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The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Printable Version

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The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Enkidu - 10-26-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]

To: To those brave resistors still fighting, overtly or covertly, against the Libertonian Invasion of Bering and Puerto Rico. For: The Junker Congress, the Unioners, the Harmony Separatists, the Rat Pack, The Archangel Fighter's Club and all those who choose to live free.
From: Sascha Lattke, der Alster Union, leader of the Pacifica Cell and de-jure commander of all Unioner Arbeiters in the Bering and Puerto Rican regions.
Subject: To remain ourselves, we must work together.

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Friends, brothers, sisters of the independent worlds. The time has come.

We declare the Cabal of the Independent Worlds Syndicates to be in motion. We are not a state, we are not an apparatus of control, we do not claim to be a house, we have no one objective, we have many goals – we are not necessarily friends, yet we are united by a common purpose; we all wish to keep the Independent worlds free; we all have a stake in their conservation.

The facts of our existence are this – the Eastern independent worlds are under immediate existential threat of annexation by a vindictive house government who sees us as nothing less than a threat to its absolutism. Why?

---Patching Comms---

Because we choose to be free.

This is, therefore, is our manifesto:

Mandate Wrote:
The Cabal of Independent Worlds Syndicates is an a loose political (if not tactical) alliance of independent worlders aimed at maintaining the autonomy of the Rheinland/Liberty border region for the use of smugglers, freelancers, pirates, separatists, amidst other counterbalancing parties to universal house hegemony. Having no specific leader or one specific agreement, the Cabal is less of a ideological standard than a testament to the enduring power of systemic diversity against house polarisation.

Assertions and precepts Wrote:- There are no laws within the independent worlds, only rights.

- The Systems of Bering and Puerto Rico are recognised as independent autonomous solar worlds by the populations of said systems, and are not subordinate properties of any one house nor are their populations dependent citizens of any one house.

- The Cabal will offer trading, mining, repair, shipbuilding, and exchange services to other members of the syndicate if requested.

- The Cabal will not interfere in either the foreign and/or domestic policies of its resident groups. It will attempt to resolve disputes that threaten the status of the independent worlds as a haven for all, however.

- The Cabal will not offer ports-of-call, goods or services to house militaries or lawful bounty hunting agencies operating within the Independent worlds.

- No Cabal member will use knowledge of foreign or domestic policy of another Cabal Member’s operations within the independent worlds as diplomatic leverage or an item of commerce to a non-Cabal member.

- Cabal members will do whatever they can reasonably be expected to do to sabotage house encroachment into the systems of Bering and Puerto Rico, in accordance to their own particular specialisations and attributes.

- Cabal members will not attempt to wage war, vandalise, terrorize, or sabotage, the space stations and installations of other Cabal members within Bering and Puerto Rico.

- Guardian members of the Cabal will offer enforcement, property and life-value protection against common ideological opponents and threats to the Syndicate and the independent worlds at large.

- The Cabal remains impartial from wider political schisms or conflicts, irrespective of the political positions of its member groups.

- The Cabal will strategically, politically, and economically cohere to undermine Libertonian or Rheinlandic attempts to establish unsanctioned infrastructure links within our systems.

- The Cabal reserves the right to vote on no-fire-zones, organisational membership, and the trade of sensitive materials such as technology or exotic, restricted or otherwise unconventional equipment, commerce, or ordinance for the preservation of the autonomy of the Independent Worlds.

Zones of Free Trade.

Economic Independence Agenda Wrote:- The presence of critical scientific, industrial and agricultural resources will be freely traded for the survival of the common interest wthin the systems of Bering and Puerto Rico.

- The Salvage fields of Military Salvage and Premium Scrap littering the Tanner Belt become the purview of the Junker and Unioner movements, although independent mining operations will not be suppressed, any attempt to monopolise on these fields by major cooperate enterprise will be opposed – overtly and covertly.

The Planetoid Shipyard of Pacifica Base, resident of Bering, Culebra Smelter, Puerto Rico, and Freeport Providence (2), Bering System, will establish a mutually profitable triangular trade of fabricated starships and starship components from Pacifica, refined alloys, goods and components from Culebra, and synth products and food from Providence, to maximise the capacity of syndicated enterprise within our twin systems.

- Pacifica Base will offer repair, shipyard and birthing services to any vessel registered to members of the cabal.

- Pacifica will provide aerospace engineering expertise to the Junkers in return for the Junker provision of salvage and metallurgical extraction spacecraft from Vieques shipyard.

- The Unioners and Battlegroup Harmony will no longer be marked IFF-red by Junker Guard arcologies throughout the Puerto Rico System, in return for direct assistance in the defence of Puerto Rico against intruding third parties.

- All Rat Pack and Archangel vessels are entitled to free escort by Unioner spacecraft.

