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Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - Printable Version

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Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - SMI-Great.Fox - 01-24-2018

--ID: Unknown
--Location: Unknown
--Message Details: "Offers of repentance to old sins"

[Image: ridd_008Necromonger.jpg]

=Maaany dayysss.. Few niiighhhts...Unknooown ssssee the vacaant lliighhtss-=

=-Aaare you willing to cccorrect hatesss with knnnowledge unknoownnns to yyyour greeaats? -=

=-Too vicctors... Go ssspoils.. Too the wiiseee... Go powwwer-=

=-Our deeeity grantssss a giiffft-=

=-Inttterest in a meeeting... Are yooou?-=

RE: Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - Ramke - 01-24-2018

24 Janvier, 741 A.G.S.
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Commissaire Général Rosalie Saint-Yves
Recipient: Send To Origin
Subject: RE:

To the sender of this spam,

Your communication was intercepted by the secretary to be dismissed and deleted.

This has gone through my logs and an analyst has escalated this to me as your attachment does not follow the norms of such and may contain sensitive material.

I have no time to deal with lunatics that speak gibberish. My personal suggestion would be to identify yourself and try again in proper Gallic, or else this transmission will go straight back to the bin.

Rosalie Saint-Yves
Marine Royale Gauloise, Commissaire Général

Attachments: <none>

Transmission Terminée

RE: Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - SMI-Great.Fox - 01-25-2018

--ID: Sous-lieutenant Augioven Mensite
--Location: Deep Omicrons
--Message Details: "Le Messager vit"
[Image: CcIDWOu.png]

“Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre"

Many apologies for sending the rabble of ranks for this notion of talks, as those above me are busy in their work. But to
deny saying that your curiosity wasn't perked for even a moment would be nothing short of a lie. There must be many questions
and we that I represent will have answers if you are willing to listen. Even more to a proposal to mon Lord and Exarch.

I would suggest in the highest notion that you listen for a brief moment if you wish for more than a single drone image. What we
offer is intelligence and knowledge that even the might of the entire Navy over a thousand years cannot gain or the greatest of Gallic
minds could ever fathom. But to fools in thinking such is for free. What we ask in return is an open mind to listen and several small immaterial items that will
be worth nothing to you in the long run.

If you are willing to listen, we shall proceed.

RE: Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - Ramke - 01-26-2018

26 Janvier, 741 A.G.S.
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Commissaire Général Rosalie Saint-Yves
Recipient: Sous-lieutenant Augioven Mensite
Subject: RE: Le Messager vit

"Sous-lieutenant" Augioven Mensite,

That's better. What's more surprising is your seemingly Gallic origin.

We have no records that there are any operatives from where your transmission originated, which leads me to assume is that either you are a rogue deserter unit, or a bunch of criminals that were exiled from the Kingdom.

I do not keep this conversation chain active for you to act condescending and underestimate the Roi's Royal Navy. You will be surprised how quickly you will manage to find yourselves surrounded by the grave consequence of insulting the Roi's power.

Secrets and mysticism are not interesting to me or the Kingdom. I have projects to manage and ensure that everything is running in harmony. I suggest not beating around the bush when you're trying to interact with the most powerful force in the sector and lay out what sort of nonsense a bunch of rebels in the Omicrons can offer.

That, and explaining your "drone" image.

Rosalie Saint-Yves
Marine Royale Gauloise, Commissaire Général

Attachments: <none>

Transmission Terminée

RE: Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - SMI-Great.Fox - 01-27-2018

--ID: Sous-lieutenant Augioven Mensite
--Location: Deep Omicrons
--Message Details: "Le Messager vit"

[Image: CcIDWOu.png]

Commissaire Général Saint-Yves.

You would be correct in stating that we few remaining are in fact Gallic in origin, myself from Planet Nevers. But Deserters?
Rogues? Criminals? Hardly. You will find that a few years ago our Royalist Division was assaulted for extermination due to our leader
speaking against the Crown in a matter of a few Zoners. Thus our numbers from there have plummeted to less than a
battalion strong. We are not those of the Council, and never will be due to their softness. Nor are we terrorists. We are those
who view death in honorable battle to be more valuable than life itself. When you look through the more than likely restricted
sections of your intelligence databanks, you will know who we once were.

But we are not here for a history lesson.

Our Lord proposes a simple exchange:


We are willing to work with Gallia in terms of Intel gathering for the deep Omicrons and surrounding
Co-operation between both parties on actions Gallia cannot publicly take. Which can be denied
without repercussions against the Crown.
An audience to be offered for peaceful talks with our Exarch, which from there may lead to
progress in terms not meant for myself to debate.

In return.

Amnesty for all in our ranks to be permitted to re-enter Gallia peacefully.
Unfreezing of Financial and Physical assets within Gallia.
Allowance for full repairs and upgrades to our vessels.


You will find that as stated, what we ask in return is of little value against the Crown in the long run. Our Lord has
grown very weary from not being able to see the view of Tonnerre unhindered from what I have been informed.

He has also allowed me to state that we are willing to negotiate the proposed exchange. However when it comes to
the drone image, oui, that is indeed a Valor. And the object behind is a gate. It's size is at least vous Valors wide in
diameter. And is only a tiny fraction to the vast complex in the system it bounds to. That is all I am allowed to state
in the matter of the image.

We trust that an accord can be made to benefit both sides of these talks. Your response will be awaited in great anticipation.

RE: Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - SMI-Great.Fox - 02-17-2018

--ID: Sous-lieutenant Augioven Mensite
--Location: Deep Omicrons
--Message Details: "Le Messager vit"

[Image: CcIDWOu.png]

Commissaire Général Saint-Yves.

I trust what we ask is not too much for an agreement?

RE: Grand Maréchal Macron - MRG: "Don't shoot the Messenger" - Thunderer - 03-02-2018

// Removed at OP's request.