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To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Printable Version

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To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Omicron - 11-04-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ O.C.V. Fedayeen
⧫ Sigma 17
⧫ 4/11/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Confederation of Freeports, "Port Carthage" Administration


To attention of those that care.

The Order fleet has witnessed and captured evidence of Core installation... within 1k perimeter of Freeport 11, Omicron Delta. Siege operations will be imminent. I wont waste my breath further.


Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Sombs - 11-04-2017

[Image: xLeCJkI.png]


I would like to remind you that any Order asset showing hostile intentions within the No-Fire-Zone are considered violators of the very easy-to-comply laws of the CoF. I'd have expected a more diplomatic approach from you, but it seems the Order has so many allies they can afford losing access to Freeport 11, if not more.

Kyu Akibara
Administrator of Freeport 11

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Omicron - 11-04-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ O.C.V. Fedayeen
⧫ Sigma 17
⧫ 4/11/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Confederation of Freeports, "Port Carthage" Administration


The Freeport 11 will not come under fire, that is and was not our intention. We're removing illegal cancerous outgrow that just happened to appear next to your station. I advise you to not interfere with Order's operations and get off your high horse, administrator.

Exempt from Zoner's own laws
7. No base or other installation may be built within 15k of any CoF claimed space without expressed approval from members of the Confederation.

Exempt from Order's Protectorate Code
2.3 Unauthorized settlements
Modular base construction, in secrecy to The Order will be recognized as hostile installation and will be targeted for destruction. Permission can be acquired from the Command, on basis decided individually on case to case basis with location, purpose and IFF in mind.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - SMI-Great.Fox - 11-04-2017

[Image: aE7F7jV.png]
::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--::::
::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Joint Leader Brettonias V. Wingspan--::::


We know of the base constructed, we permitted it. We were finally able to ensure with the Core after days of deliberation, the hard work of those involved, and work a peace treaty with them, but you have the audacity to act like such when you see a peaceful endeavor go through between two other factions. I'm not speaking for TAZ here cause its not my place to do so but I will talk with Jerard VonCloud and Administrator Akibara on this action you propose on even thinking.

So for now, stick a cork in your inquisition, and go deal with Nomadic incursions in the Houses for a change instead of trampling all over our newly planted field.

Do not violate our No-Fire Zones. This is my only warning and I will fully support the actions of Administrator Akibara should you ignore them.

Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Sombs - 11-04-2017

[Image: xLeCJkI.png]

My word stands, Grandadmiral.

Any Order ship attempting to open fire at anything within the No-Fire-Zone of Freeport 11 will be treated as violator. It's good to see you know the outdated CoF laws. That means at least one of the Order knows what they violated in the past multiple times.

Seriously, don't make yourself unhappy. Both you and I know there are more dangerous things out there than a corporate base. The Nomads, for example.

Kyu Akibara
Administrator of Freeport 11

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Omicron - 11-04-2017

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ O.C.V. Fedayeen
⧫ Sigma 17
⧫ 4/11/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Confederation of Freeports, "Port Carthage" Administration


Clearly, none of you had ever read anything from The Order Protectorate Code.

This "Carthage" was constructed without our knowledge or approval. Interference in legal enforcment of the very few regulations we enforce may lead to declaration of war against Confederation of Freeport. Demolish the addon or let us do it ourselves. If you decide armed conflict is worth it, think again... you just begged Core to stop it.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Aazalot - 11-05-2017

[Image: Von_Co_F.png]

So the Order are again attempting to throw their non existant weight around.

As i said to you before Gollinski, the Order are no longer the Relevant power in Delta, your "laws" you are trying to impose upon Delta are laughable now. You have no control of Delta and even less say on what happens within its space.

Do you fancy yourself in a position to take on the Zoners AND the Core? we may not be stalwart allies but the peace between my people and the Core would give rise to them focusing their attentions fully onto you, especially to protect the investments both sides are making to ensure this peace can last.

We did no beg for Peace it was offered by the stronger Power and we wisely took it for the better of all those involved in order to safeguard against the loss of more life. The building of Carthage is part of that peace.

As far as i can see all you wish to do is continue the strife that's been plaguing Delta when its not necessary. The Order should continue to focus on its actual objective instead of trying to act like its a House Delta WILL be made more stable with the Zoner and Core Co-operating it does not need the Order to be involved outside of its task of policing the nomads.

To Mirror my counterparts statement, if you attack Carthage we will retaliate as will the Core. So you have to decide if its worth it or not.

J Voncloud Joint Head of the Confederation of Freeports

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: To: COF and owners of "Port Carthage" - Piombo65 - 11-06-2017


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Dabadoru Station and Battleship Apophis disabled

Your actions have had consequences!

-A. Sogan
Sentinel, The Core

Attachments: 1