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Questions about Guard System - Printable Version

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Questions about Guard System - wazamong - 01-20-2009

I have a questions about Guard and Guard System. I'd like to know answers about these questions:

1. What is "Guard(e.g. Lane Hacker Guard, Liberty Navy Guard....)"?

2. What is Guard System?

3. Why these "Guard" factions are hostile to me?

Questions about Guard System - stewcool - 01-20-2009

1: Basically the higher up from the main faction.

2: Owned by said guard faction

3: They are the elites of the faction if your not friendly with the main faction then odds are the guard
wont like you.

Questions about Guard System - wazamong - 01-20-2009

Thank you for replying my post! :)

Questions about Guard System - Captain - 01-20-2009

dont worry there are Zoner gaurds Also, if you didnt do anything wrong to zoner they might like you

Questions about Guard System - Barracuda-007 - 01-21-2009

Indeed, There are all different Guards. As you mentioned.
Liberty Navy Guard, Liberty Police Guard, Liberty Security Force Guard.
Bertonia Armed Forces Guard,Ect ect.

They are normally, Hostile. Just do not mistaken a Friendly Guard, For a Hostile Ship.
I've done that a few times. But, Just watch your Guard Systems, They are thy Most Powerful NPC's.

Questions about Guard System - hribek - 01-21-2009

There is no LSF Guard faction, actually.

Questions about Guard System - Nightwind - 01-21-2009

What did we need those factions for again ??
They are one of those things in disco that annoy me to hell...

Questions about Guard System - jdftheman - 01-21-2009

in 4.85 only people who have a guard ID will be allowed to pilot capital ships, so that's the main reason i guess