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TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - Printable Version

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TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - AlphaWolf215 - 12-03-2017

Armed Forces Standing Orders Update

Attention all Armed Forces and Intelligence Service personnel.

It is with a heavy heart I must enact a state of emergency. As of this moment, Bretonia enters its darkest hour. It would be foolish of me to say that we did not expect this.

All Ranking personnel should have an emergency pack in their quarters for just such a scenario.

Captains and flight wings are to start an immediate withdrawal to New London. Your number one Priority is the defence of New London, it's people, parliament, and the Royal Family. We will give them everything we have, for our freedoms, and for our rights as Bretonians.

****Armed Forces Command Staff. SIS Directors. EYES ONLY.****

Director Weber, we have not conversed much, but I require your assistance. It is not my responsibility to order you, but under the circumstances, I'm sure you'll understand. I require your operatives to begin extracting government personnel. Get them to Cambridge, we'll go from there. Get them to ground. This is a military operation and requires military precision. They'll be allowed to convene once the greatest threat has passed. Any remaining agents should be stationed on the borders. I want to be the first to know once they breach the first line. Your pack should contain details for an encrypted direct line to my office.

Lord Hamilton, direct all appropriate transports for civilian evacuation. There are a number of people throughout New London who will require immediate evacuation to Cambridge and Sprague. Run silent, and run fast Commodore. I'm also placing the Norfolk fleet under you command. Use it to secure Gibraltar (//Omega 3).

Admiral McIntire, I hope you have an up to date record of your Forces. All available vessels should be directed to New London. Flanking manoeuvres, strike them from the fields, from behind. Make their entrance a living hell sir. Prepare the rest of your Forces for a fight, they'll likely use the opportunity. Stay vigilant Admiral.

Admiral Wildcat, we hoped this day wouldn't come. I may not have Forces to spare, so hold Dublin as long as you can. Give them everything you've got, and pull out only when it is too late. I trust your judgement.

Commodore Steiner, you're to support me in the defence of New London. The York is yours. Defend our shipyard Commodore.

Commodore McKinley, I know this is traditionally the responsibility of an Admiral, but I need you at the head of the Cambridge Planetary Defence Fleet. Cambridge is our fallback point. Good luck Commodore.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Here begins the extraction of Her Majesty. The Royal Family is currently being collected and escorted out of system. You should all have a copy of their rendezvous. I dare not transmit it in case it's intercepted.


Today I have failed my House, and the people I vowed to protect. I was too busy hoping it wouldn't happen, but it is not too late. Not so long as even one of us draws breath. We are Bretonian, and everything we stand for shall persist whilst WE draw breath. The Gauls will not torture us as they torture their people. They will not enslave us as they did the Kusarians. We will not fall, not as long as a single one of us stands against them.

It has been my honour to serve by your side.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.

Bretonian Command

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - Rickard Steiner - 12-03-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Severe
To: Bretonian Command
From: Subcommander Clarence Fetherstonhaugh, BAFMN, Transport Branch North

To Command,

Standing orders acknowledged and confirmed. As the officer in charge of Transport Branch North I am hereby issuing a general order for all Merchant Navy vessels within the Northern area of operations to return to the New London system to the pre-designated muster points for further assignment. Those container ships that can be converted for passenger usage will report to Southampton Shipyard and the naval dockyards on Planet New London for immediate conversion. I am also putting in a request for the authority to commandeer suitable civilian vessels for the task should the need arise. I shall await further instruction from Lord Hamilton.

Rest assured, we are ready to perform our duty for Crown and the citizenry, even if it means smashing our way through the enemy with the prows of our Shires.

Carina. Regina. Imperatrix.

