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From Dublin to Durban. The Story of Seline Magnus - Printable Version

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From Dublin to Durban. The Story of Seline Magnus - Jadon King - 11-22-2017

*The following is an interview with a captured Molly that will be referred to as "Donovan"*

Alright Donovan, you said you have information about the Dublin Harpy?

Oh, I know plenty. I even know where she went.

And why are you so happy to tell us about her?

Because she's the one who put me in this hole.

Very well... Know that recording started before I entered the room.

What is there to say about one of the terrors of Arranmore?

That she had a nasty habit of tearing through entire BAF patrols?

That she wouldn't hesitate to part your hair with a blaster if you spoke ill of her?

That she got over 80 confirmed kills before she was 17?

Or that she, like so many of us Mollys, got overconfident in her piloting skill?

Might as well start at her beginning.

Seline's Mother, Lucille. Was one of those real mean types, not much different from the young girl... But she was a bit unhinged in her methods. The kind who would charge right into a minefield because she felt like taking the quick route to a battleship she wanted. The kind to take on a full gunboat detachment in a fighter... Lucky for Seline, she took after her fathers mental state from what we all could tell, she would still go after people who were "better" then her, but she had no qualms about playing dirty, at one point her caretaker got sick of her antics and stuffed her in Greyhound and said "If ya see any Military people, shoot 'em!" She ended up coming back with a patrols worth of BAF in her hold saying "What should I do with these" Naturally we were shocked... This was a 13 year old girl who in her first time not in a simulation bagged several Armed Forces pilots! She was ecstatic when she was offered credits for them, and after that day, Seline started racking up both pilots, and even kills.

So she was a prodigy. And started doing jobs that you older ones couldn't?

Aye. For years she just kept getting more and more pilots. She never killed people who ejected, that's what our jobs were. But here's the problem, What happens when a Prodigy gets bored? She stopped going after the BAF, they were dime a dozen to her by the time she was 15. No, now she targeted the Corsairs! Because they could back up the claims they tried to make on the system, because they wouldn't run the moment things went against their favor like the BAF. They made her think. Made her work for her wins. Once again, she had people to fight that could keep her interest. They called her "The Harpy" of the the Gold fields when raid after raid, and patrol after patrol just dropped of the face of the system.

And that's when we put a bounty on her head. She was responsible of hundreds soldiers turning up dead.

Ah, now that's not quite true. She only brought them to us, we were the ones who got most of her "Kills" that you're talking about. But yes, that's when the Bounty Hunters really started going after her. Now if you thought she was happy fighting the Corsairs, then you wouldn't believe how ecstatic she was when she found out just how varied the skill and the tactics of the Hunters were. The Bounty hunters were one of the few people she would leave the Escape pods near the Hood to be picked up, Non-BMM traders and miners would also be spared when she would actually go pirating. Because she realized that every time she met one that got away, they got better. This is the Overconfidence that got her caught.

So the Harpy is no more... That's some good news at least.

Now now. I haven't finished my story. She got over confident as she went along, then "He" showed up. The Bounty Hunter only known as "Grim" He shows up in a bomber to take out some weapons emplacements we set up. She intercepts him after he finishes and is leaving. She is so full of herself at this point she offers him a chance to run and come back in a ship more suited for a fight. she ends up getting ass handed to her on a silver platter. getting out maneuvered, chased into the Hood field and her shield ripped apart, then he fires off a supernova blast. We all thought she died that day. We could see the blast from our field.

But she survived, and was taken to prison. Seline Magnus is in our records. but she only served 3 months.

Aye, she lived. And like you said, about three months later, Mollys start vanishing in New London, Cambridge and Manchester. Whenever some footage would make it back at Arranmore, we would see a Bounty hunter under the designation "Gold-9" We had no idea who this was until one of our Cruisers got destroyed by the Old man "Grim" and Gold-9. turns out, the pilots name is "Magnus" Now we start panicking because we thought Seline's Father was Gold-9 and returned to find his daughter and Wife dead, and was getting revenge on us for letting them die. Then Gold-9 shows up in Dublin. We swarm to intercept them and then we hear a familiar voice. "You bastards lied to me, for my whole life you told me you were doing what's right!" Turns out, the Harpy of Dublin was alive and well, and the one scrapping our forces. to say we were surprised is an understatement. Then she let loose her weapons and we tried to stop her... We only thought she was good flying for us. She used our own minefield against us. Shredding our shields, then bashing our ships into the mines and taking our pods... she became a monster. A true Harpy.

So where is Gold-9? Where is Ms, Magnus?

She left. After ripping us apart and spending years taking down any pirate in Bretonia she could corner, she got her invitation to the Omicrons. She was accepted into the Core. I have no idea where she is now, but I'm sure she's alive... Carving her name into the stars as the Harpy of Dublin once more.