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to: the Council HC - Printable Version

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to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-11-2017

Here cote azure administrator
location your unrevealed system

incoming transmission


we know perfectly your political position on our base existing, we know too, that you dislike us.

Why to not answer, when we propose to try to leave your system?

We need a serious reason for it, the political reason seem to be one, the second is that our *employés* are tired to be isolated in a system without possible progression.

Like i said in my first message, we have received a protectorate proposition, like it you will be free of us, and us free to try to *évoluer* elswhere.

We made more than the necessary to live in your system(*puisqu'il est uniquement le vôtre*) and not opened to the civilians who flee the tyrannie. But never you helped us, all the money and work and etc etc are lost for nothing, EX: the BS CLN Segolene1 jumpdrive equiped bought by us +/- 1 billion lost the month and month of work lost for nothing, the effort made to create an interest in this system.

useless to continue to explain, please help us to leave with our base, it's a small request.

Cordially Cote Azure administrator

End of transmission

RE: to: the Council HC. Are you SOURD ? - NoMe - 11-19-2017

Bump with transmission..........

without answer, i must believe that we are free to leave with your hight *considération*

=RP= processus engaged, to be sure, in success case, IFF will be lost and the base name too for another much appropriated.

it has been a real pleasure to act without *rien*

hoping to have a better location for the crews, mon cher Council HC, agree all our respects. administrator

End of transmission

RE: to: the Council HC - Neptune - 11-26-2017


Intensité du signal: 100%
Encodage: __________ PLUS FORT

Source: ________ Battleship Cambrai, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Colonel Etienne Savoie ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): CoteAzur Adminstration

Sujet: _________ Indiscrétion

Transmission entrée...

"CoteAzure Administrator(s)",

Your installation have had a very intéressant history with us dating back to its initial construction.

Over the past years, attempts have been made by various Council personnel to establish contact with you and settle various issues/differences regarding your installation in a civilized manner; most notably by Cpt. Gustavo Voler le Chasseur and more recently by Cpl. Mia Mori:

We have numerous aliases on file of you including poor, smeowgly, and more recently, NoMe, all of which are in one way or another connected to the modular installation "CoteAzure" and the now defunct "Council.Civilian.Cabane".

You have been less than cooperative on more than a few occasions and have acted defiantly, showing a total lack of respect to Council forces and laws that govern and protect our space. One more than one occasion you have employed 'suppliers' without prior approval of the Groupement Tactique Roussillonnaise Command. On every single occasion, these persons of interests had to be intercepted by our scout wings.

Would you like to know what would have happened if you conducted yourself as you have in the past against the royalists? You would have been executed and your installation would have been a minor scrap field long forgotten.

Regarding your most recent request around possible réimplantation of CoteAzure, I can only say that should you wish to dismantle the core components and construct your base elsewhere, Council Command will provide *Asile* to all CoteAzure civilians on Toulouse.

However, if you plan to continue your opérations in Council space, you are still bound by our laws, this extend to ALL and ANY suppliers you currently employ and wish to employ in the future.

Take some time to think about what has been offered and *décider* accordingly.

Colonel Etienne Savoie
Chef de Groupement Tactique Champenoise

[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]

RE: to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-26-2017

Here cote azure administrator
location your unrevealed system

incoming transmission


i will take enought time after this answer!

As always, you come when you have the time. And when you come, it's to create some problem for me.

Je n'ai plus envie de réfléchir avec vous. it is not a civilian system, it is not for us.

Vous ne m'amusez plus.

have you helped us, when we have lost council civilian cabane no or lost the segolene1 (council bs 1 billion) no, helped me NoMe or NoMe enterprise in past no. when you come it's always to annoy or ask from us any money.

have you helped us, when the jumpholes have changed, have you helped us ?

us yes, we have helped the Council!

