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To: Council High Command - Printable Version

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To: Council High Command - Gagadug. - 12-30-2017

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

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Priority: Medium
To: Council High Command, Générale en Chef Pierre La Flamme
From: Admiral Sir Jacob McIntire, KBE
Location: HMS Macduff, Newcastle

Esteemed Générale La Flamme,

It has come to my attention that the captain of a Council ship intends to hand the ship over to the Armed Forces. I have not recieved the name of the ship yet, only its captains name, Di Rane.
As, for all I know, the Council does not hand over its ships to its captains for use on their own account I deemed it necessary to contact you before any decision is made.
So I would like to know what is the Councils stance on this matter, to not give any ground for animosities between the Council and the Kingdom of Bretonia.

yours sincerely
Sir Jacob McIntire

RE: To: Council High Command - Gagadug. - 01-01-2018

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RE: To: Council High Command - Thyrzul - 01-01-2018


Intensité du signal: 100%
Encodage: __________ PLUS FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Admiral Sir Jacob MacIntire __________ BAF|

Sujet: _________ Re: -

Transmission entrée...

Admiral MacIntire,

Merci beacoup for contacting me on this matter, et apologies for the delayed response. The name of the captain is unfamiliar, does not even sound gaulois to me, so we had to double check our official records, but those did not give us back any matches either.

You are right, we usually do not authorize officers switching sides, even if it is to one of our allies, unless it is part of an official mutual agreement between ourselves, but the both of us would surely know about that, oui? The lack of information allows me to suspect several various scenarios fitting this case, from theft to treason, or even just a bluff, although to what end I don't know.

I would like to ask you to treat the situation et the captain with suspicion et vigiliance, et update me as soon as possible should you receive more information. I will do the same if I get to know more.

Again, thank you very much for informing me, Admiral.

Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Général en Chef Du Conseil

Piéce(s) jointe(s):

[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]

RE: To: Council High Command - Gagadug. - 01-01-2018

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

[img float=right][/img]

Priority: Medium
To: Générale en Chef Pierre La Flamme
From: Admiral Sir Jacob McIntire, KBE
Location: HMS Macduff, Newcastle

Esteemed Générale La Flamme,

I was afraid that this would be your answer, the name made me wonder, too. My french is not very good but even I noticed the unfamiliar sounding name, possibly a pseudonym.
The captain contacted me just yesterday, claiming to be in command of one of your Obstinate class battlecruisers and wanting to help the defense of New London on his own account.
He claims his reasons to be of noble nature, helping my house in these dark days. Even though I would like to believe that the years have taught me that those with a smile on their lips often have a knife behind their back.
Yet, the captain himself did not sound like he was about to hand over his vessel to the Armed Forces, rather like he was requesting clearance to support us in the fight but retaining command of the ship. The Ensign contacting me about the matter seemingly made a mistake in relaying the captains wishes to the Board.
For the moment I have granted him free movement in the contested systems and a mooring spot on Southampton. The ship is beeing watched till I can be sure this is not some kind of Gallic Royalist setup.
If, against all doubts, the captain is true to his claims, I personally would be glad to offer him to stay, with his ship staying under your banners. We can need every hand in the defense of our home, yet, that is up to you to decide.
I will await your answer.

yours sincerely
Sir Jacob McIntire

RE: To: Council High Command - Thyrzul - 02-03-2018


Intensité du signal: 100%
Encodage: __________ PLUS FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Admiral Sir Jacob MacIntire __________ BAF|

Sujet: _________ Re: -

Transmission entrée...

Admiral MacIntire,

Accept my sincere apologies for the late response, certain preparations et planning of operations kept our entire High Command busy throughout the previous month.

Regarding this Captain Di Rane, according to what you are telling me this whole situation would not look that grim at all, sadly other reports from Liberty about breach of laws et hostile behavior towards our allies in the Liberty Navy suggests we indeed are dealing with a rogue element of the Flotte Dispersée here.

While his or her assistance against the Gallic Royal Navy is advantageous for us, the other issues his or her recklesness et disobedience causes are not. I still urge you to remain cautious, et provide more information for us about actions, movements, possessed ships, et general attitude towards yourselves. In case the captain in question becomes a serious threat, you are authorized to terminate.

In the meanwhile I'll try to do my best at investigating the cause before it blows out of proportion et cause serious diplomatical issues none of us really wants.

Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Général en Chef Du Conseil

Piéce(s) jointe(s):

[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]

RE: To: Council High Command - Gagadug. - 02-08-2018

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

[img float=right][/img]

Priority: Medium
To: Générale en Chef Pierre La Flamme
From: Admiral Sir Jacob McIntire, KBE
Location: HMS Macduff, Newcastle

Esteemed Générale La Flamme,

There is no need to apologize for the delay, times have us all busy. Thank you for informing us about the problems caused in Liberty, we will keep a close eye on Di Ranes activities in Bretonia. Up until now we did not notice anything out of the line, but better be safe than sorry.

yours sincerely
Sir Jacob McIntire