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To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Printable Version

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To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Hunor - 11-07-2017

[Image: olson_carrick_2tb_by_hunorgateway-dbt1o6w.png]


If all is true, You have been informed about the situation in Cortez. The Gallic Royal Navy warships have arrived and this is even more evidence about their invasion plans. As we think, they're gonna cut off the supply paths to Bretonia but it will not be easy to go. We will make sure that they'll suffer for it. In the first round, the base security system was strengthened and the executives of the base were evacuated to our HQ in New London system. During the emergency period the Gateway Shipping Inc financed Blackwing Squadron took the control over Oceana Shipping Platform.

After a quick review of the past events we are looking for our good friends to solve the new problems. Our most important request is the military support in the evolving war zone. In order to protect the base You are allowed to widely use the space station opportunities. Currently the base is used for storage and protection. We reserve further commercial purposes by running the commodity center under the emergency period. The key to a safe trade is the presence of allied forces in this area.

Secondly, to maintain the base defense system we need essential commodities, construction and technical materials. In this case we would ask for help from your transport units. Together with our ships we can ensure all necessary materials. In this case, we need three important basic materials. According to numbers in the first phase the base needs 20.000 units of Hull Segments, 10.000 units of MOX and 10.000 units of Reinforced Alloy.

I hope our current diplomatic status and our common successful business in the past is enough justification to continue our joint work today and in the future. In addition, Oceana Shipping Platform can maintain the trade balance of the region and we can build there a strong defense point. To reach all these goals I would like to ask for Crayter Republic help. Later, if You accept and intend to assist us in the future we will share further plans and we also want to offer new commercial opportunities. If you start the deliveries please send me guncam evidences with timestamps about shipments. At the end of deliveries we will give you bonus payments.

The details are discussed after answering the current main issues. I look forward to your reply !

Olson Carrick

[Image: bammegend_by_hunorgateway-dbt118r.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Atreides2 - 11-07-2017

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings Mr Carrick,

This is Ryo Kase of the Crayter Republic. I am currently occupying the position of Minister of Research and Development, Ministry that have under it's command ISE units.

At the moment I must inform you that we are currently spread pretty thin with our units but I think that we maybe spare a few Atlas to help you, however it will take a bit of time.

As for the military matters, I sent this message to the Fleet Admiral and wait for his input.

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - TheShooter36 - 11-07-2017

[Image: 352ov1e.jpg]

Greetings, Mr. Carrick
We have been cooperative and stalwart allies to eachother since we initiated first contact, Thus we shall do what allies does in times of need. We will defend Oceana Shipping Platform at all costs. i believe we can spare somewhat hefty force in defense of Oceana,. Such a battle force would include a Zephyr-Class Carrier, 4 Thanatos-Class Cruiser, a dozen Hydra-Class Corvette and whole 15th Squadron as snubcraft force.
Richard, out.

Signed, Michael Richard
Fleet Admiral
Crayter Military

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Hunor - 11-10-2017

[Image: olson_carrick_2tb_by_hunorgateway-dbt1o6w.png]

Dear representatives of the Crayter Republic,

There are many thanks for the quick and clear answers I am glad that it will be a good joint working to defend Oceana Shipping Platform, Cortez system against the violently advancing Gallic Royal Navy fleets. I respect the power of our current opponent but the offered military defense support it seems to be a big surprise for the royalist forces. Since I am more skilled in defense hereinafter I will discuss with Mr. Micahel Richard about the details.
Mr. Richard the offered fleet sounds irresistible but we both know that war is costing credits which is why we thought that we would cover some of the expenses with a larger amount of credits like 350.000.000 million Sirius Credit. This amount has yet to be requested by Blackwing Squadron from Gateway Executives.

Furthermore, Gateway Executives will handle the logistics side of the base preparation. Mr. Ryo Kase as I just mentioned before for the details of delivery job I'll invite Alan Shepard to this conversation to finalise the contract.
We will contact you later until then we still ask for a contact where we can send the financial support later. I look forward to your reply !

Olson Carrick

[Image: bammegend_by_hunorgateway-dbt118r.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Atreides2 - 11-16-2017

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings Mr Carrick,

The Republic will dispatch ISE units again tomorrow.

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Hunor - 11-18-2017

[Image: gateway_newalansz_tbarr_by_hunorgateway-daug8t5.png]


The business transaction request has come to my office. It is my great pleasure we're working together again, even more, we can enjoy the protection of the Crayter Military. After notification of incoming shipments we will give you a bonus from the amount of 350,000,000 million requested by Blackwing Squadron.
The amount is divided into two parts. The delivery bonus will be 150.000.000 million sirius credit which the ISE will receive after the delivery. And the additional 200 million will be transferred to Blackwing Squadron for what they are guaranting to support military assistance.
I am looking forward to your reply,


Alan Shepard,

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Atreides2 - 11-19-2017

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings Mr Shepperd,

I had asked the captains of two ISE units, the Dacia and the Kaddish , to complete the task at hand. I am happy to report that the Captain of Dacia sent me the list of the goods he delivered,which I will attach it to this transmission and the Kaddish captain will make it's own.

Both captains reported that there was no need for armed escorts in their trips, so I must say that it seems this to be an easy job.

Is there anything that the Republic can do for you ?

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Hopewell - 11-19-2017


[img float=left][/img]ID: Karl Seven
From: Cortez
File Type: Encrypted
Subject: Supply Oceana Shipping Platform
Encryption: Mediun

Captain Karl Seven, commander of =CR=ISE-Kadsish Ship, reports that he delivered 16,936 units, which, with the two voyages of Captain =CR=ISE-Dacia ship, made up 20,000 units of Hull Segments, . Therefore, we consider that your order has been delivered satisfactorily. If you are interested in new services, contact the = CR = commercial leadership, who will be delighted to promote Your Company.
Thank you for your preference.

Here 6 trip
Here 2 trip

Have a nice day.
karl Seven / =CR=ISE-Kaddish

Message End.

[Image: 7YZeATw.jpg?1]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Gateway Shipping Inc - 11-19-2017

[Image: gateway_newalansz_tbarr_by_hunorgateway-daug8t5.png]


It was a quick mission. I'm glad you did it without any confrontation. Hereinafter I want a contact where I can transfer the bonus credits.
I am looking forward to your reply,


Alan Shepard,

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: =CR=, The Crayter Republic; From: Gateway| Blackwing Squadron; - Atreides2 - 11-19-2017

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings Mr Shepperd,

Since this was done in the overtime that the captains of Dacia and Kaddish, I think is fair to say that the amount should go to their accounts. Please send the credits to =CR=ISE-Dacia and I will instruct him to send to Kaddish their crew reward.

Is there anything we can assist you with?

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]