- The Rat Pack will become the defacto arms dealers for the region. The Congress will become the defacto salvage, recovery, and bulk suppliers of the region. The Unioners will be the defacto enforcers and technical provisioners. The Archangel Fighters Club will ensure the provision of exotic dancers and entertainers, along with nightlife to entice foreign credits and racing events to incite interest amongst the freelance smuggling world. The Liberty Separatists will provide strategic cradling for our economic endeavours.

Influence Protection Agreements:

Zones of Overwatch Wrote:Puerto Rico:

- The Cabal recognises the entirety of the Puerto Rico system to be under the purview of the Junkers, except for the Ponce Asteroid Field, under the purview of the Rogues.

- The Cabal requests that the Junker Congress consents to the traversal of all Cabal spacecraft through the Puerto Rico system, between the Bering and New Hampshire star systems, including to assets administrated by Junker Guard divisions.

- Defensive members of the Cabal reserve the right to station spacecraft within Puerto Rico for mutually beneficial defence of the territory’s independence.


- The Bering system is regarded as being under the defence purview of the Rat Pack, the Junker Congress, the Archangel Fighters Club, the Alster Union.

- Only the Liberty Separatists and the Alster Union may speak for the defence of Bering as a whole in regards to foreign house incursions, to prevent diplomatic crises for the other constituent members of the Cabal.

- The Bering-Texas jumpgate is considered an unlawful construct and all Cabal members will work overtly or covertly towards its destruction.

- Freelancers and pirates will not be impaired from accessing the goods and services of Freeport Providence without exceptional cause.

- Freeport Providence is recognised to be under the administration of the Rat Pack. However, it is also recognised the existence of a claim and prior tenancy by the Archangel Fighter’s Club.

- The Archangel fighters club will be offered storage, shipyard, and tenancy space aboard Pacifica to compensate for their loss, in excess of the working interior volume they had possessed aboard freeport Providence.

- The Rat Pack will conduct operations within Providence as they see fit, turning the station into a haven for those who wish to escape the gaze of the houses.

- Sectors Delta-Epsilon Six Seven are the purview of the Harmony Separatists, who possess full enforcement rights over the region.

- Sectors Four to Six, A to C, are under the direct territorial purview of the Alster Union no-fly-Zone. Cabal members may ignore the existence of this zone.

- No cabal member will prohibit any other Cabal Member from attempting to extract resources from the extraction zones.

- Modular space stations constructed within the region will not be positioned in such a manner that they would distress or impair the operations of another cabal member.

Hardware exchange agreements:

Technological and engineering objectives Wrote:- The Unioners will assist the Junker Congress with the manufacture and engineering of refined Rheinland civilian trade hardware, such as the Uruz and Ragnar transports, as employed within the Union’s own extraction, salvage, trade, and smuggling operations, increasing mutual technological familiarity.

- In return, the Junker Congress will provide the Unioners with the option to obtain Junker vessels for the protection of the realm, including the wrecker gunboat, further boosting the Junker economy and permitting Junker intervention into the Libertonian conflict without the Junkers having to fire a shot, increasing mutual technological familiarity.

- The Unioners offer the Arbeiter Very Heavy Fighter, the Solidaritat Bomber, the Ragnar, Uruz etc transport line, and the Hel cruiser, as export models purchasable by the Rogues, the Liberty Separatists, the Junkers, the Rat Pack, on case-by-case basis.

- Any member may request Cabal intersection on mutually beneficial learning objectives.

Defence membership.

Independent worlds Paragonism Wrote:Guardian Members:

The Liberty Separatists and Alster Union are Guardian members.

- Guardian members sabotage house attempts to reduce of the autonomy of the region through direct conflict. Guardian members also provide alibis for the actions of Resident Members – fooling the House representatives into believing that the Resident Members have been acting under coercion if they are caught in unlawful enterprise. We are responsible for the preservation of the diplomatic integrity of those who wish to oppose Liberty more overtly, but cannot.

Resident Members:

- Resident Members of the Cabal are those who have territorial, institutional, and/or operational claims in Bering and Puerto Rico, but cannot directly engage the Libertonians with strike craft due to a lack of institutional intent. They still carry enforcement rights within the Independent Worlds and may act according to their own interests. Resident Members become Guardian Members as soon as they are outlawed, or opposed, by Liberty House. Resident members may conflict with each other so long as the cabal as a whole is not sabotaged.

The Archangel Fighters Club, Junker Congress and The Rat Pack are resident members.

Diplomatic and institutional organisation:

The CIWS Council Wrote:- To preserve the free-spirited autonomy of the region, whilst ensuring debates are given an environment to settle, the Cabal suggests that an immediate, rolling summit is held aboard Freeport Providence, to discuss our common objectives and any institutional disputes we hold between us, in an arena that is mutually diplomatically amicable. Such as council would offer Cabal members the chance to dialogue without interfering in each other’s operations, and would add to the net economy of the region. Such a council of free men would further undermine the Libertonian assessment that Freeport Providence is a Freeport no longer, due to the vast variety of interests that would be represented aboard.