Sub-Commander Clarence Fetherstonhaugh
Bretonian Armed Forces Merchant Navy, Transport Branch North

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - Thunderer - 12-03-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: Command
From: Captain Sir George Richard Hall

To whom it may concern,

I am sending this message from my quarters aboard the HMS Thunderer. Most of our lighting is currently operational and I have not heard of any power shortages down on Cambridge, so I am not entirely certain why this was deemed a dark hour, let alone the darkest one. Writing this message is a subsidiary activity for me at this moment, because I am having a cup of tea and a chat about carpets with my first officer now. If the chandelier in the Admiralty Board Conference Chamber aboard the Harlow has malfunctioned, then the matter is truly dire and you need to call an electrician urgently, or someone might spill hot tea over themselves in the dark. It would be a pity for the tea.

If there are, in fact, Gauls in New London again, then I do not know what all the tiresome anxiety is for. No one will even spill tea in that case. I hope that I will manage to move my finger quickly enough to switch on the news on time, because it would truly ruin my day if I missed the broadcast of their general rout.

The Thunderer is currently floating idle in the Cambridge System and ready for orders. Do we head to New London? Should we bring spare light bulbs? Who will guard Cambridge in that case? I have not received any instructions from Commodore Dagon's office aboard the Norfolk. Is she dead?

My crew is as clueless as always, but they are very eager to step into combat. I can say that their spirits are so high that they believe they could move the ship towards the battlefield with their own muscles, could they find something to push against. A pretentious belief for such impulsive, semi-trained working-class men. I always get the poorest crew. You do not see my ship as cannon fodder, do you?

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - SMI-Great.Fox - 12-03-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Private
Encryption: High
Priority: High
To: BAF Command
From: Admiral Evyn Wildcat, BAF

~A Bretonian tar is a soaring soul,
As free as a mountain bird,
His energetic fist should be ready to resist
A dictatorial word.

His nose should pant,
And his lip should curl,
His cheeks should flame,
And his brow should furl,
His bosom should heave,
And his heart should glow,
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.

His eyes should flash with an inborn fire,
His brow with scorn be wrung;
He never should bow down
to a domineering frown,
Or the tang of a tyrant tongue.

His foot should stamp,
And his throat should growl,
His hair should twirl,
And his face should scowl;
His eyes should flash,
And his breast protrude,
And this should be his customary attitude.

His attitude,
His attitude,
His aaaaattiiiiiituuuuude!

Evyn 'Thorn' Wildcat
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - Gagadug. - 12-03-2017

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

[img float=right][/img]

Priority: High
To: FAdm O'Brien
From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Macduff, Newcastle

I was worried this day would come sooner than later, the Gauls tightened their grip in the independent worlds enough to dare attacking the heart of the realm.
The Newcastle fleets are combat ready as always and the Macduff fleet will move towards the New London jumpgate once all units are ready and take position closeby to reinforce New Londons defenses.

For queen and country,
Jacob McIntire

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - Victor Steiner - 12-03-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Alpine
To: Lady O'Brian
From: Commodore Edmund Steiner

Order received and understood. Although I do not believe you have failed in any capacity, you managed to get us this far, quite a feat in and of itself. We shall stay with you, and Bretonia, until the end.

Edmund Steiner
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - Secret Intelligence Service - 12-03-2017

To Admiral M. O'Brian
We will begin moving all cabinet members and government ministers to Cambridge, preparations are also being made to move them out of the House should the need arise. I am recalling all agents from across Sirius and will station them in the borders as you have requested. If the Royal Navy launch an assault, we should have some warning, although I cannot guarantee more than a few minutes. Furthermore, I have assigned a handful of extra agents to the Queen's Guard. I'm afraid there is little more that can be done now on my end, save wait and see what happens.

H.V Weber
Her Majesties S.I.S

[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: TO: All Armed Forces and Intelligence Service Assets - TheSauron - 12-03-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Up to Date
To: BAF Command
From: Commodore Paul McKinley
Location: HMS Gaia, Newcastle System


I will have units under my command detached from Grimsby and transfered to the Planetary as soon as possible.

Godpeed to us all.

Paul McKinley
Bretonian Armed Forces