Discovery Gaming Community
To: ALR, Moka's LR, LH, Indie Pirates, General Scum, Neer-do-wells. Subject: Party!!? - Printable Version

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To: ALR, Moka's LR, LH, Indie Pirates, General Scum, Neer-do-wells. Subject: Party!!? - Enkidu - 10-16-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: the-girl-with-the-dragon-tatto-us__120211083332.jpg]

To: ALR, Moka's LR, Lane Hackers, Independent Pirates, General Scum, Neer-do-wells, Crims, Perps, Blackmarketeers and wiseguys of the independent worlds.
From: Gunda Riehl.
Subject: Freedom 'aint Free. Unless it's in a bottle of Port.

Wassup my neer-do-wells, mm?!

Nuthin’ like slush-funding a few gun-runners and enterprising software fixers to get a cut head in the world.

I’ll put it to y’all point blank. The old proprietors of Freeport 2 have taken for the hills and the station’s ripe for the taking for the likes of us. There hasn’t been an opportunity to carve out a stake in the indie’ worlds since Moka’s predecessors first took a torch to Montezuma’s walls. Now we’re got a gang of all sorts sticking their flags in various bits of Beringia’s most well-known spacemark.

I’d encourage y’all to power through and climb aboard. The directorate’s gonna’ be laying out the home cards, of course, but watcha’ all do out there is up to you.

So it’s a party, people. The hunters have been driven back to Hudson and the strait has gone native again. I’ll let the ALR bring the booze.

For Rheinland,
Gunda Riehl,
Oberstarbeiter, Wedel outpost, Hamburg System.
Transmission Ended

RE: To: ALR, Moka's LR, LH, Indie Pirates, General Scum, Neer-do-wells. Subject: Party!!? - The Liberty Rogues. - 10-16-2017

[Image: RoguesLogo.png]

Yeah, Reel..

You can count us getting on down to Bering a bit more to see the fruits of someone else's labor.

It would be our pleasure.
