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To: IKN/Hogosha/Farmer Alliance &(Indies) - Printable Version

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To: IKN/Hogosha/Farmer Alliance &(Indies) - West - 12-14-2017

[Image: eDX82DC.png]

>>>>> Incoming Transmission <<<<<
>>>>> Establishing Video Feed <<<<<
>>>>> Video Feed: Live <<<<<

>>>>>From: Yurei
>>>>>Subject: Time for Action
>>>>>Source: Honshu
>>>>>Encription: Youkai

Konnichiwa brothers and sisters. I'm operating under callsign "Yurei", so refer to me like that.

We are the true Kusarians, defenders of the Empire, due to that I'm calling to you, join me in a fight against our true enemy. Many of you believe that it is the Republicans, however not today, with the rumors of the peace talks and a lack of action from both sides I'm looking for those who are eager to fight an enemy who always was like a splinter in the side, Gas Miners Guild.
Only blind can deny the fact that they are working with Blood Dragons, traitorous clan that was terorizing the North for too long and not only that, they dare to claim all of the Sigmas for themself, arrogant pigs should know their place. It is the time to strike at them, while they are busy fighting a war against Rheinland, this is the perfect opportunity for us to relief Kusari bastion in Sigmas, planet Kurile, from their influence, and strike at them causing as much chaos as possible.

Many call us traitors, criminals, and many other unpleasant words, yet, we are the true protectors of the Empire, striking from the shadow when bureaucrats are not capable to do what they are supposed to do, protect Kusari from it's enemies. I'm calling to you honorable warriors, together we will protect Kusari. If you believe in this cause, then you should head to our gathering point, Kamisu Base in Honshu.

Awaiting for your replies brothers and sisters.
Sayonara, Honorable Warriors

[Image: zP8HbVc.png]

Long live Kusari

RE: To: IKN/Hogosha/Farmer Alliance &(Indies) - Corpus13 - 12-15-2017


Sender ID: Specialagent Aneko Tanaka, Kempeitai Covert Operations Service
Recipient ID: Callsign "Yurei"
Encryption was traced...
Encryption: KusariMilitary Encryption "Sakura" v.2.5.9
Encryption level: EXTREME
Priority: EXTREME
Type: Audio and video feed
Topic: Time for Action

Konnichiwa, sister.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Aneko Tanaka and I'm the special agent of Imperial Kempeitai, Kusari Covert Operations Service, and the veteran of the Fulda. I was one of the first scouts of KPT, who was sent in this area to find out the truth. While we are ready to fight any threats, I'm sorry to respond with a negative answer. Before you name us traitors I feel like I need to eplain this situation for you.

Kusari and Emperor has a lot of enemies around. The corrupted Kingdom of Gallia, greedy the Republic of Liberty and many others, including internal enemies, like these Dragons. What I want to say, GMG isn't the main enemy of the Kusari. Yes, it provides Republicans with the fuel, but they do the same thing for everyone. Their cooperation with Dragons? We have heard a lot about it, but we've never seen any proofs of it. They are too careful in this matter.

Moreoever, as I've stated, all these groups even unites aren't such a strong enemy, like the Kingdom of Gallia, therefore it's the right subject to focus, instead of another one war with GMG. Roi's soldiers are crawling our back. We should secure Kyushu and Tau systems, first of all.

For the Emperor and Kusari we can't afford to ourselves to support you in your war with GMG, however your help would be much apprecaited in the war with the real enemy, the Kingdom of Gallia.

I wish, we could set up something to damage several important gallic posts, instead of kicking an armorless miner. I will try to come to the pointed location, anyway. I'm not sure, that I will support you, but I can't let my systers and brothers go without any back protection.

Long live Kusari,
Long live the Emperor!

Aneko Tanaka is out.
Special agent [|>>|]
Kempeitai, Kusari Covert Operations Service


RE: To: IKN/Hogosha/Farmer Alliance &(Indies) - West - 12-18-2017

[Image: eDX82DC.png]

>>>>> Incoming Transmission <<<<<
>>>>> Establishing Video Feed <<<<<
>>>>> Video Feed: Live <<<<<

>>>>>From: Yurei
>>>>>Subject: Time for Action
>>>>>Source: Honshu
>>>>>Encription: Youkai

Konnichiwa agent.

I'm a bit surprised that you took a time to reply to the transmission that wasn't directed to you. I was sure that Kempeitai are monitoring the channels of their allies like you usually do, however to go and even reply, that is something new. I also didn't know that now you receive a veterancy for an investigation or perhaps you was a part of the attacking/defending group, that would be rather suspicious, times are changing indeed.

However, let's get back to the topic, I'm not surprised to hear such a response, since I wasn't counting on you from the start. Intelligence services are not keen to fight when the time is right, usually they appear when it is too late or underestimate their enemy and don't act at all, like you did with the republic.

You prefer to focus on the bigger threats, however, why poke a sleeping beast if you have a knife in your back, that doesn't sound very intelligent if you ask me.

Nevertheless, I thank you for your response, even if it is a negative one, perhaps in the future you will consider.


[Image: zP8HbVc.png]

Long live Kusari

RE: To: IKN/Hogosha/Farmer Alliance &(Indies) - Redacted.Member1-4 - 12-18-2017

[Image: A1ftQfi.png]

Miss Yurei, I believe you have seen the work of the Hogosha in the past months, as you have seen it closely. The efforts from all forces within the Association serve one purpose only, the strengthening of the Noble house of Kusari.

Likewise, we share our concerns regarding the ones who stand to oppose our rightful place among the stars, and like others in society, we have our strengths and limitations in what we can do to stop them.

While the Association must bid the right time to rally the people to rise up against the threats, we cannot afford to remain idle while they gather up forces and pressure our weakest links. The Hogosha Association pledges to provide men and support to the campaigns of your forces. For the sake of Kusari.

[Image: 6DndhVp.png]

RE: To: IKN/Hogosha/Farmer Alliance &(Indies) - Vovasishe - 12-19-2017

Incoming transmission...

[:::]To: Yurei
[:::]From: Ayasa Sakamoto, [ยป]
[:::]Encryption: KURHEINENC-2-0-2
[:::]Encryption level: High
[:::]Priority: HIGH
[:::]Type: Text only
[:::]Topic: Time for Action

Konnichiwa, sister
Finally the person has appeared, who is strong and courageous enough to strike at this ugly corporation and to free these areas for Samura. We are very honored by your message, I believe that we should not even name our answer. You already know it.

However, forgive me for haste. I do not often practice diplomacy and sometimes I forget to introduce myself. I am a member of the Tate Syndicate, the most radical and decisive group in the ranks of Hogosha. Our members are always ready to fight the true gaijin and enemies of the Kusari,

So, tell us more about your plans and we will start preparing ships.
Ayasa Sakamoto, Local leader
Kusari will grow. Kusari only.

The end of transmission...