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This game is toxic to new players. - Printable Version

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This game is toxic to new players. - Blue_Rhino - 10-02-2017

Came back to freelancer after some time off, and played for 3 days.
Did the /beginner and went mining -- got 10 mil, moved out of pennsylvania got a mammoth and started to move cargo -- Big mistake.
Lost millions to tax ?? TAX are you fucking kidding me .. i'm a newbie moving neon and furs in a ship that cannot make a dent in a yellow cheese .
got shoot 1 time because i was to slow to stop and write at the same time .
There are only Pirates left in this game and in done .

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Triple Hazard Pay Inc. - 10-02-2017

Okay, drop the cargo. You've got loot and I want it now.

A couple players robbing you does not a server full of pirates make. So you got unlucky and were caught by a few pirates in lolberty. You're in Lolberty, what do you expect?

If you need the money for a Serenity, shoot this account or @"Exodite Asmodai" a PM and furthermore click that "Returning Player" button, as you do seem eligible for it.

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - sasapinjic - 10-02-2017

Pirates are part of this game, big and important part. Nothing wrong with little pirating, you pay few milions and go on with game, you can easily compensate it with decent rute. Pirates are actually rare now, except in New York, so if you wish to avoid pirates leave NY. If you want to Grind money and avoid interaction, Go to Galia.

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - SnakThree - 10-02-2017

Well if you are too slow to stop first, and chat later, then it is hardly problem of pirate, who most likely have been dealing with silent powertraders who do nothing but try to escape. Have you ever thought that the problem lies in whole system, rather than just one part of it?

~ Mainly pirate and trader here, so I can speak from huge experience in both fields.

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Sombs - 10-02-2017

Discovery has a big learning curve to adapt to what the community deems as common sense. Don't give up. You don't make the same mistake twice! Smile

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Enkidu - 10-02-2017

People definitely shouldn't be taxing high on new players, however pirates are relatively uncommon, with the exception of Rheinland and some parts of Liberty.

One good way is to try bounty hunting - you get to chase down Pirates for cash.

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Paddy. - 10-02-2017

Hello Blue. I have flown my wonderful Pirate Tranny repeatedly to NY carrying illicit goods and not been caught... I have also taken lots of legit goods to/from my pubs, and have had a wonderful time RP'ing with the pirates. It is an RP server. So play the RP for it is total fun and enjoyment.

Ps... I'll tell my barkeeps to open a tab fer you at me pubs... have a cold one on th' house.

Paddy (Miss)

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - kerfy - 10-02-2017

been playing a month e so, been obbed twice, fined by cops once, and just menaced and let go by commies. flew my fist serenity into mine fields and lost all the guns and thrustes and all, died 3 times getting outa there, yep learning curve is had , lotsa quiet space. still managed to take pat in 2 events and buy a couple more ships/charactes. just stated mining and hauling and woking a \POB. its all fun .. yes I fly in mostly Rheinland too. don't lose heart, some days ae tough, some arent .. good luck ..

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Kruger - 10-02-2017

Well mate, surely theres bad pirates around, but theres good ones too, theres fun ones too.

You cant blame everyone for one bad interaction. Sometimes really nice ppl approach you for "pirating".

I suggest you fly a little around in combat ship before, i know funds hard to gain in initial steps.

If you really willing to trade, maybe you could check some trading factions , theres lot of those, but ill be greedy and try get you in kruger

Heres link to our recruitment:

Any doubt, help, info you need, feel free to contact this account or @Felipe

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Shelco - 10-02-2017

(10-02-2017, 09:53 PM)Paddy. Wrote: Pirate Tranny


My advice is to either stop instantly when a pirate tells you to without any thing inbetween like typing, do that after you stopped. Or you keep running and try to escape but don't be surprised about shots blazing on your hull then. Smile Fly safe, keep calm, have fun ^-^