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U 168 - pirate Liner - Printable Version

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U 168 - pirate Liner - Kambei - 01-16-2009

Design inspired by famous U boat series. This is ship is meaned to be used for doing RP piracy (= take cargo from traders by force and sell it on pirate station). It have almost same proportions as prison liner but length is for 1/4 shorter. It can have same stats as prison liner + 1 more gun. Can be sold by Unioners (because they are neutral and U evoke Unioner:D) as generic ship free for all.

- minor details
- textures

Every reply about design and stats welcomed...

old-first concept

actual "new" concept... stange how should be on concept changed right?:D
[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

U 168 - pirate Liner - jshkornmiller - 01-16-2009


That is awesomeness. looks like perfect ship for slavers.

U 168 - pirate Liner - Turkish - 01-16-2009

I can haz Type VII-C?

U 168 - pirate Liner - Xing - 01-16-2009

I much prefer the "Pilgrim-class" slave liner AoM made.

U 168 - pirate Liner - Kambei - 01-16-2009

This is not replace for AOMs slave ship, this is just next one of that type (liner) for unlawfuls.

U 168 - pirate Liner - Xing - 01-16-2009

I don't know, but "liner" in my head sounds like "passenger transport". And the only reason I'd see pirates going around with passenger transport, would be for slavery...

U 168 - pirate Liner - Unseelie - 01-16-2009

I think the model itself could use an aweful lot more detail-work...and, also, I feel like its too much based on hydrodynamics rather than freelancerishness.

U 168 - pirate Liner - Kambei - 01-16-2009

Yue: accepted = name changed to Pirate ship:D(how to change name of topic?)
Unselie: yep... details are in todo but point with hydrodynamic is right... I must make it more "space" (any idea)? Thank you for valuable reply.

U 168 - pirate Liner - Unseelie - 01-16-2009

Instead of the boat hull in the middle, have some sort of compartmented system, if you understand that. Boat hulls imply a lot of wasted space as the ship curves, and the tops of rooms are wider than the bottoms, which makes trouble when storing anything solid...

IF you look at the Pirate train (admittedly, it has a lot of curvespace loss, too...), which I think is what you're basing this on, you see a structure which probably wouldn't float, but does look rather like the pirate-disco theme.

As for specifc suggestions, I'd try to pull emphasis and size from the center thing and replace it with emphasis and size on the armour paneling running along the sides...

Musing, I think an interesting ship would be just the same sort of armour paneling, but larger, as the Ptrain, with a magnetic net system in the middle where the Ptrain has its kill a ship, or force it to void its cargo, and deploy the net, collect the goods, and haul it into the central cavity, fly to base, turn off the magnetics, and dump the cargo. Rough, quick, and nasty, but deadly efficient, as well as providing a ship that is 90% armour in the actual fight. Not at all sure how to do anything like that with the Disco engine, though.

U 168 - pirate Liner - Stormblast - 01-20-2009

' Wrote:O.O

That is awesomeness. looks like perfect ship for slavers.

Hahah yeah inside there are 150 slavers that paddle and the outcoming force is diverted to the ships power plant.