Dump - MrSns - 09-02-2006

To:Every once
Comm ID:{NG}Fable

Ok guys Thats all good.

Onca i think we changed 2 the Xenos ID

New Guard Message Dump - onca - 09-03-2006

MrSns,Sep 3 2006, 07:41 AM Wrote:Onca i&nbsp; think we changed 2 the Xenos ID

Huh? ok, we're going with Xenos ID then (i.e. NG are terrorists). :nyam:

That's ok.... as long as we settle on it.... but remember we can't be friendly with the Mollys (or anyone else) then!


New Guard Message Dump - MrSns - 09-03-2006

Yea i know lol, oh well

New Guard Message Dump - MrSns - 09-03-2006

To: All NG

I the clan creater, em puting Onca incharge of the hole clan. Stats at top of page.

New Guard Message Dump - MrSns - 09-03-2006

We have a new clan member. SpaceFrog (alex)

New Guard Message Dump - seanstakes - 09-04-2006

i have recently aquired a Kusari Battleship ......yet it has no xeno id but i am currently searching the galaxy for a xeno base.

New Guard Message Dump - MrSns - 09-04-2006

Sector 6C in colarado my freind in a fridge.