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Emergency Call Received - New Providence, Bering - Printable Version

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Emergency Call Received - New Providence, Bering - JorgeRyan - 10-26-2017

Communications Room, New Providence, 26/10/824

It was the start of a long night shift as Andres settled down into his seat. While a lot had changed for the station over the past week or so, little had changed for it's day to day running- ships were still coming and going, and someone had to organize the lots so they wouldn't crash into each other on the landing bays. Admittedly, more and more of those ships might be considered... "unrepuatable" by the lawful authorities, but what did that matter out here?

Just as he went to take a sip of his sunbucks-- "Incoming Distress call" blared the computer system, "Channel 17, priority Beta. Play message?"

Spitting out the remains of his first sip, he manages "Yes, play message"

The screen infront of him blazes to life, "Hello? Can anyone -zzzhhtt me?" The signal was weak- barely getting through, "This is zzzhhtt, calling from zzzhhtt, there's been an emergency, the fusion generator zzzhhtt and the base is now running on zzzhhtt-support. My transport was zzzhhtt out in the damage, and I've zzzhhtt stay here to try zzzhhtt everything, please, send help, any supplies would be a great help"

'Christ, that sounds bad, better pass on the news, see if someone can help out' Andrea thought as he pulled up another comm window. "Emergency call to any and all haulers operating from New Providence" he broadcasted over a public channel, "A small mostly-automated outpost stationed on the outskirts of Bering has run into some trouble- Sounds like their generator has blown, and taken out their only supply ship. They've started running out of supplies and need urgent assistance. Base location is as follows: 40 klicks from the freeport, on a bearing North East East from New Providence, 20 klicks above the stellar plane, should be on the corner of sectors G/H 3/4. Godspeed"

//So... my ISP fucked up and cancelled our internet just over a week before we move out of the flat, and while they said they'll fix it, it normally takes 5-7 working days to turn on the internet, and overnight to turn it off. By that time, I might even be in the new flat, which will hopefully have internet. I'm writting this to call for help in suppling my PoB, which has probably started to decay already. I'm going to use what remains of my data to post this and try login to the game to set the docking open to all, and make the trip profitable for suppliers

RE: Emergency Call Received - New Providence, Bering - STARLORD-1 - 10-27-2017

Emergency signal received

Here is captain Joshua Damson from spaceship [WSC]-HWSS'Manchester'

I am ready to help with those supplies.

I have on board the best engineers i send them to assist .

New Berlin.26/10/824 Captain Joshua Damson

End of transmission

RE: Emergency Call Received - New Providence, Bering - STARLORD-1 - 10-27-2017

26/10/824 From: Captain Joshua Damson .HWSS'Manchester'

Bering system

I must inform you that price for High Performance Alloy is not set

My ship is lend on you base with 5000 full cargo

I am in yours cafe bar with my crew until this be resolved

End of transmission