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To Samura Industries and affiliates | A new proposal - Printable Version

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To Samura Industries and affiliates | A new proposal - The Republic of Kusari - 11-29-2017

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[Image: ZS0qf5h.jpg]
Arata Nakaigawa, Republic of Kusari

*a cheery fellow come up on screen. While banners of the republican office appear in the background, the official is unusually cheerful. Perhaps a drink too much?*

To the administration of Samura Industries main branch, affiliated branches

it is a pleasure to contact you all. My name is Masayoshi Nakasone, and I have been running our great nation Ministry of Economy and Industry and Colonial Development for a few months now. The economy has been making good progress this year, and even with the issues of Kyushu, The Republic of Kusari has achieved it's year goal of an almost 0.05% deficit.
And for that achievement one must recognize Samura numerous contributions to the employment rates and export rates. Thank you, and thank you very much!

Now, about today's topic. You see, there has been some interesting developments in the outer reaches of Kusari, and the Government is considering investing in a few new solar and inter-system infrastructures. Given Samura past experience in the Chugoku---- ehrr, I mean, Rishiri Gate construction site, hai, we would like for Samura to oversee a new site for a jumpgate assembly project.

The main goal would be to survey, select, prepare and set up a gate construction site in the Honshu system, for linking the recently traveled Sigma-21 system. Obviously, should Samura achieve a suitable progress on the Honshu site, a secondary contract would be developed for the jumpgate counterpart in the new system.

[Image: 6GfHSdp.jpg]

Samura is to survey the Honshu system for a stable location for the site, where tradelane extension is feasible and with the maximum of potential security issues solved, and set up the gate construction site.
Usually Ageira Industries would be the only provider of the gate infrastructure available for this type of job, but as we heard and know that there are some potential cost effective alternatives from the Kingdom of Gallia, we would like to delegate to Samura the task of selecting the jumpgate special provider from the known companies.

The Minsitry of Economy is considering a overall budget of 6 Billion Sirian credits to be spend over a max period of 5 years. Of these, it is included a sizeable compensation prize for Samura services, half of it claimable at the successful completion of the contract.

I would like to hear the esteemed representatives thoughts on this matter before finalizing details.

To your speedy reply and Cool Business!
Masayoshi Nakasone, Ministry of Economy and Industry and Colonial Development (Extraordinaire!)
Republic of Kusari

RE: To Samura Industries and affiliates | A new proposal - The Republic of Kusari - 12-16-2017

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RE: To Samura Industries and affiliates | A new proposal - Owen - 02-05-2018

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

FROM: Hiroshi Matsuyama, Director of Infrastructure Assets
LOCATION: Shinjuku Station, New Tokyo System
SUBJECT: Jumpgate to the Sigma-21 system

[Image: index_img_08.jpg]

Konnichiwa Nakaigawa-san,

We appreciate your recognition of Samura's efforts to assist in the boosting of the Kusari economy. We hope with the reunification of the government we will be able to see accelerated economic growth which will be beneficial to our business. We also appreciate your efforts in helping to transform the Sigma-21 system into a new bastion of Kusari influence in the Sigmas. We will of course assist in anyway possible which will allow a better flow of trade between the Honshu system and the soon to be colonised Planet Saigon. We see a budget of 6 billion credits to be sufficient for the project. We at Samura have been working to develop a strong local trade lane and gate industry in Kusari with the assistance of our Gallic partners. We will get to work as soon as possible in regards to surveying a site both in the Honshu system and the Sigma-21 system.

Hiroshi Matsuyama.

RE: To Samura Industries and affiliates | A new proposal - Owen - 02-06-2018

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

FROM: Hiroshi Matsuyama, Director of Infrastructure Assets
LOCATION: Shinjuku Station, New Tokyo System
SUBJECT: Jumpgate to the Sigma-21 system

[Image: index_img_08.jpg]

Konnichiwa Nakaigawa-san,

As proposed we got onto surveying potential sites as soon as possible and a team was sent out to survey possible locations in the Southern Honshu system and Northern Sigma-21 system. After first looking at it logically, we concluded the best site for a trade lane to the Gate would be from Battleship Hyono and the former Osaka Station, as Sigma-21 is further west than Sigma-13 and Sigma-19 and as such it is logical to put it west of the Sigma-13 gate. Of course this poses a problem as the remains of Osaka are floating there and cause a hazard. I've notified the CEO that this needs to be cleaned up ASAP and he will be working to contact probably ALG Waste Disposal to do that job. Once that is sorted we will be able to build a trade lane down to a new gate in the southern part of the system. I've made out the potential angle and locations of the jump gate below.

[Image: YUT5a5g.jpg]

The red lines indicate potential trade lane sites and of course the green circles represent potential jump gate sites. Directly south of the Battleship is the Hiryo Cloud. This poses little to no risk to the jump gate but will reduce visibility significantly. As you know we have the Sigma-13 Jump Gate also in the cloud which currently is working fine. To the west a little bit is nothing but open space. However what I have marked out with a yellow circle is the Blood Dragons presence in the cloud that our surveyors picked up. As you know this presence managed to destroy Osaka Station, so it poses a significant risk to the jump gate, though the Sigma-13 Jump Gate hasn't been harmed while the base has been there. However we suggest going with the middle route (directly south), as it still faces the Sigma-21 system while at the same time not being so close to the Dragons base. The next image is our survey map from the Sigma-21 system.

[Image: WoAJGwd.jpg]

Now it gets a bit tricky here. What I have marked in yellow is a white cloud with a significant amount of asteroids in it. That's a navigational hazard we need to avoid. There is also a GMG battleship inside that cloud. Around Planet Hanoi there is also a Farmer's Alliance battleship, which poses a significant security threat to the gate, if Kusari's relations with the FA were to remain as they are. Logically though, Honshu is towards the north-west and is further west than Sigma-59 and Sigma-17 which both have jump holes in the system, so any further east may render the gate useless. So I guess it's up to the leadership to decide where to put it in Sigma-21, but it's probably best advised that it's in that triangle between Hanoi, the Sun and the white cloud with navigation buoys in that narrow gap between the cloud and the Sun's asteroid belt leading the rest of the way to Saigon. Normalising relations with the FA may help reduce the security threat posed by their battleship.

Also our surveyors noticed a base in between Planet Saigon and its Moon. It goes by the name of "Constantinople Base", we're unaware if this is known to the Kusari Government. We just thought we'd let you know. I have attached an image of the base.

Hiroshi Matsuyama.

Attachment 1