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...I'm Concerned - Eppy - 01-15-2009

This worries me.

Don't get me wrong. Normal BHG caps shouldn't be used to do any kind of invading, they're expensive and rare ships that should only be used for blowing the Order back to the stone age, hunt Nomad biggies (which, I will grudgingly accept, is IRP) and defending their all-too-rare home stations.

What's worrying me is that the whole 'fair play' (term 'fair' used very loosely, as the subjective nature is determined by the leadership's current feelings on the matter) attitude is being taken too far. Am I suddenly going to be required to file a release form to invade Gamma if the Outcast forces want to bring a Battleship or two? I'm all for making fun events, but are we going to outlaw old-school invasions? It used to be that we had somebody watching the comms at all times for Corsair movements. I still pull it up about once every five minutes when I actually get a chance to get in-game on a warship (which is rare). It's like we're trying to formalize everything. Every raid, every battle, has to be an event now. Pardon me, but RP does not involve telling your enemy you're coming unless you want a formalized event. Meticulously planning who comes to what event is crazy. You spend more time haggling with your enemy over balance instead of blowing them up (not to mention both sides can log on an unknown number of reinforcements at any time). Invasions don't wait.

...I'm Concerned - JakeSG - 01-15-2009

I think you should basically make sure it isn't going to be extreme overkill and planet camping, and you should be fine.

...I'm Concerned - tansytansey - 01-15-2009

In an idealistic world we wouldn't need to do this. But you get idiots who like to ruin the fun of others, or just plain don't think about their actions, hence why the reason these sorts of problems come about.

...I'm Concerned - X-Lancer - 01-15-2009

' Wrote:This worries me.

Don't get me wrong. Normal BHG caps shouldn't be used to do any kind of invading, they're expensive and rare ships that should only be used for blowing the Order back to the stone age, hunt Nomad biggies (which, I will grudgingly accept, is IRP) and defending their all-too-rare home stations.

What's worrying me is that the whole 'fair play' (term 'fair' used very loosely, as the subjective nature is determined by the leadership's current feelings on the matter) attitude is being taken too far. Am I suddenly going to be required to file a release form to invade Gamma if the Outcast forces want to bring a Battleship or two? I'm all for making fun events, but are we going to outlaw old-school invasions? It used to be that we had somebody watching the comms at all times for Corsair movements. I still pull it up about once every five minutes when I actually get a chance to get in-game on a warship (which is rare). It's like we're trying to formalize everything. Every raid, every battle, has to be an event now. Pardon me, but RP does not involve telling your enemy you're coming unless you want a formalized event. Meticulously planning who comes to what event is crazy. You spend more time haggling with your enemy over balance instead of blowing them up (not to mention both sides can log on an unknown number of reinforcements at any time). Invasions don't wait.

BHG cap are not just for attacking Order or says..usually use them in deep space mission..mission is not an invasion...oh..and have you see 3 BHG BS camp Minor before? or Keepers fighter/bomber group getting attack by at least 2 BSs and 2 BCs?

...I'm Concerned - Eppy - 01-15-2009

' Wrote:BHG cap are not just for attacking Order or says..usually use them in deep space mission..mission is not an invasion...oh..and have you see 3 BHG BS camp Minor before? or Keepers fighter/bomber group getting attack by at least 2 BSs and 2 BCs?

No, and thank god I haven't been out to look, and passing through Omicron Gamma would certainly constitute an invasion, that being the Corsair home system and all.

Quote:In an idealistic world we wouldn't need to do this. But you get idiots who like to ruin the fun of others, or just plain don't think about their actions, hence why the reason these sorts of problems come about.

First off, who's doing what, and secondly, the 101st will not be suffering for this. We're not going to handicap ourselves, thankee, we don't even have an offensive cap force at the moment, and we don't expect the Corsairs to do so, either.

...I'm Concerned - jshkornmiller - 01-15-2009

i think that hoodlum was pissed about was that the very large invasion force that took gamma was a bunch of oorp capital class bhg ships with bhg ID's. the players only bought them so they could pvp whore and then use their faction as a reason to claim that their pvping was in rp. if you know what i mean.

Edit: also, i think that this has been a large problem there, i do not know, i detest coarse hairs and try to not to enter any systems they claim in their ownership.

i think what is actually being done is that if there are to be raid, there needs to be more RP in it then all capital class warships. Sure, bring your two Battleships. but have fighters and bombers as escorts to keep it balanced in rp and in pvp.

...I'm Concerned - guitarguy - 01-15-2009

' Wrote:i think that hoodlum was pissed about was that the very large invasion force that took gamma was a bunch of oorp capital class bhg ships with bhg ID's. the players only bought them so they could pvp whore and then use their faction as a reason to claim that their pvping was in rp. if you know what i mean.

That's pretty much it.

The Corsairs have a big cap fleet, but all these BHG capships are ridiculous.

P.S. Don't use capships, use bombers. They draw less flack on the forum and in numbers they're more effective.

...I'm Concerned - Eppy - 01-15-2009

Oh, I have no doubt in my mind that what the BHG did was stupid and a clear violation of the unspoken rules of engagement. What concerns me is this:

' Wrote:For a large scale fleet invasion, yes, that is exactly what the scary administrator with the glowing, green eyes of doom suggested.
And I suggest you say something less easily interpreted as sarcasm and more obviously apparent as an apology and a pledge to work towards everyone's enjoyment on the server if you want out of Bastille anytime soon, which would also require you posting your character name, because they are staying in there until each of them asks to get out.

And since one of you were interested in the rules earlier :

Edit : If you aren't involved, stay out...2 posts to delete in just the span of typing my own message...

For a 'large scale fleet invasion', he says. That can be two battleships and fighters or ten battleships and nothing. With an all-cap force it's best taken to some empty system somewhere, since obviously using a cap force that large is irreprehensibly stupid, but I'm not going to notify the Corsairs when we decide to break out the heavy guns and say "Ohhai, gaiz, we iz teh bringing teh big gunz" so they can launch a dozen bombers, blow up all of our caps and scream, as we used to say back in the days of HF/BSG/NPG, Great Victory, Great Victory!. I am not going to contact the random Corsairs we're about to blow up and tell them just because we're bringing something with a big volume of firepower. Maybe I look like I'm reading into things too far, but you know what? The way the Admin team's been punching out policy lately they might just be doing what I'm talking about, and my entire faction is going to get burned because we didn't tell our enemies we wanted to bring a command ship.

...I'm Concerned - Unholy1 - 01-15-2009

I'm sorry guys but for once I actually agree with Eppy.
I can see how on discovery, a group of about 3 to 5 battleships going into a major home system with only fighters around would be pretty lame. But if you think in reality .. that wouldn't matter you do whatever you can to win a fight. Now I am not saying I agree with the bounty hunter doing that, it is lame. I think if they are going to do that yeah a little 5 to 10 minute warning wouldn't be a bad idea, BUT not every person does that. Us Outcasts as Eppy said we use to go to Gamma unannounced all the time, but we knew that if we went in and we had say 1 battleship, 3 destroyers, and about 10 fighters/bombers, and it came to find out they had say 2 or 3 gunboats and a few fighters/bombers, the bigger ships would back down and watch until they brought out reinforcements. So instead of making every invasion an announced event, it should be encouraged to have more roleplay with attacks, fair game play and respect for your opponent.

...I'm Concerned - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 01-15-2009

make a mockery of the authoritarian law, say you pledge 24/7 hardcore rp event to justify any attacks lol

but seriously, these incidents are the exception not the rule, therefore we do not need this heavy handed legislation.