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Cauldron — Personnel and Associates - Foxglove - 11-03-2017

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Personnel Database — Overview

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Teresa Martinez LL.M.



RE: Cauldron — Personnel and Associates - Foxglove - 11-03-2017

[Image: 137997ab22.gif]
Personnel Database

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Teresa Martinez LL.M.

[Image: azNPd2X.png]
Teresa Martinez
Date of Birth: 8th of July 766 A.S.
Nationality: Bretonian
Race: Hispanic
Husband: None
Children: None
Residence: University of Cambridge
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 1.74m
Occupation: University Docent
Doctor (Biology)
Doctor (Engineering)
Medical Record:
Short sighted. Wears contact lenses.
Criminal Record: None
Status: Alive
Teresa Martinez was born on Crete in the year 766 A.S. as part of a small community in the equatorial region of the planet. Growing up in poverty, she quickly grew to appreciate the little things in life, but it also fuelled the desire to one day rise above her origin. With the little money her parents had, they afforded to pay a Junker smuggler that sometimes brought food for the family, intending to have him smuggle their girl to New London. When Teresa was six, they were able to realize this plan and the girl soon found herself flung into a world unfamiliar to her, one that was dominated by fast vehicles, overcast skies that threatened rain and, of course, the vastly different Bretonian culture. Teresa did not speak English when she arrived, though was soon put into an orphanage by the authorities that found her after the Junker had simply dumped her at a space port.

It soon became apparent that Teresa was exceptionally gifted, not only managing to learn the Bretonian language in little more than a year, but also keeping up with other children in the class she was eventually sent to. Ravenously devouring any piece of information she could, Teresa was soon sent to a different school that was designed to grant special care to children with exceptional abilities. The intellect, however, was a double edged sword, as it served to isolate Teresa from peers of her age for the better part of her adolescent life.

The isolation served to further fuel her vigor when it came to studying. She did not have anything to do anyways. Climing the academic ladder quickly, the only real friend she made was a man named Adrian Wight, who came to Cambridge University to promote. Being his supervisor, the two spent a lot of time together, as speaking about her subject matters proved easier than normal interaction to Teresa. The relationship is everything but romantic, however, given the age gap of 22 years.

Since the two started to work with each other, Teresa has become more open to new people and does not hide behind a mask of professionalism quite as often anymore as she used to. Still, she finds it quite hard to relate to the everyday struggle of people, finding them to be quite trite and uninteresting, given that she herself has experienced poverty and starvation as a child.


Teresa is a hispanic woman of average height, brown hair and dark eyes. Physically, she is as healthy as one can be, thanks to an obsessive eating behaviour that does not permit her to accumulate weight or negative health effects. While fit, she is not strong, and any adult of similar build would be able to subdue her.

Since a small work accident on Pygar several months ago, Teresa suffers from sudden debilitating migraines that occasionally cause her great discomfort. Though Teresa has tried to find a solution to the problem, she has not yet found one. Adrian offered her to help several times, though she refused every time. Adrian finds her irresponsible for being this stuborn, but cannot do anything against it.

RE: Cauldron — Personnel and Associates - Foxglove - 11-09-2017

[Image: 137997ab22.gif]
Personnel Database

Author: Dr. Adrian Wight LL.M.

[Image: DXAuYsx.png]
Adrian Wight
Date of Birth: 20th of May 785 A.S.
Nationality: Bretonian
Race: White
Spouse: None
Children: None
Residence: University of Cambridge
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 1.83m
Occupation: University Docent
Doctor (Physics)
Medical Record:
Criminal Record: None
Status: Alive
Being born on Planet Cambridge, Adrian enjoyed a quaint and quiet upbringing planetside. Given that his parents were academics, it only seemed natural that he would follow in their footsteps, though not necessarily in the same field. While his father was a divorce lawyer and his mother was an appellant judge, Adrian himself never picked up any particular interest in the legal professions, finding them too superficial for his liking.

It was not like he was particularly noteworthy in his capabilities, but persistence and dedication brought him relatively far, and so he graduated the University of Cambridge with degrees in physics and astronomy, going on to promote in physics four years later. Despite this, his social skills are quite good, and he always thought it was a good trade-off for not being the super-brain of his classes.

Originally, he had intended to join Ageira's ranks, though before he could move to Liberty for that, Dr. Martinez approached him with the offer to promote under her in engineering, which he agreed to. Since then, the two know each other, and Dr. Martinez eventually recruited Adrian to join Cauldron, mainly for one thing: Project Skyhook.

Since the inception of hyperspace travel, Adrian had been fascinated by the technology. The ability to transport entire battlegroups of ships from one end of Sirius to the other was breathtaking in its implications. Jump gates, trade lanes, maybe even space ships themselves could become obsoltete if people could only use this technology to transport themselves. He is currently working on making this technology a reality for Cauldron.


Adrian is a fit man, and it is obvious that he is taking good care of his body. A strict gym routine during his youth has given him broad shoulders and strong arms, though he never trained his legs 'because you can't see them in the club'. Since he started working under Dr. Martinez in the University of Cambridge, he has not been able to exercise that regularly however, and it is visible in places. He is still more enduring than a regular adult of his age.

His eyesight, however, is rather poor, and he needs glasses to read fluently or to accurately perceive depth. Dr. Martinez has repeatedly offered to rectify his eyesight, though he always refused up until this point.

RE: Cauldron — Personnel and Associates - Foxglove - 11-14-2017

[Image: 137997ab22.gif]
Personnel Database

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Teresa Martinez LL.M.

