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To: Council High command <|> From: Modest. - Printable Version

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To: Council High command <|> From: Modest. - Hakugei - 01-31-2018

Incoming transmission...

Attention: video feed unavaliable due to internal communication device malfunction.

To: Council High Command.
From: Modest.
Subject: Unpleasant encounter.
Priority: High.
Encryption: Medium.

I am contacting you regarding the unpleasant accident happened recently, in space above planet Los Angeles in California, which is, should i remind you, is still considered Liberty Sovereign space.
The accident i am yearning to inform you about is regarding your Redemption-class battleship, a vessel armed to the teeth and, above everything, equipped with the cloaking device, suddenly appeared in Los Angeles high orbit, leaving cloaked state with it's intentions unknown; it's captain, through, considered himself not guilty in the provided charges and pretended that his reconnaisance mission performed in Liberty sovereign space and neighboring systems is nothing that should be in our concern. Well, i have some different opinion on the situation. For now, the battleship was moved to the neighboring Cortez system to stand by there until everything is clarified.
But next time, before you send any vessels to perform reconnaisance actions in Liberty sovereign space - consider informing our High Command about them for corresponding orders to be passed to vessels operating in system, otherwisely any vessel trespassing system cloaked will be considered hostile and destroyed upon detection. Do not complain afterwards that we never warned you.
Attaching the logs of short converstaion between me and captain of Aurora to proove our vision of this situation is correct.

Transmission terminated...

RE: To: Council High command <|> From: Modest. - Thyrzul - 02-03-2018


Intensité du signal: 100%
Encodage: __________ PLUS FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Modest

Sujet: _________ Re: Unpleasant encounter.

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur/Madame/Mademoiselle Modest,

The Council is well aware of what constitutes as Liberty Sovereign Space, what rules et regulations are outlined in the Laws of the Republic of Liberty regarding foreign warships, as well as what possible diplomatic fallout operations such as the one you described would cause. Mainly because of these reasons the Council High Command has never ordered, nor authorized any captain to station a Redemption-class battleship within California. It is greatly appreciated that you've asked us about it before throwing rushed accusations in our general direction.

Regarding the ship in question, based on mere logs we cannot easily evaluate the situation, it can easily be a ship mimicing a Redemption-class, a repressurized et reused salvage not actually being commanded by a Council officer, for now all we know for sure is that the captain was not as cooperative as would have been desired.

Although it could as well easily be a rogue element of the Council's Flotte Dispersée, it wouldn't be the first time we hear about such during the last month. Libertonian et Bretonian authorities already reported a certain Captain Di Rane acting strangely et being hostile to a Liberty Navy officer, commanding another seemingly Redemption-class warship, the CLN D'Entrecasteaux. I urge you to be cautious with both Di Rane et with this Battleship Aurora, et help us in our investigation by sharing more information, visual evidence, anything useful to evaluate et bring us closer to solving the problems they cause.

Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Général en Chef Du Conseil

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[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]