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Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Skorak - 02-04-2018

Joseph.Mayland has been sanctioned for:

Quote:4.1 If you die whilst in a PVP situation, in any form, you are considered as ''PVP Dead''. A PVP Dead player must:
Leave the system the fight took place in for two hours. You must not carry cargo while doing so and must not engage in any player interaction while you are leaving. Other players must allow a PVP Dead player to leave the system.


I told you that you had to leave. I explained you the rule to which you replied that you knew the rule.
I can understand wanting to watch a fight. Custom is to ask. Even better, to not break the rules you could just grab something fitting or a camera if you wish to record.

Since you kept arguing with me I decided to move this here for easier quoting of rules. Your ship can leave Bastille when we reach a consensus here.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Jackfrench - 02-06-2018


As you can see I'm not new at all, but i have nothing else to add from what i say, but if you was left me watching, after it get destroy you can be sure i would have leave, it would be a pleasure! now see what you make... its a game man just chill... relax... but yeah watching a fight after being "killed" by crappy RP... Nomad RP engage everybody... RP is real yeahhhh good job! i comming back on what i say so, watching is a crime goooooddd!!! first when that dude engage me i didnt say anything, i didnt do anything that would lead to engagement, you and that dude just lets engage him without RP! amd after that tell in the rules " engaging is not engouht" it is the hospital that fights a charity... after i came in my trader, its was docked at that base i had no choice to leave, and lets do it again killing without Rp yeahh. "just want to fire my gun like a little boy in my irra"... i told you i want to quit the system with that ship, i dont care if other didnt know its me its not my problem, you was my problem at that time because you dont even respect the rules, you act like that BHG dude killing me 3 times while i was trying to leave the system exacly the same doesnt RP Just firing and doesnt care.... IT'S A GAME! CHILL MAN... come one! you should represent the law, what i see is a shame...

Now talking about serius stuff, not realy close relate to that situation but some, if someone has been engaged then leave the fight, then came back with another ship, so that dude is PVP dead and should not come back with another char thas what rules say but they did and rengage you in the same system!, how many are doing that? i dont have enough finger to count them as much as they are... i reported one and no he was not blame! stop protecting these thing and do things wright! i give the name of the 2 and nobody check his account and you would se i was right but no no no dont blame that guy , i had that problem today with an aoi again these crappy nomad without RP and get out of fight like crying girl then rengage you with another character...

as i can see nothing as change since 2011, when i left, its sad... and shame at same time
what you accused me is not legit you doesnt listen to me what you did: "yeah lets go i will abuse my admin power and put you bastille!!!!" thats ridiculus

you want a consecensus? want me to apologize?

RE: Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Skorak - 02-06-2018

Nomad rp typically involves dead humans. That's kinda the point of playing a biological machine that has their birthright robbed.

If you die in a system, don't come back to it. Don't stay in it. Don't log tons of characters in it over and over because people won't know.

If you merely leave a fight then how does that make you pvp dead? No one said that.

You broke a rule. All I did was explain and move you to Bastille. If you feel like "This is an abuse of power here", then I'm not sure how you wish me to treat rule violators.

RE: Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Jackfrench - 02-06-2018

obviously the accused is always wrong...
i know how you treat them, removing cash, weapon, bastilled char, remove the char, ban the account, then ban the IP yeah im aware...

RE: Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Jackfrench - 02-28-2018

Can i get back my ship? pls

RE: Player Sanctioned: Joseph.Mayland - Skorak - 03-03-2018

Only to have it recorded: Ship is already released.