[Image: YMLaGt0.png]
Date of Birth: 14th of Feb. 824 A.S.
Nationality: None
Race: Biologically Libertonian
Husband: None
Children: None
Residence: The Pendragon
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Auburn
Height: 1.67m
Occupation: Experiment
Titles: None
Medical Record:
Biologically engineered human
Ages 64 times faster than normal
Treated with Deus Formula
Criminal Record: None
Status: Alive
The idea of "Contessa" came up right after Dr. Martinez finished the first run of the Deus Formula on the test subject the client Cordelia Lyell had provided. Given that the Formula seemed to have no adverse effects on the test subject's body, the Doctor decided that it was time to 'stress test' the Deus Formula and see how it would hold up when confronted with an immense workload.

The Deus Formula fulfills two functions within the client's body. Firstly, the nanobots injected into the blood stream check cells systematically for damaged telomeres and regenerate them if they find damaged ones. Secondly, they 'police' the body in pursuit of defective cells and kill them to prevent them from dividing uncontrollably. The second part was added after the first test of the formula, as it became clear that cells that were regenerated to the point where they could exceed the limit of 56 divisions before their inevitable death were more likely to produce cancerous cells. It was therefore necessary to prevent cancer from countering the intential effort of the Formula, which is to achieve biological immortality.

It was unclear how stable the nanobots would be if exposed to a human that would be genetically more prone to cancer already, and before any commercial use of the Formula could be made, it needed to be tested whether they would stop working after a while in such a scenario. This is where "Contessa" came into play. In order to ascertain whether a catastrophic failure would be likely, the Doctor created a clone of a colleague she had on Planet Los Angeles, altering the genome to cause the newly conceived life to age at an alarming rate. Given the accelerated cell division, the Formula would face an immense stress test.

What the Doctor didn't rightly consider was the fact that, after the test was completed, there was the very real possibility of "Contessa" actually being immortal and therefore was likely to remain with Cauldron for quite a while. Given the immense speed of the growth, "Contessa" has not had the chance to undergo a regular schooling process either. Up until now, the experiment seems to be stable, with no deviancies discernable so far. Because of this, the Doctor took it upon herself to teach "Contessa".

The Doctor had the hypothesis that the nanobots might inhibit the patient's ability to form long-term memories, given the way they worked. However, if the sample size of one is to be believed, this does not seem to be the case, as "Contessa" display an adequate memory of things she has encountered so far, rememering faces and shapes.


22nd of October 824 A.S.

"Contessa" is a small-ish girl with auburn hair and stout build. Physically, she is hardly stronger than an adolescent girl despite being biologically aged at around twenty four plus/minus two years. Given her unnatural 'childhood', "Contessa" has not learned to speak or undergone a normal school life. Given that, her means of expressing herself are limited to gestures and facial expressions. Curiously, she does not seem to like to use her vocal chords to voice anything, maybe because she is actually self-conscious about the fact that she is unable to communicate the way other humans do.

Despite this handicap, the Doctor has taken up the task of trying to teach "Contessa". Given the way that human speech acquisition works, the window of opportunity is long gone. However, the Doctor is currently attempting to find a way to allow "Contessa" to learn how to speak and subsequently undergo a normal education process.

RE: Cauldron — Personnel and Associates - Foxglove - 01-19-2018

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Associates Database

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Teresa Martinez LL.M.

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Cordelia Lyell
Date of Birth: 3rd of July. 752 A.S.
Nationality: Bretonian
Race: White
Husband: Mortimer Lyell
Children: None
Residence: Durban Station
Gender: Female
Hair Color: White
Height: 1.59m
Occupation: Core Guildkeeper
Titles: Guildkeeper
Medical Record:
Treated with the Deus Formula
Criminal Record: Unknown
Status: Alive
Guildkeeper Lyell was the client initially responsible for the creation of the Deus Formula. Seeking a way to evade death from old age, Lyell contacted the Doctor, having heard of her through records of the University of Cambridge and offered her a generous sum of money to devise a way for her to fool death. The Doctor delivered.

Everything we know about Lyell has been told to the Doctor by Lyell herself, so it might be a skewed perspective. From what the Doctor understood, Lyell was born grew up on Planet Cambridge to a man that was "so rich it was almost vulgar". Though her father, the expectations for her career were rather high and so it is no wonder that she became the cunning woman she is today. Lyell told the Doctor nothing about her family, likely because Lyell is the kind of person that does not rightly care for senseless prattle.

During her stay on Durban of about a two months — the time it took to devise the prototype of the Deus Formula — the Doctor got the distinct impression that Lyell exerted a kind of influence over the other Guildkeepers that was not rightly tangible. Lyell seemed to command a kind of respect that either came naturally to those around her or was merely the Doctor's vivid imagination. Lyell also is the oldest and longest-serving Guildkeeper of the Core to date. She did not tell the Doctor why she had not tried for the position of Guildmistress herself, even when asked, only stating that those who took it usually did not last too long.


Cordelia Lyell is a relatively short woman with a good posture and health for her age. During her stay on Durban, the Doctor was given Lyell's medical records since they were pertinent to the creation of the Deus Formula. According to them, Lyell had been repeatedly treated for several age-related issues with the joints. In addition, Lyell had been given a liver transplant only two years ago, the old one having developed a tumor. Since then, Lyell has been relying on receiving a recurring treatment in the form of liver dialysis, since her body did not rightly accept the new organ as it did the old.

Given that, it is no wonder that Lyell has been entreating the Doctor for a way to prevent natural aging, since this would only aggravate the condition she is in. Nevertheless, the Doctor was only tasked with the completion of the Formula and not with looking for a way to fix Lyell's other health problems. Given that, she did not try.