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Operation "Firestorm". Part-1. - Printable Version

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Operation "Firestorm". Part-1. - 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - 11-06-2017

Operation "Firestorm". Part-1: Battle-exploration - California system.
( The event will happen in Saturday 25 November in 18:00 UTC. )


"Gallia has already committed several attacks on the California system. The tension is increasing. Preparing for defense, part of the military freedom decides to conduct several reconnaissance operations in California, in order to identify and destroy pirate points, in order to strengthen the defense in this system..."

Opening transmission... 10%... 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100%! Ready! Transmission opened!

To: Primary Liberty Fleets, Liberty Security Forces, Liberty Police Inc.
From: Sixth Liberty Navy Fleet.
Subject: Operation "Firestorm". Battle-exploration in California system.
Priority: High.
Encryption: High.

To all pilots of Liberty Navy, Liberty Police, Liberty Security Forces - attention!

We decided to conduct a battle-exploration in the California system in order to identify and destroy pirate stations in order to increase the defensive capability of this system against the forces of Gaul. It's time to clean up our house.

Information in this message will be divided into general and tactical:

General information:

We have already conducted several sorties for the purpose of reconnaissance in the Liberty systems, in order to reveal some strategic points of the pirates. With strong resistance, we met in square F5 in the California system. In the same square we managed to find a certain station near which there were a lot of pirate ships. It seems that this is what we are looking for.

Objectives of the operation:

1. Join in Whitney Ice Field, start exploration.
2. Go to square F5 and make detailed information about this square.
3. Additional: when encountering resistance, destroy all enemy forces and continue moving.

Operational risks:
1. Loss of ships and reconnaissance. data.
2. In case of loss of ships, there is a chance and lose sight of the approximate source of pirates, since they do not stay in one place.

Tactical information:

The tactics are as follows: we will conduct reconnaissance in the cloud of Whitney in the California system. The classes of ships are as follows: several gunboats and fighters. Information on map presented down:
[Image: PUnwklFMb1c.jpg]
Blue - Liberty Navy, Lberty Police etc.
Red - Liberty Rogues.
Orange - Place of possible fight.

The reconnaissance group will go from the side of the gates to New York. Thus, they will fall into this cloud in the square of F/G 4.

I believe that pirates can already wait for us, so be prepared to meet resistance in about square F4. Composition of reconnaissance group next:
Liberty Gunboat
Liberty Gunboat
Liberty Snub Alpha-3 ( @Teresa Brooks ).
Liberty Snub
Liberty Snub
Liberty Snub

I believe that pirates will not attack at full strength, as this can fully confirm their high concentration in this cloud Whitney therefore their composition of defense, I think, will be as follows:

Rogue Gunboat
Rogue Gunboat
Rogue Snub Couden ( @"Antoinerory" ).
Rogue Snub
Rogue Snub
Rogue Snub

I know from personal experience that the Rogues are not as bad pilots as it might seem at first glance, so it is desirable to have only experienced Liberty pilots in intelligence group.

"The darkness enveloped Liberty... Enemies are everywhere: pirates, traitors, separatists... And soon and Gallia... But the wrath of the defenders of this Republic is strong... And he will ride a fiery storm over all enemies... And they will beg us for mercy, but there will be no mercy for anyone..."

The application for participation is submitted as follows:
[color=#FFFFFF]Place ( Liberty/Rogues ):[/color]

RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - E X O D I T E - 11-06-2017

Name: Da.Police
Place: Lib Police
Ship-class: Snub (Executioner)

RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - 11-06-2017

(11-06-2017, 04:44 AM)Exodite Asmodai Wrote: Name: Da.Police
Place: Lib Police
Ship-class: Snub (Executioner)


RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - 11-06-2017


RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - E X O D I T E - 11-06-2017

It has been discussed about how constant bumping of events is a bad idea.

(oh, also, saying stuff in admin green may or may not be considered sketchy in some circles.

RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - 11-06-2017


RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - 11-06-2017


RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - SnakThree - 11-06-2017

Please stop bumping this. It's neither that important neither that interesting. The forum is also not that high-traffic that you need to bump every few hours.

RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - xiphos - 11-06-2017

(11-06-2017, 03:00 PM)SnakThree Wrote: Please stop bumping this. It's neither that important neither that interesting. The forum is also not that high-traffic that you need to bump every few hours.

Just because it's not important and/or interessting for you doesn't mean it's not important/interessting for others. He wants to start an event. He wants to get attention. Let him bump this. Where is the problem? You don't need to klick on this thread at all. It's not that he bump this every hour.

RE: Operation "Firestrom". Part-1. - Darku - 11-06-2017

Its shame, non of the Liberty or Gallic faction care about you event, when you wanted to organize something and I'm really curious to know what is bothering to 5th, LN, BAF, GMR to join in your event.