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Movies - Eurobeat - 09-28-2017


I'm looking for movie recommendations so i can lie in bed and not die of boredom(or decide to get out of bed and ignore the doctor) while i recover.

If you could give me a few sci-fi, racing, war, western, or anything else you think is an excellent movie, that'd be cool


RE: Movies - Sombs - 09-28-2017

Alien vs Predator
The Fifth Element
The Martian
Zoolander 1 + 2
The Godfather
The Shawshank Redemption
Breakfast Club
Inglourious Bastards
Django Unchained
Crank 1 + 2
Life of Pi

RE: Movies - Shelco - 09-28-2017

Shutter Island

RE: Movies - SeaFalcon - 09-28-2017

Go watch the expanse series if you have netflix.

RE: Movies - Byron - 09-28-2017

Hellboy 1 and 2 by Guillermo Del Toro are definitely worth a watch too.

RE: Movies - Sombs - 09-28-2017


Star Trek 2 + 3 + 4, 6 + 7 (that one for christmas!) + 8 + 9 + 10, but not the Abramsverse Star Trek.

RE: Movies - Arioch - 09-28-2017

Great list from Sombra - to add to that:

Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Die Hard (Only watch on Christmas Day)
Kingdom of Heaven
3:10 to Yuma
Alien, Aliens
Blade Runner

Lots more, but those are off the top of my head.

RE: Movies - Sombs - 09-28-2017

Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Heavy Metal - FAKK 2

RE: Movies - Chrysalis - 09-28-2017

Reservoir Dogs
Dr. Strangelove
Dark City (1998)

RE: Movies - E X O D I T E - 09-28-2017

Manos the Hands of Fate

Best movie ever made.