Immediate strategic objectives:

Current strategic agenda Wrote:- The destruction, or closure, of the Texas-to-Bering jump gate.

- The destruction, or takeover, of Dagger Outpost within Puerto Rico.

- The lifting of the blocade of Freeport Providence.

- Acquiring sufficient weapons, men and hardware to repel a Libertonian invasion of Bering and Puerto Rico.

- The acquisition of a major stockpile Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Weaponry capable of destroying invading hostile fleets.

- To preserve the economic sanctity of the region.

- To monetize and formalize the extraction of the war remains within Bering.

- To transform the Independent Worlds into a haven for Smugglers, Freelancers, Separatists, and Traders. .

For the future of the independent worlds - long may they remain so, and for the freedom of the families who depend upon us to protect them.

I aspire that this mandate is workable, my brothers. It is but a start, whatever our agendas, whatever our oppositions - we all live free.

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

Transmission Ended

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Croft - 10-26-2017

Incoming Message
Heavy Encryption Detected
Origin: #ERROR#
Message Begins

As Administrator of New Providence and representative of the Rat Pack, I sign and endorse this manfesto. We will also make a permanent space available aboard Providence for all Cabal members to hold council, complete with quarters.

Here's to bein' Free.

Message Ends

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Enkidu - 10-28-2017


RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Gunblader - 10-30-2017

[Image: f5kd4xd.png]

*Scrappy picks up a piece of paper and begins to read*
Please hold for Are-Biter Kapp. Patchin signal now.

*he pauses lowering the paper*

[Image: 8scAOpF.gif]

I apologize for the delay, a special Congressional Meeting was held. Deliberations and voting took time. I am please to admit the vote to join this Cabal passed by a nine to one vote. We pledge our support to the Cabal of Independant Worlds Systems. Show me an account and I'll direct some congress funds to the cause. I would also propose trade and economic growth between Cabal members, as our operations in Liberty have taken a hit with the encroachment in Puerto Rico. The congress will lend its back to the Cabals work load. We are currently in talks with certain contacts to gain the necessary knowledge and training to be able to fly larger transports. However I must implore you, for the sake of all of us, The Rat Pack and the Congress must not look guilty. Especially with Dagger Complex breathing down our backs.

This is more than any of us could have envisioned for our neighborhood in this corner of Sirius, but we must work together. Regardless of how some of us feel about each other. The congress will look past any past wrong doings for the sake of this alliance. May this promote growth and a bright future for all of us.

I wish you warm regards and good business.

Gilbert Kapp

Arbiter of the Junker's Congress

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-30-2017

[Image: 66igI6u.gif]


Let's just say I'm representing The Club.
Is this open for negotiation, or not.

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Enkidu - 10-30-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]

To: Junker Congress, AFC.
From: Sascha Lattke, der Alster Union, leader of the Pacifica Cell and de-jure commander of all Unioner Arbeiters in the Bering and Puerto Rican regions.
Subject: To remain ourselves, we must work together.


To the Congress:

We have a plot to conceal our collaboration. By guile, if we need to. We can talk over the semantics elsewhere. Although it may cost you a few uncrewed ships, if you have any to spare.

To the AFC:

Of course this is open for negotiation. You can also retract your offer to be part of a wider resolution if you so wish, with all the obvious consequences factored.

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

Transmission Ended

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-30-2017

[Image: 66igI6u.gif]

What are the chances that the Unioners will keep the promise made by Gunda Riehl to The Boss?

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Enkidu - 10-30-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]

To: Junker Congress, AFC.
From: Sascha Lattke, der Alster Union, leader of the Pacifica Cell and de-jure commander of all Unioner Arbeiters in the Bering and Puerto Rican regions.
Subject: To remain ourselves, we must work together.


To the AFC:

This is what we are trying to do, yes.

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

Transmission Ended

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-30-2017

[Image: 66igI6u.gif]

I don't think you understand so I'll question you a final time before the decision is made:
Are we going to have our place on Freeport 2 back, or not.

RE: The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems (CIWS) founding enterprise. To: The informed - Enkidu - 10-30-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]

To: Junker Congress, AFC.
From: Sascha Lattke, der Alster Union, leader of the Pacifica Cell and de-jure commander of all Unioner Arbeiters in the Bering and Puerto Rican regions.
Subject: To remain ourselves, we must work together.


To the AFC:

This is dependent upon the Rat Pack. We have strongly encouraged them to be accommodating.

If the two of you cannot come to an accord we will offer you superior facilities aboard Pacifica. It's up to you to sort out your own diplomacy. The purpose of the Cabal isn't to interfere in your respective organisations other than to decrease the general tension of the Bering area. We strongly encourage that both groups come to respective solutions considering that we are presently protecting your claimed smuggling grounds from agents of the law.

This channel is for the purpose of debating the terms of the treaty. What would the AFC wish to add, or subtract, from the document?

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

Transmission Ended