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The Network - Printable Version

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The Network - Linkus - 01-18-2009

The Network

The Network is a security organisation made up of various groups of security firms and personel.
We offer specialised, organised and above all - strong - support to our employers, whoever they may be.

Why choose the Network?

1. You may pass one of us in the street and think nothing of it but once you sign a contract, you are more important to us than life itself. Our personel are willing to lay down their lives for an employer and we are willing to go to any length to secure your safety and the safety of others, wherever they are or whoever they are.

2. You may think we are simply guns for hire but that would be a gross underestimation and misunderstanding, although understandable. The Network is a professionally organised force that can deal with all kinds of situations, ranging from the delicate, to the not so delicate.

3. While our personel do have years of experience and are obviously good at what they do if they have made it through so much, good men need good equipment. The Network is supplied with state of the art technology and equipment that allows our personel to perform at their best, and often more.

4. We aren't just a land based group, restricted to the terrain or to the floor of station. We have a fleet of fighters and bombers that are ready to go at the click of a finger. Our pilots are of the best calibre and have been known to turn the tides of battles when they arrive. We've yet to have an employer who complained about our pilots' flying expertise.

5. We offer all kinds of support in the various fields. If you need someone skilled in artillery, we have them. If you need someone experienced in fighter weaponry, we have them. We have men and women with ranges of skills that are too long to list. Our experience and knowledge cannot be outdone, even by those who made the weapons in the first place occasionally.

The Network offers the best in private security and aren't afraid to take the fight to the enemy if need's be.

Will you be among those who we protect? Or will you take a potentially fatal risk and go for someone else?

// Just a little bit of information about the group that I wanted to post up. Not a faction proposal.