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Nomad Indies Jump - Printable Version

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Nomad Indies Jump - Ikarus_Hagen - 12-15-2017

It's cool that even we Indies can jump, so I went trough the commands and found following: /jumpsys.
It lists all systems where I can jump to and I found some systems I'm not allowed to enter, like Burgundy.

Can it get restricted by FLHook that when I do a blindjump I don't end up in front of Manhattan?
This is a technical question and I hope to be in the right forum

RE: Nomad Indies Jump - Vexykin - 12-15-2017

I'm pretty sure the Jump feature is activated for only Vagrants.

Have you had any successful jumps made as an indie already?

RE: Nomad Indies Jump - Foxglove - 12-15-2017

I think the reason why Nomad indies are not given the feature is exactly to prevent them from jumping out of their allowed systems and violating their ID lines. Since the CM launcher is a jump drive, indies can probably type /charge and trigger the message in the console, but you also need a Vagrant ID and a Nomad Fuel Cell for it to actually work.

The entire thing is currently really makeshift until Nomad jump drives are added as mountable equipment.

RE: Nomad Indies Jump - Ikarus_Hagen - 12-15-2017

Oh, ok, it seemed that I can jump, but I had no fuel at the time.

Well then, problem solved (happy)