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The Farmers Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Printable Version

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The Farmers Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Farmer's Alliance - 01-18-2018

[Image: 264px-FarmersLogo.png]

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


The Farmers Alliance are a group of agrarian ultra-nationalist terrorists who's primary goal is the removal of foreign influences within Kusari, particularly in regards to Synth Foods. They are discretely funded by their original founder, Samura Industries. Their economic operations are focused around the growing of Kyushu Rice on Planet Kyushu, to help feed Kusari's population free from unnatural sources such as Synth Paste. This is then transported across Kusari with surpluses exported to other places in Sirius, to be sold at a reasonable price that doesn't disadvantage the Farmers. Their terrorist activities primarily focus around attacking foreign transports in Kusari, with special attention towards Synth Foods or those carrying Synth Paste. They also don't hesitate to attack local corporations such as Kishiro Technologies or the Gas Miners Guild, who are seen as negative influences within Kusari society. Most of their activities are discretely supported by Samura, who see their work as essential to maintaining Samura's dominance over the market. They will also not hesistate to attack Blood Dragons or Golden Chrysanthemums who are also seen as negative influences within Kusari society, in addition to their hatred for Samura. Their relationship with the Republic is strained as they view them as being influenced by foreigners and foreign enablers such as Gallia and Kishiro. While they try to avoid confrontation with the Kusari authorities, they will not hesitate to attack Republican forces.

For years the Farmers Alliance has been represented by three main factions within the organisation, the Artisan Farmers Alliance, the Nouka and the Kyushu Farmers Alliance. With moves in recent years in regards to the settlement of Planet Saigon, there has been a need for the organisation to reunite under a common name and cause again. The settlement of Planet Miyazaki is another primary goal for the Farmers Alliance in the next coming years. The quietness of the previous factions in the past couple of years has led to increased amounts of foreign influences in Kusari through the Government's enabling of Kishiro demands. The need for a vocal and influential Farmers Alliance is ever so demanded as Kusari moves into 826 A.S. and beyond.

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


ID: Farmers Alliance ID
IFF: Farmers Alliance
Tag: Alliance)-
Naming Convention: Alliance)-FirstName.LastName
Type: Unlawful
Zone of Influence: Kusari, Okinawa, Tau-53, Tau-23, Tau-29, Kepler, Galileo, Sigma-21, Sigma-19, Sigma-13, Sigma-17, Sigma-59, Sigma-15, Omicron Sigma, Lorraine
Base of Operations: Cape Soya Station, Tottori System

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


[Image: itaUafw.jpg]
Cape Soya Station, Tottori System (Headquarters)

[Image: kOA3RYq.jpg]
Kagoshima Depot, Kyushu System

[Image: ljzBbG0.png]
Kamisu Base, Honshu System

[Image: 0v0PnZh.png]
Battleship Kumamoto, Sigma-17 System

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


[Image: diIxLWj.jpg]
Planet Kyushu, Kyushu System

[Image: afeEIzH.jpg]
Planet Miyazaki and Tokai Shipping Platform, Tottori System

[Image: kglAHbS.jpg]
Planet Tomioka, Nagano System

[Image: Vsz9fFe.jpg]
Planet Saigon, Sigma-21 System (Planned)

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


1. Destroy all influences and elements of Synth Foods in Kusari and ban foreign food imports.

2. Assist the Kusari Empire in re-establishing governance in Kusari and holding the Republic accountable for treason.

3. Assist Samura, the Hogosha and the Corsairs in destroying the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums and removing the influence of the drug-ridden Outcasts from Kusari.

4. Increase Alliance-organised farming operations throughout Kusari, in particular on Planet Miyazaki and Planet Saigon.

5. Lobby for higher tariffs on non-food imports from foreign corporations and ensure Kusari has enough domestic food supply to nourish the population before selling off excess at profitable prices.

