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[RHA] Disbandment notice (new announcement) - Printable Version

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[RHA] Disbandment notice (new announcement) - Radio Freies Rheinland - 10-18-2017

I kept my head on straight ever since I got banned last October, I never did anything malicious, never broke any rules (up until now), and did my best to drive activity and press forward RHA. It breaks my heart to announce RHA is disbanding.

Don't go flaming the admins about this, it was my fault, I made a mistake, I fucked up for real. I had everything going properly, RHA was more involved, and I was more involved in factions that needed help from other people to maintain ingame activity and ingame confidence when confronted by people that hated them OORPLY. That obviously doesn't justify anything, no amount of pitiful comments would here. I knew doing that siege -even strictly with RP intentions- was a potential banmine, I took the risk, and here I am now. It was fun playing with everyone, from base sieges, to piracy system lockdowns, to flying around other systems with other people.

I'm sure some of you are rejoicing at this, but I hope that many of you will remember me in a positive manner, since 6 months is enough time for everything to really go to waste. But I won't let that stop me.

I messed up, and my faction paid the price. I'm sorry, if I come back, I'll try to start over.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from my time here! I lost some of them as time went on. I may have gotten banned, but unlike before, I learned my mistakes, and I won't be leaving with a grain of salt this time! Not for one second!

I'll miss a lot of you guys!

PS: Anna Heinrich is in stasis somewhere, she's dead, but shes really not dead VAMPIRE
Alice Marie didn't actually die
Nicole Brennan was The Redcoat
Ezio Aquila is retired
Lorraine kidman is MIA
Jeanne is retired
Matt Bishop Joined Auxesia

No one gets my ships or my money, except one or 2 individuals

On one final positive note before I leave:


RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Grimvarg - 10-18-2017

Bloody hell. What happened? I don't quite get why the [RHA] got punished.

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Corile - 10-18-2017


Was a pleasure shooting you,

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Sombs - 10-18-2017

Come back in six months, I'll have a few snubs for you ready!

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Die Weiße Rose - 10-18-2017

Beloved allies, the Weiße Rose cannot express its sadness which it feels while seeing you go. We'll win the Volksrevolution together in your name. Für Rheinland!

[Image: HTTPS9tZWRpYS5naXBoeS5jb20vbWVkaWEvYk1PT...aWYlog.gif]

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Karlotta - 10-18-2017

So you knew that disabling platforms was against rules? When and how did you learn this?

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 10-18-2017

(10-18-2017, 06:41 PM)Radio Freies Rheinland Wrote: Matt Bishop Joined Auxesia


I'm actually really shocked and sad to see this happen. Of all the things to be the downfall it's something that pretty much everyone does.

Hope you'll stick around and play other stuff dude.


RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Havok - 10-18-2017

o7 ...

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Arioch - 10-18-2017

Going to miss you man. See you in 6 months!

RE: [RHA] Disbandment notice - Freeroamer - 10-18-2017

o7... You will be missed!!!