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Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Printable Version

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Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Old Man Kijima - 09-18-2017

[Image: K3HlIXb.png]

Background Info

The Tears of Izanagi are a group of revolutionaries formed after the nomad war when Daimyo Kijima separated from the Blood Dragons in order to pursue more aggressive action against the enemies of the true Shogun. They wish to return the Hideyoshi family to its former place at the top of the empire. Recent years have seen Tears focus on removing Samura influence from Kusari space and using guerrilla tactics against anyone who is believed to be helping them. With our claim over Rishiri being accepted by the Order and Blood Dragon leaders we are in a stronger position than ever and are keen to continue to regain the honour and respect we once commanded over the great Kusari Empire.

Full Faction info


All pilots wishing to join our ranks must undergo a screening and submit an application to this communication. Application details are as follows:

Territory of origin:
What were the events that led to this application:
Area of expertise:
Callsign for encrypted channel (discord PM if would prefer to be discrete)

After an initial review of your application, you will be contacted with instructions for progressing to the next stage.

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Cybertron - 09-19-2017

Name: Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki
Territory of origin: Kyushu, Kusari
Occupation: Ex army officer
What were the events that led to this application: Unrest for the Shogun
Area of expertise: Close combat, infantry weapons and infantry tactics
Callsign for encrypted channel (discord PM if would prefer to be discrete) PM
What do you love about Discovery? Pure and simple, people. The huge variety of RP presented by individuals is amazing. You can be random, as much as you want, think up of anything you want. So its preciousness is in the people.
If you could change one thing, what would that be? I was having a discussion the other day about how lonesome Kusari looks, and its emptiness is a bad omen for the Disco. I would like to get Kusari back on its feet, and this is one of the things that would aid me in such a cause. So lets change the number of people that fly active in Kusari.

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Old Man Kijima - 09-20-2017

Dear Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki

Your application has Passed it's preliminary checks, your support of the Shogun and past combat experience makes you an excellent candidate.

We have fitted out a choice of ships for you to start your Tears of Izanagi career in so that you can fly both fighter and bomber vessels from day one on the job. Should you want to progress in rank, there is a chance for quick progression into our Logistical support arm where you will have the opportunity to fly liner class vessels fitted out with cloaks, full armour and multiple marine units to designed to board enemy vessels and stations.

We await for your encrypted communications hail, where we will progress this further, welcome aboard.
Daimyo Kijima

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Reddy - 09-21-2017

Name: Jushiro Ukitake
Territory of origin: planet Kyushu, Kusari
Occupation: Ex-Mercenary
What were the events that led to this application: it is known that shogunate had been explled by samura a long time ago. My father was dedicated to see the glory days return to our family and served the blood dragons. I cared not for his ideals or history. I wanted a steady job, a means to travel siris and the occasional high adrenaline firefight. I joined a mercenary group and did odd jobs ever since. It was recently i learned about the passing of my father in the hands of samura fighters while on a raid. I imagine he died honourable, i decided to return to kusari and follow my fathers footsteps, he never approved of what i did. Perhaps i'm doing this to find out what he was truly fighting for, maybe i will discover my purpose here. I will fight all those who oppose the tears of izanagi.
Area of expertise: battleships, cruisers and gunboats
Callsign for encrypted channel (discord PM if would prefer to be discrete) kauhik_vuv

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Old Man Kijima - 09-21-2017

Dear Jushiro Ukitake

Your application has Passed it's preliminary checks, your name precedes you, your father was an excellent example of what an honourable Kusarian should be. You have also received recommendations from close associates of mine.

Although we do not have the means to produce many capital vessels, your fathers Togo remains in dock, it's old now and has suffered many battles. It's not in the best shape and could do with a new touch of paint but should you wish to follow in your father's footsteps I am sure we can make it available to you, although you will be a new recruit you will already have the respect of the Togo's crew as most of them were assigned their role by your father. We will also fit out a new gunboat for you as you may need to do some ground-work in a smaller vessel aswell.

Welcome aboard.
Daimyo Kijima

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - IvanTheRus - 09-24-2017

Name: Yoshikage Asakura
Territory of origin: Kyushu, Kusari
Occupation: Freelancer
What were the events that led to this application: Unrest for Shogun
Area of expertise: Close Combat, Battleships.
Callsign for encrypted channel (discord PM if would prefer to be discrete) IvanTheRus#5451

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Old Man Kijima - 09-26-2017

Dear Yoshikage Asakura

Your application has been Placed on hold upon requesting further information

Yoshikage Asakura, you havn't spent much time in space, this is a concern as you will soon come to find that the Tears of Izanagi is a rather complicated faction with many diplomatic twists and turns. It would be very easy to make a mistake when flying our banner if you aren't already familiar with Kusari and our diplmatic point of view, that said we will not discrimiate to newer pilots and welcome you to a conversation where we can discuss this further. Should you show clear understanding of the points made and are able to effectively relay our factions purpose then you will be fully accepted into the fold.

We await for your encrypted communications hail, where we will progress this further, but essentially welcome aboard,
Daimyo Kijima

Congratulations you have Passed the Theory exam follow the instructions you have received to progress to the practical training scenario.

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Ayasato Mei - 10-12-2017

Name: Ayasato Mei
Territory of origin: Battleship Myoko, Shikoku
Occupation: Rookie smuggler
What were the events that led to this application: I was born on Battleship Myoko to my lone mother working in robot service, which I would start helping her on as I grew up. Living and working on a military vessel, I was fascinated by Naval Forces' soldiers and ships. I would never miss any of their fights with Shikoku's criminals, watching their ships burn from the local bar's windows. I always aspired to become one of them, but the high command would never let me. I tried proving my worth many times on many occasions by flying my mother's Starflier and trying to defend the battleship together with KNF ships but, with as little as Class 2 weapons, my bravery was to no avail. No one would notice my passion for serving the military, nobody would even talk with me about it.
I would keep hauling robot parts forever until, out of curiosity, I ventured deep in the Keiun Cloud. There stumbled upon a Golden Chrysantemum. She recognized me, and informed me that the ship admiral's second-in-command was a Samura overseer. She told me about the atrocities this keiretsu once commited, and the ones they still do, and told me that in current Kusari culture I had no chance of following any military dreams I may have. The Blood Dragons or the Golden Chrysantemums were my only choices then. However, while Chrysantemums mean well, I know for sure that anybody who gets addicted on Cardamine is practically an Outcast slave already. I wouldn't want to go back to square one, or worse. And Blood Dragons, while being the unlawful epitome of my dreams, were kind of relaxed in their ways. Although when I learned about the Tears of Izanagi, about them having what it takes, I knew I had to join. I might not have the combat skills yet, but I did learn some evasive maneuvers, and will try my best in smuggling important cargo for the cause.

Area of expertise: Small freighters, but would like to try big transports. Would totally love learning to fly a bomber and commanding a gunboat.
Callsign for encrypted channel: PM

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Old Man Kijima - 10-16-2017

Dear Ayasato Mei

Your application has been Successful!

You're lucky to have not become addicted to Cardamine during your time with the Golden Chrysanthemums, looking at your experience you may be best suited to Smuggling, we have prepared a vessel ready for you to get started in. You will recieve the codes shortly.

Daimyo Kijima

RE: Tears of Izanagi recruitment thread - Old Man Kijima - 11-21-2017

Yoshikage Asakura,

you haven't completed your practical tests nor responded to hails, your application has now been rejected. We wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next.

Daimyo Kijima