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


The Nouka

Samura Industries
Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB)

The Council
Unione Corse
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Gallic Brigands
The Coalition

Empire of Kusari
Independent Miners Guild
Foreign Corporations
Republic of Liberty
Kingdom of Bretonia
The Order
Red Hessians
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Bounty Hunters Guild

Golden Chrysanthemums
Blood Dragons
Kingdom of Gallia
Federal Republic of Rheinland
Synth Foods, Inc.
Kishiro Technologies
Gas Miners Guild

[Image: dY5tudX.png]


Fighters, Bombers and Gunboats:

"Mamoru" FA Bomber
CTE-4000 "Griffin" Civilian Light Fighter
CTE-3000 "Falcon" Civilian Heavy Fighter
CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber
WAR-4b "Waran" Civilian Bomber
CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat
J3P 5S "Hayabusa" Civilian Scout Fighter
SRD X12 "Black Dragon" Hogosha Heavy Fighter
SRD X35 "Irezumi" Hogosha Very Heavy Fighter
T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer
M5 Class "Decurion" Corsair Fighter
M9 "Gladiator" Corsair Heavy Fighter
M7 Class "Centurion" Corsair Very Heavy Fighter
M10 Class "Titan" Corsair Very Heavy Fighter
M14 Class "Praetorian" Corsair Bomber
M42 "Imperator" Corsair Gunboat
"Chameleon" Gaian Heavy Fighter
"Anaconda" Gaian Very Heavy Fighter
"Panther" Gaian Bomber
"Claymore" Gaian Gunboat

Freighters and Transports:

J20P-21F "Drone" Kusari Freighter
J90P-54HT "Big Dragon" Kusari Transport
K7P-19T "Akegata" Kusari Container Transport
SHI 1800 "Raba" Hogosha Armored Transport
CTE-F-1050-A "Kestrel" Civilian Freighter
CT-39X "Albatross" Civilian Transport
M18 "Correo" Corsair Freighter
M22 "Armicustos" Corsair Transport


Civilian/Generic Weapons
Farmers Alliance Weapons
Hogosha Weapons
Generic Kusari Lawful Weapons
Kusari Civilian Weapons
Gaian Weapons
Corsair Weapons

[Image: dY5tudX.png]

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Corpus13 - 01-18-2018

It's always nice to see FA projects around, this faction really needs some love. I remember, how I was leading one of such projects time ago. Aww, sweet times.
Good luck and, please, don't die in 2 weeks.

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - SnakThree - 01-18-2018

Fishing Alliance)

Good luck guys, we need some Kusari action too. Might be more interesting trading there with opposition.

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Bulldog. - 01-18-2018

Happy to see more Sair allies coming back to live.
Good luck!

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Thyrzul - 01-18-2018

Might worth fixing the date, we are into 825 AS for over two weeks by now. Other than that, looks neat. Good luck!

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Corile - 01-18-2018

Great to see a FA faction pop up, good luck.

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Banned player t202085 - 01-18-2018

Super happy to see another Kusari faction rising up, my only hope is that the 1ic isn't also leading an existing Kusari faction as we already have too many incestual conflicts of interest in the region already (imo)

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Megaera - 01-18-2018

Is this like Kusari Xenos?

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Owen - 01-18-2018

(01-18-2018, 01:52 PM)Silverlight Wrote: Super happy to see another Kusari faction rising up, my only hope is that the 1ic isn't also leading an existing Kusari faction as we already have too many incestual conflicts of interest in the region already (imo)

Don't know what you're talking about >_>

(01-18-2018, 01:56 PM)Megaera Wrote: Is this like Kusari Xenos?

Sort of. More like a Kusari LWB, except it's pro-Corsair.

RE: FA) - The Farmer's Alliance - Faction Information and Feedback - Banned player t202085 - 01-18-2018

(01-18-2018, 03:11 PM)Owen Wrote:
(01-18-2018, 01:52 PM)Silverlight Wrote: Super happy to see another Kusari faction rising up, my only hope is that the 1ic isn't also leading an existing Kusari faction as we already have too many incestual conflicts of interest in the region already (imo)

Don't know what you're talking about >_>

That is a shame, at the very best it means that both Samura and FA will be "fighting" each other for your time. At the very worst, you'll be RPing with yourself.

I wouldn't take this feedback that hard though, things like this is commonplace in kusari, personally, I think that's one of the main reasons we aren't as active as we could be but I'm fairly alone in that opinion.