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To: BAF High Command - Printable Version

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To: BAF High Command - Victor Steiner - 10-06-2017

To the members of the Bretonian Armed Forces High Command

Request for access to BAF Flight reports regarding the Junker base of Trafalgar

To whom it may concern
I am writting to you today on behalf of the BPA to request your help in a current investigation that is looking at Junker actions, specifically at Trafalgar base. We have reason to believe that the base is being used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Bretonia and her people as well as a hot house for smugglers and other characters. I therefore wish to formally request that, if the Bretonian Armed forces have found any evidence against the Junkers of Trafalgar, they forward it to either myself or the BPA leadership.

I wish to stress that we are not seeking evidence against every Junker, mearly evidence that pertains to Trafalgar base itself. This might be smugglers docking on Trafalgar, Criminal elements undocking from Trafalgar or Pirates fleeing there.

Inspector John Steiner
Bretonian Police Authority

RE: To: BAF High Command - AlphaWolf215 - 10-06-2017

[Image: H05dXRr.png]

Inspector Steiner,

As the first of the board to have made time for the Neural Net today, it appears I will be responding to your communique. Rest assured I have passed your request on to the DIS, and they should get back to you shortly through a member of the board, or Captain Briggson, our secretary.

However, whilst we wait, I would like to return to one of our previous conversations. You made some daring claims against our dear Commodore Dagon, do you have that evidence to hand Inspector?

I eagerly await your reply.

On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, and Her People in the Realm of Bretonia,

Michelle O'Brian, Admiral of the Fleet,
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Command

RE: To: BAF High Command - Victor Steiner - 10-06-2017


I look forward to Captain Briggson's company and, with any luck, whatever evidence he brings forward.

From memory Admiral, I did not make a formal accusation. I was mearly pointing out that what I had heard from reasonable sources about the...illustrious Commodore Dagon. Rest assured however, that should I ever decide to open an investigation against any member of the Bretonian Armed Forces, you will be the first to know.

Inspector John Steiner
Bretonian Police Authority

RE: To: BAF High Command - AlphaWolf215 - 10-10-2017

[Image: H05dXRr.png]

Inspector Steiner,

I'm afraid it's a little more serious than that. You see, your comments about Commodore Dagon where made over open channels in front of the civilian populace, in orbit of Planet New London.

I'm sure I don't need to explain to you, nor the Chief Inspector, that during war time, morale needs to be at its best. Slanderous comments against my officers, such as, and I quote, "You and I both know that's never true with any officer. Not during war." in response to my statement that Commodore Dagon "has done everything by the book", are simply unacceptable. If this is the case, then I must be made aware. Therefore, I must formally demand that you submit any evidence you have to substantiate these claims, or submit a formal apology for your appalling actions. Failure to do so will see this elevated to a defamation of character charge against yourself, with the evidence submitted to your superiors.

Thank you for your time Inspector

In defence of the Realm,

Michelle O'Brian, Admiral of the Fleet,
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Command

RE: To: BAF High Command - Victor Steiner - 10-10-2017


Evidence will be submitted to you in due course, not beforehand. It remains the right of the Bretonia Police Authority to withold all information regarding investigations, past or current, from the Public and/or the employers of the suspect. Unfortunately for you, you are neither a member of Her Majesties Police Service, nor do you hold the authority to demand whatever evidence I have...Not yet at least. I appreciate your position, but I will only apologise when I have just cause to do so, not beforehand.

In anycase, the topic of commodore Dagon is irrelevent to what the orginal topic was, will I expect Captain Briggson soon? Or has he been delayed?

Inspector John Steiner
Bretonian Police Authority