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New player: General questions. - Printable Version

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New player: General questions. - MalumZeth - 10-22-2017

Hello there I am 'new' to this mod as I have not played in a long time and I have some general questions if that is OK:

So I have decided to RP as Junkers as I like aesthetic and it seems like a good solo player ID to have. I am interested to know where the best mission locations are for Junkers while staying neutral with the main Serius lawful factions. Due to reps being locked just under neutral with the main lawful factions there does not seem to be many options. I have a trader / smuggler which I do my main monkey making / rp on, however it is also nice to have a mission character just for pew pew when bored.

At the moment I am doing missions for Gallic Brigands, Maquis, Unione and the Council. Are there any other missions I can do? I was thinking Junker vs Xeno/Corsair or Order vs Nomads. However the only missions I could find for these factions were against Bounty Hunters.

Secondly I am struggling to find good class 10 weapons to use on my 'Recycler': The sidewinder's ammo is way too expensive for me to use at $45.000 per missile. Cannonballs / Razors do good damage but are unguided / slow meaning that I cant seem to land hits on fighters.
The best all-round missile seemed to be the Firestalker, but since getting to Gallic space I have discovered that the ammo for it is not sold here.
As for Torpedoes I have not found anywhere that sells fighter torps.

I have looked on the wiki but the information regarding missiles / torps seems a little out of date.

Many thanks!

RE: New player: General questions. - Alestone - 10-23-2017

Just a point of reference. You are not locked in to one character for money, and most people have characters that they use "just to make cash". You'll find a lot of advice on it in the forums.

RE: New player: General questions. - sindroms - 10-23-2017

Welcome back, so to speak.

As the post above suggests, the best and easiest way to go around things is to dedicate a separate character for moneymaking and fund all your other characters with. Due to how the mod is balanced, some IDs are meant to be money-makers and others are meant to consume money, or rather - have much more limited choices in terms of money making.

Missions are a good way to make starting credits, but they are by far not a long-term solution. You will need to obtain a transport an start running cargo (legal or illegal - that's up to you), or a dedicated mining ship that you can solo-mine with - a Hegemon.

You can find a bit more information about it in the Tutorials section.

RE: New player: General questions. - Durandal - 10-23-2017

(10-22-2017, 04:51 PM)MalumZeth Wrote: The sidewinder's ammo is way too expensive for me to use at $45.000 per missile. Cannonballs / Razors do good damage but are unguided / slow meaning that I cant seem to land hits on fighters.

Give the Maxim Chaingun a try. It's a 16.67 refire gun with dispersion, meaning as long as you keep your crosshair roughly over the target some shots are certain to land. The ammo is certainly kinda pricey though, not sure how it compares with the Sidewinder.

RE: New player: General questions. - Reddy - 10-23-2017

1) make a trading char. You can join any of the many trading factions. Trading alone is boring as hell (atlest for me)
2) with roughly 25 mill you can equip a very heavy fighter and start your journey
3) pew pew pew!

RE: New player: General questions. - Erik-Kieber - 10-23-2017

First off all, get freelancer companion tool. A must have for traders
secondly make an samura or kruger trader char, those 2 trade factions can go about everywhere.
Thirthly make an miner char. I recomend to make an gmg with an kamone, go to sigma 19 at sector C-D-3-4 is an pob called Iejima there you can sell the helium 3 you mined from the gasminers at sector A-B-2-3 They pay 3000 a unit and takes about 5 minutes to get it filled and hauled back to Iejima.

Hope these will get you on the right track, anyhow good luck out there and have a blast.

Friendly regards from,

RE: New player: General questions. - sasapinjic - 10-23-2017

Quote:The best all-round missile seemed to be the Firestalker, but since getting to Gallic space I have discovered that the ammo for it is not sold here.
As for Torpedoes I have not found anywhere that sells fighter torps.

I have looked on the wiki but the information regarding missiles / torps seems a little out of date.

Fighter Missiles/torpedoes were completely removed/nerfed some time ago , but thanks to players complains , some are back , most of them are not .
As for Gailc space , most of bases there lack common things find in other systems of game , only thing we can do is report that bug and eventually it will be fixed .
Report page is here :

RE: New player: General questions. - Sand_Spider - 10-23-2017

To assist with the lack of Firestalker ammo, you can always /conn and /return for ammo from anywhere!

Joining a trade-focused faction on a new character can be a good way to learn some of the game's staple trade routes. On the other hand, you could join a mining faction to hop aboard the risk vs. reward train. Factional players are usually pretty good at getting their newer members up to speed in terms of finances, especially if you're lacking in funds.

Kruger is super active as a mining faction. The BAF Merchant Navy is fairly active as a trade faction, too.

RE: New player: General questions. - MalumZeth - 10-23-2017

Thanks for the tips guys!

I do have a couple of trader characters now: One with a Camara which can dock at the resistance base in Leeds, which seems like a good place for short distance smuggling routes. And I also got myself the 'Serenity Civilian' transport which seems like a bargain at 3600 cargo for only $39.000.000.

Sometimes I just want to log in and shoot stuff though which is why I was asking about missions and missiles for my VHF character. I have decided to save up for a Gunboat next, I am not the most nimble at dogfighting so heavier turreted ships suit my play-style more.

The RP on this server seems really interesting but atm I am finding it information overload, so I will just continue my travels as a lone Junker. However I have had a couple of very fun RP moments already. (I managed to convince a navy pilot that the light arms I was smuggling were actually for his faction, he let me go and even offered me an escort, which I of course declined Wink )

RE: New player: General questions. - Nodoka Hanamura - 10-23-2017

(10-23-2017, 06:41 AM)Durandal Wrote:
(10-22-2017, 04:51 PM)MalumZeth Wrote: The sidewinder's ammo is way too expensive for me to use at $45.000 per missile. Cannonballs / Razors do good damage but are unguided / slow meaning that I cant seem to land hits on fighters.

Give the Maxim Chaingun a try. It's a 16.67 refire gun with dispersion, meaning as long as you keep your crosshair roughly over the target some shots are certain to land. The ammo is certainly kinda pricey though, not sure how it compares with the Sidewinder.

I can second both yours and Durandal's statements, however, Maxims are good if you want to go for a solely gun or gun/CD/M loadout. Just make sure you have pulses or a good multirole gun to go with them.