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Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Printable Version

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Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Stoner_Steve - 01-09-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Brandon Wright :-_-_-_-_-


If you'll take a look here you'll see the application process for an IRG power core. As for the rest I'll need information on your request, such as the ship it will be mounted to, the survey array type, and so on.

I look forward to working with you.

Brandon Wright
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Nerva Regis - 01-10-2018

Accessing Secure Channel
Encryption started
Sender: Prof. Nerva Regis
Location: Omicron Delta

Thank you for the quick response.
Regarding the IRG power cell, I have already installed one on a Corvo that I own. (True, it is a bit too much if you ask me.)
Thus, I do believe it won't be any problem in acquiring some more.

Coming back to the matter at hand, the Hyperspace Jump Drive mkIII modification.

As we already discussed, I would like to improve the energy consumption of the drive. Carrying all those batteries, does some time take a lot of valuable cargo space. Not to mention, that something could go wrong and remain without any jumping fuel in the middle of who-knows-where.

Now, you did mention that a custom ship build would be around 750mil with all equipment. Furthermore, you did say it took quite a while to get it up and running.

My question is, since I already have the ship and the Jump Drive: How much time would it take to perform all the modifications?

Looking forward to our next meeting,
Prof. Nerva Regis

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Stoner_Steve - 01-11-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Brandon Wright :-_-_-_-_-


I don't see the refitting of your vessel costing nearly as much as it costs to build a vessel from the keel up. However labor, material acquisition and delivery are certainly things to consider. I'll need a few days to perform; or rather have the interns perform the necessary calculations on structural enforcement for the Power Cell emplacement. If possible we would also like to have a small team of 5 to 10 engineers stay aboard the Unity to perform on sight surveys of your current reactor facilities, and furthermore, to start the necessary prep work before your vessel enters dry-dock.

Brandon Wright
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Nerva Regis - 01-11-2018

Accessing Secure Channel
Encryption started
Sender: Prof. Nerva Regis
Location: Omicron Delta


Your team of engineers would be more that welcome on Unity. Although, they might find it a bit empty since most of the systems are automated.
Nevertheless, appropriate accommodation shall be prepared for each and everyone of them.

Prof. Nerva Regis

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Stoner_Steve - 01-12-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Brandon Wright :-_-_-_-_-


I've received word that my team has arrived on Freeport 11, please have them transferred to your vessel at your leisure so that they may begin.

Brandon Wright
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Nerva Regis - 01-13-2018

Accessing Secure Channel
Encryption started
Sender: Prof. Nerva Regis
Location: Omicron Delta


I must apologize for the delay, there were some issues that I had to solve related to my Omicron Orphan Initiative.
Nevertheless, I'm back in Delta and I have picked up Gold Crew from the Freeport.
They barely settled in their rooms, and they already started doing their job.
I do hope they found suitable the accommodations that I have prepared for them.

Looking forward to our next meeting,
Prof. Nerva Regis

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Ingenuus Research Group - 03-09-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 3 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Rachel Snow :-_-_-_-_-

Professor Regis,

Forgive the delay of communication. There have been some internal personnel manners which has taken time from projects. Dr. Wright unfortunately has run into some pressing matters away from work, and has requested to take a leave of absence. Coming off of my own leave of absence, I've taken a few days to study the documentation regarding the current matters, and am confident that I'll be able to pick up where the good Doctor left off.

My name is Rachel Snow. It's nice to meet you.

At this point in time, the Gold Crew has had more than enough time to survey what equipment was available for them to inspect. It seems the extra time did some good, as some of the more.. Primary concerns this sort of equipment reconstruction usually entails, were solved to some degree. Perhaps I'll have to see about giving the engineers a raise.

At any rate, it appears that some of the components of the reactor currently in place can be re-purposed into what the new fixture will require, specifically conduit which is able to handle the currents and voltages. This will cut some costs of the reconstruction. (This can be omitted, although I promise you that you'll want them. While the Ingenuus Cores are safe, we require that any connected system can withstand massive, short, power surges)
On that note, I've taken the liberty of getting documentation of another deal that you are working with McCool in regards to a cloaking device being fit to a Nephilim class ship. Assuming that both projects you have open are regarding the same vessel, we'll be able to knock both out retrofits at once.

The Powercore, and jumpdrive retrofit. As you may have read from McCool in some form or another, we luckily already have already done such an overhaul to a frame such as the one you are using. There are various design patterns which can be used to achieve the same result, some having pros and cons over others. I'm going to be completely honest with you. As long as nobody goes running around with a chainsaw and blowtorch, snapping wires and conduits, any design pattern will satisfy your needs. Especially given that the majority of power will be consumed in the rear of the vessel with the engines, and jumpdrive.
Given that you already have the equipment to be modified on hand, I'm going to quote you 145 million credits for the job. This satisfying the cost for the core (along with it's fixture), the extra materials required to reinforce the electrical system, and the labor. The project itself will take about three weeks at minimum.

Now, if you were interested in also pursuing the cloaking device retrofit as well, that will add approximately another 55 million to the cost, resulting in a clean 200 million credit cost for everything. I realize that this may be a big number, although a majority of the cost is for safety purposes. This technology is dangerous. There is no getting around that. It's been our job, to make sure that it can be used without the danger. In order to power engines of that magnitude, as well as supporting a cloak and jumpdrive, the power cell will have much less restriction than we usually place on them. We'll be placing a large amount of fail-safes and other safety measures to make sure you don't regret this decision, by seeing a giant flaming ball of molten ship.

Azurite is a big component with the cloaking system retrofit. It does have some interesting properties when it interacts with the Ingenuus Cell. Simply an interesting observation. A lot will be going into this ship of yours. In that regard, specifically a non-conventional take on the technology.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I've assigned myself to your service, unless Dr. Wright manages to make it back in good time.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Rachel Snow
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Nerva Regis - 03-09-2018

Accessing Secure Channel
Encryption started
Sender: Prof. Nerva Regis
Location: Omicron Delta

Miss Snow,

I must admit that I thought something happened to Brad, that being said I glad to hear he is fine. The Omicrons can sometimes become really chaotic, but you already know that.
That being said, I would like do both retrofits at the same time. I am waiting a neural net account to in which I should deposit the retrofit fee.

Looking forward to our next meeting,
Prof. Nerva Regis

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Ingenuus Research Group - 03-10-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 3 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Rachel Snow :-_-_-_-_-

Professor Regis,

Both at the same time would definitely be easier. Provided that the transaction comes through, we will be waiting to receive you at Lividia Shipyard and will start the project as soon as possible.

I'll prepare a report for you as soon as the project progresses. I'd like to invite you to come and oversee the construction as you so desire, after all, you're buying. Unfortunately, there are some questions and information we can not provide or talk about due to some of our equipment being proprietary, unless you intended on becoming a proper affiliate of Ingenuus, but that's a conversation for another time.

I ask that you route the funds to 'IRG|Ingenuus' - We will work on allocating that to the proper equipment as soon as possible.

Rachel Snow
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: Zero Point Transmission: Target Canaan|Unity - Nerva Regis - 03-14-2018

Accessing Secure Channel
Encryption started
Sender: Prof. Nerva Regis
Location: Omicron Delta

Miss Snow,

I apologize for the delay. The credits have been transferred. - proof
I am currently on my way to Livadia.

See you there,
Prof. Nerva Regis