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The Sentinel 201 Alpha - Printable Version

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The Sentinel 201 Alpha - Fletcher - 01-21-2009

Be advised this character bio is now out of date and deemed void.
Yours sincerely, Fletcher.
4th March 2012

LASP - Liberty Autonomous Sentinel Project

Accessing Willard Research Station Remote Terminal...
Sending access codes...

***Access Granted***
Accessing LASP Capital AI Research File...

Director of LASP (Personal Details above Top Secret)

After the success of the Liberator Sentinel series of ship line combat tests and interaction within the LPI and Navy workings within the Liberty borders, we desired to expand the ship line into the capital series, rather than going through the less agile fighter classes. Not to mention we would probably never gain clearance from those stuck up Navy Admirals and the politicians of Manhattan. Can't they see the fruits of this project? We could replace the entire Navy with perfectly loyal units with no training time at all. A so called, instant army. As long as we have the industrial capacity off course.

Now, the status of the new Sentinel 201 Alpha, some of our best work we must say is quite successful after a long and drawn out process of ironing out the bugs that a gunboat has with a AI computer core. That overheating and control module delay was always a major setback. The engines were fine, along with the maneuvering thrusters after the Sentinel 187 Beta, that was a worthy test module to say the least. Yes, we have come a long way since Sentinel 101. It shall stay in active service, this, personality complex the unit is suffering from is quite unique, we shall examine this further.

Now to the Sentinel 201 Alpha itself, it is a standard Liberty Gunboat, but it is geared for a anti-fighter offensive rather than combat with other capital craft. A vanguard of the lanes to say the least. Its engine systems are the same as other gunboats, its weapon systems are somewhat limited missile wise. Due to the cooling systems installed in the Sentinel 201 Alpha, it had to take up room for some of the missile armament systems in the cargo hold of the craft.

This is the Director of LASP at Williard signing off.

Sentinel 201 Alpha Directives:
  • The Sentinel is programmed with the following guidelines:
  • Obey Liberty Navy and LPI without question or compromise.
  • Let no harm come to Liberty Navy, LPI or Lawful civilians and traders.
  • Perform duties of LPI unless ordered not to by LPI or Navy officials.
  • Engage criminals at will if deemed hostile.
  • Intercept and halt smugglers and destroy illegal cargo.
  • When faced with enemy capital craft, send distress beacon and call for assistance.
  • If captured, unit is ordered to self destruct and format memory and optical drives.

The Sentinel 201 Alpha - Fletcher - 01-21-2009

>>>>Feedback for story goes in linked thread<<<<

The Sentinel 201 Alpha - Fletcher - 05-15-2009

Be advised this character bio is now out of date and deemed void.
Yours sincerely, Fletcher.
4th March 2012

Accessing Sentinel 201 Alpha Terminal
Connection established
Opening recent logs

Chief Engineer Julian's Log

Well I've been able to help patch up that rather annoying file that this Keeper was able to send to the Sentinel 101, and Sentinel 201 Alpha. All I can say it was a major pain in the backside. You try talking an AI that has gone rampant to cool down and obey its directives, its like talking to a child who's sweets were taken away from them. It also came close to firing its primary cannon at the airlock... that would have been tough to contain, and survive.

The new patch and unknown file purge was completed successfully and we were able to install the Mk 4 advanced scanners and communication array with new firewalls. This is in an effort to further prevent any files and communications that are not authorized.

Also a suggestion, can someone please get that Professor Farnsworth off my back?! I mean come on! That old fossil looks like he should be put into a home, not the leader of a classified and ongoing research project. Sure he's smart, but he's got the people skills of a rectum nugget. He is not someone I want to be locked in a lab with for more than a minute more that needs to be done.

Now that the Sentinel 100 and 200 series is going smoothly, I've been told to try and make more room in the hanger for the new Sentinel 300 series that is about to be rolled off the production lines. Its supposed to be an Upholder bomber class of vessel. While I like to see more units roll off the line, but bombers? Isn't that in the lines of the Navy and not the LPI?

An another note, can we please make the Sentinel hanger a restricted area? I keep getting stupid officers and corporate pilots cominh in and out asking me and my staff question after question about the Sentinels. This is not a sideshow! Its a sensitive information zone!

Well, the orders for the new terminals are through and they'll be here within the next few days or so. That is if Ageria is bothered.

Chief Julian Powell signing off.