So your menaces, you know where you can put it.

you speak about royalists, your military behavior is not bad as exemple.

it's easy to annoy those who try to create something.

when you find some suppliers, it's for now not in fifteen days.

never an ennemy or unwanted by council is entered in system by our decision.

only indies has been employed and probably one of your allied who is mine too

if i remember, when i have accepted to work here, the system ne devait pas être sous contrôle militaire. if i speak in french, there is areason for it, in gallic space we have 2 languages tolerated, french and english

you don't want us but you refuse to see us leave, is it not a non sens?

for now, i don't have enought time to bring you a better answer!

you will have to wait a bit, my secretary for translation is not here.



end of transmission

RE: to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-28-2017

Good morning, Colonel Etienne Savoie

We have a base which was created to us by his previous owner, it makes now, at least five years,

We worked on it more than seriously and tried to create a dynamics within a system, which obviously did not bear a grudge,

This base, when we took possession of it, was still in building, undoubtedly one of the reasons for which which was created to us, without forgetting the first one which was, I create for you the base, here is give everything codes, make sure to devote myself her to the humanity,

Being heard now that this base is well ours, and, not in a way a rent which would be paid to a queen for a limited length has that of our wallet, it seems to me that it is possible to have it in our will,

We in the first time paid regularly the necessary tax to authorities, while beginning our activities, They were, help the paramilitaries, you know the base which supporting became military, but reassure you, we lost co-ordinates,

Moreover, in front of the absence of security in the system, we were obliged to engage a friendly firm to form our personnel in rules minimum to support the reassured system,

The paramilitary base saw itself exempted from taxes, and while she ourselves planes helped to be built, we saw each other answering, yes but you continue to pay, very courteous ploy,

Not only, they work for you, our own security is ensured, you are paid, and we assure the repatriation of thousand refugees, what next of more still?

As they say, *tu veux pas cent balles et un mars* "Coluche" old terrian humorist.

Joke Trève, we received a protectorate proposal within another system, and we would like to answer it favourably, since our vocation is to military nor to be ordered by servicemen,

Of course, any proof concerning our provenance will be destroyed, We are ready,

Let leave us, not because we escape you, but rather go tried elsewhere to live more in accordance with our aspirations, civil, if it had not attracted attention,

Cordially CoteAzure administration

RE: to: the Council HC - Neptune - 11-28-2017


Intensité du signal: 100%
Encodage: __________ PLUS FORT

Source: ________ Battleship Cambrai, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Colonel Etienne Savoie ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): CoteAzur Adminstration

Sujet: _________ RE: Indiscrétion

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur NoMe,

You seem to have a strange and strong fixation on monetary aspect of things.

I would like to stress that, fines are truly secondary to the issue at hand. Administrative branch of Command has had to resort to applying appropriate fines due to complete disregard shown by you and your associates in accordance to the Laws of the Gallic Council as outlined HERE; Article VI: Roussillon Codex in particular, a document which is readily available on the Neural Net.

Council has not “helped” you in the past because you are not a recognized legal entity within Council space and as such Council has no legal obligation to assist you in any matters, especially given your track record with our froces. In fact there is no sign of any registration document to date on record. Comprenez-vous monsieur NoMe?

I also find it quite puzzling and *inquiétant* that you hold The Council responsible for changes in alignment of anomalies. While we pride ourselves in fighting for and being the voice of the oppressed in Gallia and championing ideals of democracy and freedom, we are not some "divine beings" possessing knowledge such as those that have to do with unstable cosmic anomalies changing their alignments within a system at a moment's notice; namely the jump hole changes.

You are correct that no enemy of the Council has indeed entered Roussillon but it is no thanks to your indiscretions as an extremely reckless “civilian”.

No, we are not stopping you from leaving. Offer of asylum and terms of your exit from the system were merely brought up for the sake of your employees and their families.

In case it wasn't already clear: You and your associates are free to leave.

Colonel Etienne Savoie
Chef de Groupement Tactique Champenoise

[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]

RE: to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-28-2017

t'as de la chance qu'on puisse pas t'insulter because the insults are not welcome here, but it's not l'envie qui me manque.

it's the SHAME on you!

RE: to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-28-2017

Maybe you believe to have new friends like it ?

be cool with the people, it give it to you some sheet!

NO problem ........................... de .......... we will leave your putain de territory, not made for civilians

RE: to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-28-2017

and if you want, our crew will do that they want, they don't want your asile who is an aliénant asile.

keep it under your oreiller and have a bad night.

RE: to: the Council HC - NoMe - 11-28-2017

citation from hearth, quand on est con on n'est con, le temps ne fait rien à l'affaire. *georges brassens*