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Public Broadcast to the Citizens of Rheinland and Sigmas - Printable Version

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Public Broadcast to the Citizens of Rheinland and Sigmas - Aoi Iseijin - 10-18-2017


[Image: gbuAGKZ.png]

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night to you, citizens of Rheinland, wherever you are right now.

I know, I know what you may be thinking: Some creepy guy hidden behind static and a more or less visible logo. If you try a bit harder, at least you will know who I'm speaking on behalf of.

As of today, quite some hundred years after the defeat of the Rheinland Empire by our brave Guildsmen, we believed the wounds had healed and the scars had almost vanished. It has been a peaceful time, both of us are thankful for that. But to our not very surprise, the Federal Government that came after has recently devoted its effort into making unjustified territorial claims in the Sigma system cluster.

What made you feel entitled to claim Sigma 15? Do you think you could also march into Sigma 21 and 59 anytime the Chancellor orders so? Soon you will know why you are so wrong about this.

And we hope this broadcast also reaches whatever rathole the remnants of the Rheinland Empire are hiding in nowadays: Your recent raids against Guild's space grabbed our attention as well. Your kind chose not to accept the utter defeat in Yanagi... Very well, we will gladly carve a hole in your thick skulls again.

In order to prove that Rheinland, imperial or federal, should think twice before stepping into a second conflict with the Gas Miners Guild, our 'warning shot' was aimed at Fulda border station. We didn't really bother on studying the effects of a NEMP bomb now that it exploded, but I'm sure none of you thought of the consequences of stepping in our space with such hostility either. Eye for an eye, yes?

Thank you for watching and listening, citizens and denizens of Rheinland. You may resume your exciting lives, beg your Chancellor to release the claim on Sigma 15... or cry for war against us if you still dare.

Blossom on the breeze,
settles on the face of a corpse,
beauty masking death.


RE: Public Broadcast to the Citizens of Rheinland and Sigmas - Enkidu - 10-18-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: the-girl-with-the-dragon-tatto-us__120211083332.jpg]

To: Some slit-eyed globalist cuck.
From: Gunda Riehl.
Subject: Your death.

I'm going to cut your epicanthal folds off and eat them in front of your streaming, half-blind eyes. And then I'm going to salt what's left, real flavoursome, like.

You have no idea the lengths we'll go to, to string y'all high, till history has no breath left to stammer yer' dying name.

Take a walk out of the nearest airlock, rentboy. It'll save time.

Hear the seconds tick.

For Rheinland,
Gunda Riehl,
Oberstarbeiter, Wedel outpost, Hamburg System.
Transmission Ended

RE: Public Broadcast to the Citizens of Rheinland and Sigmas - Emperor Tekagi - 10-18-2017


[Detected encryption level]: Very High

[Location]: Frankfurt System

[Sender ID]: "Raubkatze"

The ones who deserve death will surely find it soon. Be prepared.


RE: Public Broadcast to the Citizens of Rheinland and Sigmas - Loyola - 10-18-2017


[Image: O1Fwgqh.jpg]

ID: Enma Loyola
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: War

The miners have gone mad. If you are doing this looking for a war, you will get it. The Core is officially declaring mobilization in response to Gas Miners Guild aggression. Miners, you have done the greatest mistake in your life and I will make sure that you will pay the price for it. If you think that you will be able to hide in your nebulas, then you somewhat miscalculated.

But I have no words for you anymore, I will just come for your heads. You can remember this day, the day when Core - GMG war was declared. I don't know if Rheinlanders will swallow it or now, but definitely not me. I won't sit here and wait when you will decide to attack my people. We have a lot of experience fighting monsters like you in even more harsh environment.

- Guildmistress Loyola
The Core


RE: Public Broadcast to the Citizens of Rheinland and Sigmas - Toris (Old Account) - 10-20-2017

[Image: ZAggYSx.png]

....decoding signal....
....ID: Hidetaka Kojima....
....Location: Unknown
....verifying additional security encryption....
....connection established....


Any GMG vessel caught outside House Space can expect no mercy from my allies, my crew and me.

Pray that Kruger gets you first.
Hidetaka Kojima

....signal cut....