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To: Wilhelm Stiener - Printable Version

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To: Wilhelm Stiener - Vulkhard Muller - 11-20-2017

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: A Request:.

[Image: Rick_zps428d2b13.jpg]

My name is Rick Tiltman, Arbiter of the Junker's Congress. Rumor mill around the bars has it you are a man with a lot of knowledge when it comes to the legal Technical stuff, good penmanship and fancy words and what not.That aside. I would like to hire your expertise to draft up a list of I wouldn't call them laws so much as guidelines for Junker installations and Puerto Rico. With the rising tensions in Puerto Rico between LSF and Unioners. I have decided that this is in the best interest of all involved that this be done. I will be on Trafalgar Base for the duration of the week dealing with a rather unpleasant incident between a Molly and a Gaian, and far to many drinks. I hope that you will join me so we can begin the process.

Rick Tiltman,

RE: To: Wilhelm Stiener - Victor Steiner - 11-21-2017

Barrister's Office
University of Cambridge, School of Law

Mister Tiltman
Firstly, my name is William Steiner. Not the horrid name you have given above. I would appreciate it in future you address me properly, or if you cannot say that, 'sir' will suffice.

The revision of these laws or 'guidelines' as you call them, is perfectly fine. I will need to see a copy of the current laws before I can update them and I will need to know what it is you want changed. After that, I will send you the final draft to do what you wish with.

Yours Sincerely,
William Steiner
Planet Cambridge

RE: To: Wilhelm Stiener - Vulkhard Muller - 11-27-2017

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: A Request:.

[Image: Rick_zps428d2b13.jpg]

I do apologize Mr.Steiner, the NeuralNet logs suggested the spelling to be of the Rheinlandish variant as opposed to the Bretonian one, my mistake. On to business however, you see the reason for me wanting a set of guidelines is because we currently do not have one and it is causing many more problems then we would prefer. In a nutshell however things I would like to see in them are as follows:
  • a sort of No Fire Zone similar to the Zoners you know?
  • Ships of our enemies that are not allowed
  • Restricted Cargo
  • Conditions of Transport for Living Organisms
  • No Capital Ships on our bases, tired of the paper work.
  • Base Access (Can explain specifics in private)
  • Puerto Rico Specifications.

    Now, if you could do your magic and turn the above into something fancy looking and sounding I would be grateful as well as there would be a hefty sum of cash waiting for you.

Rick Tiltman,

RE: To: Wilhelm Stiener - Victor Steiner - 12-02-2017

Barrister's Office
University of Cambridge, School of Law

Mister Tiltman
The final draft of what you asked for has been finished, I have attached a copy below. If you want anything more added in, you need to specify what it is you want. Otherwise, this is the finished copy, I do hope you find it suited to your organisation.

I must also inform you that due to the Congress not being a government organisation in Bretonia, these laws have no standing with House Police forces and/or the Military. These guidelines are therefore to be legally considered rules for your own members, yet they are second to House law. I trust you understand this.

Requested Documents

Yours Sincerely,
William Steiner
Planet Cambridge