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Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Printable Version

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Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Angelfire - 01-19-2009

Hi folks


So a buddy of mine says "Hey Andrew, you like space games right?" ...I nod like a puppy at a kindergarten zoo day and he tells me about this awesome "space game" I should get.

So off I go, buy this game, install it and give it a spin.

My review is as follows.

Requirements for playing this game:

1) Brown pants. (to disguise certain involuntary reactions to certain moments.)
2) Rennies or Gaviscon or whatever heartburn medication you prefer.
3) Someone to hold you after each save.

In my humble opinion, this is the best fps since Half Life 2.
The expression: "in space, no-one can hear you scream" is rather fitting here.... It does not hold true for earths' atmosphere though:
My wife suspiciously stuck her head into my office to ask if I was hiding a little girl in here somewhere. She calmed down after I explained to her that the screaming little girl she heard was me.

Gameplay and such is super innovative and unashamedly borrows from working recipes here and there. A kinda grav gun and so on. PC controls border on epic phail but are easily forgiven for the sheer coolness of the game.

For reviews on the actual physics and story, use Google, if anyone needs me, I'll be holding my knees and crying like a little girl in the shower after my next save.

*goes off to change into a fresh pair of brown pants*

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Fletcher - 01-19-2009

I watched my mate play it on his big ass TV, he's got surround sound too... That increased the "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!!?!?!?" Then a mutated baby with tentacles would come round the corner and do a Medusa look at you... Pretty creepy.

Once you know where things are, its not scary, it just makes you have that jump out of the seat factor.

I so want my little cousin to play that in the dark mwahahahaha, oh how he would scream.

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Blackstarr - 01-19-2009

Lolz... I rented Deadspace for 360 a while back... i agree with you about the Brown Pants... Deadspace can get a little scary at some points. Ive had nightmares o.o

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Ash - 01-19-2009

Wow, sounds fkd up. Not for me then ^^

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Angelfire - 01-19-2009

' Wrote:Wow, sounds fkd up. Not for me then ^^

Dude.. i think Chuck Norris would need brown pants for this one!

Heck! Even Chucks' dad (Hoodlum) would need someone to hold him after each save!!!

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Magoo! - 01-19-2009

Meh... I thought Doom 3 was jumpier. This was just, "Oh. I shot another limb off."

Followed by stomping the corpse clean of limbs for giggles.

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Angelfire - 01-19-2009

' Wrote:Meh... I thought Doom 3 was jumpier. This was just, "Oh. I shot another limb off."

Followed by stomping the corpse clean of limbs for giggles.

Doom 3.. I was like: "oooh look at the awesome graphics, oh look a monster" BOOM BOOM... then: "Ooooh, look at this awesome artwork! wow!... oh look a monster!" BOOM BOOM.

I think it would have been scarier if the the graphics weren't so damn awesome!

Dead Space...

I'm like: "whats that sound?" *looks around his office fearfully*

*Funny skittering noises behind him*

*Makes pants brown, runs to shower to cry, then to wife for someone to hold him*

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - dr lameos - 01-19-2009

Ah yeah i've played the demo for that... and they just keep coming at you! ahhhh

It is epically scarey... I want it

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - Marburg - 01-19-2009

This sounds right up my alley, although the creepy factor may suffer by compairison to the 1st Silent Hill game, which dripped with so much atmosphere that it literally & truly 'disturbed' me.

But ever since then, I've always been on the lookout for a game to play that recaptures that feeling for me.

So far, it sounds like its worth checking it out...Thanks for the heads-up!:cool:

Dead Space... Not for the faint hearted! - nankura - 01-19-2009

Dead space was pretty sad, it was typical and boring imo, Bioshock owns deadspace, now theres a scary game, bioshock had a much more "realistic" feel to it

Example of dead space
"OMG A bug with a weird head ! SHOOT IT!"

Example of bioshock
You walk across a platform and see a little girl stabbing a dead body with a sharp giant pointy needle singing a lulluby to herself

i rest my case

Deadspace felt like an upgraded doom 3
Hopefully the new resident evil will give me a decent scare and Bioshock 2