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To: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski | CC: The Order | From: AFC - Printable Version

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To: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski | CC: The Order | From: AFC - The Archangels Fighter Club - 11-09-2017

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Lord Admiral,

Word spreads on the bars in Akabat quickly. I've heard of your success and must congratulate you.
The AFC have stationed on Akabat a party ship for the celebration.

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Additionally, I would like to speak to you of a matter you are more than familiar with.
I hope this event will bring your force's moral up, becasue the time to attack Heaven's Gate
in about one month, couldn't be ever more riper. Are you ready to commit your forces?

I am inviting your scientists to conduct some research on the NEMP bomb for analysis on its deployment.
Please visit Blackport soon. We will have our things prepared for the research to take place.

RE: To: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski | CC: The Order | From: AFC - The Archangels Fighter Club - 11-11-2017

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Lord Admiral,

Perhaps I'm not speaking on the same frequency as you.
I'd like you to understand how serious I am to get our mission underway.
I understand as well that having your scientists move through Kusari can be difficult.

I am therefore upgrading my proposal to show my interest and perhaps peak yours.

1) The AFC will dispatch their Jump Ship to Omicron Mu and jump whatever scientists and supplies you need to Blackport.
2) Once the scientists have completed the research, they will return, jumped again, with the following:

I am no fool, Admiral. I know you have a distaste for nomads, though I can also guess you are interested in researching them.
Help with the research of the NEMP and I'll help with your continual research of the nomads.
It's a win-win for you anyway. You offered to have it researched yourself.

Speaking of which, before you jump the gun on me, those came from today's horrific Sigma raid by the nomads.
It's a shame things turned out badly for the Order. Out there was absolute madness.
Consider this a friendly bit of payment for your troubles, and an act of trust as well.

RE: To: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski | CC: The Order | From: AFC - Omicron - 11-14-2017

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⧫ O.C.V. Fedayeen
⧫ Omicron Minor
⧫ 14/11/824
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Funny Sunny

The Near Future

I appreciate your effort, really. I after all made a promise of celebrating the fall of "Carthage" and I intend on deliver.

If you excuse me, I will address affairs in chronological order. Sunny... Sunny... synth paste, only twenty four entertainers and a bunch of Marijuana crap? I am pretty sure you can do better than this. We, The Order celebrate with copious ammounts of alcohol and quality food as is our tradition - we have pills for curing the hangover but no such immediate options to deal with stuff like this Gallic "NOX" dependency. Bring more women, bring more alcohol (what you had brought dried up by now) and join the party. I heard the Hispanic district of ours particularly took to this spirit. I won't mind if you use those drugs yourselves but The Order only accepts the most ancient brews that accompanied human civlization since its infancy as its friend. I hope you understand.

The Blood Dragons have new, possibly more aggressive leadership and The Order reduced its frontage and started to acquire resources from the rich Sigma sector. I believe we have enough to muster sufficient fleet force that we can commit to the operation. Do not forget to contact the Shogunate itself, they are as important to this endeavour as we are.

The NEMP's... the warheads you provided, we studied thoroughly and actually managed to not only minimize the payload to be usable by ships as small as starfighters... but also made the fission material more efficient. We'll use those bulky torpedoes you provided against the Arch as our more modern strategic missiles will remain on stand by. We'll also arrange for a ship to pick up the materials you showed to us. It is good to know that you treat us seriously as a partners and understand where our strenght lays. We made the right choice by inviting you to open the shop on Akabat.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski | CC: The Order | From: AFC - The Archangels Fighter Club - 11-14-2017

[Image: shdpWdz.gif]

Lord Admiral,

Say no more. Sunny's got you covered.
Expect supplies to the party coming in fast.

We'll drop a report on the stuff we bring.
Don't worry, it's on the house.