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Outcasts and Nomads - StDH - 02-07-2018

Heya all,

If i remember correctly, then Outcasts were supplying Cardi for Nomads at some point of time, and were Neutral to each other. *something happened* and Outcasts are now hostile to Nomads by default. But there's still some kind of "truce" between us, but i remember a Vagrant which referred me to others as "Good Outcast", so i wonder, are there some "bad" Outcasts or just people don't know the past, or.... whatnot,... i don't know. =D

If you're to answer my question then please elaborate Wink

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - Sombs - 02-07-2018

Nomads treat Outcasts different than normal humans. Outcasts are depending on Cardamine, a little gift the creators of the Nomads left behind on Malta. Cardamine is said to "open the mind" of people, making them less resisting to nomad influence, meaning telepathic intrusion. This doesn't necessarily count for all Outcasts, but mostly for hardcore Maltese of families that have been using Cardamine for generations. Cardamine also readies the body for the physical intrustion, as in infection via nomad incubus.

Because of this, Nomads treat Outcasts in many cases "neutral". Maltese are Children of Malta, or Children of Ishmael, which is the more spiritual term for Malta. The Vagrants differ between Children of Ishmael/Orange Children and Corrupted Children. The latter are Outcasts who have been spotted opposing the Nomads, either by entering Iota/Major/Psi/Lost or by shooting nomads. Those are to be terminated. You had luck we never saw you firing upon nomads or found you in sacred space. There is no general truce between Malta and Nomads, however Nomads see the potential of some Maltese as their tools, while some Maltese have grown up with legends, religions or other things that makes them less hostile to Nomads. They call them Spirits, for hundreds of years (which is interesting, since there are infocards claiming Nomads have been spotted at Malta from the ealiest days of Malta's colonisation, while the single player campaign says the Nomads "woke up" when scientists dug too deep at Planet Pygar in Omicron Theta).

Nomads do not need cardamine. They are sort-of a source of it and partially are involved in the creation and supply of liquid cardamine, which is used a bit differently than the casual cardamine. That however is a different story and I'm not too used to that commodity.

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - HuggieSunrise - 02-07-2018

The original lore document by chris todd and digital anvil alluded to the cardamine grasses being something the nomads grazed on. the base lore for nomads is actually quite small and sparse. But that in itself cannot be denied by vanilla info. do they need it? no idea it was not suggested but a great many things dont mean that a sentient space being wouldn't enjoy it like dolphins pick kelp and different fauna of the ocean for many observable behaviors including medicinal.

disco wise the oracles previously were a cult that continue to build a relationship with the nomads that was started by bringing them gifts of what they knew the nomads liked the grasses.

as for the outcasts themselves they and cardamine are symbiotic the drug or rather the space cocaine (cardamines is an opiate tho supposedly) genetically changed outcasts as well as outcasts being regularly exposed to nomads they originally did not bother them. and vice versa. vanilla wise. Logic to me and the years of discussion about this was more or less leaning that the zoners and outcasts were the first real contact nomads had and the Maltese dont quite feel the same as regular humans. Also there was a vary old article that had painted the zoner faction as space mountain men and survivalists and thus probably treated nomads like a hunt able resource. disco certainly didn't do anything different there.

disco is a different story each outcast player is on their own "portfolio of behavior".

factions in the oc iff have their own lore.

liquid cardamine has had several meta non meta and straight up made up origins from nomad excretions to a purified liquid concentration of space cocaine. with the un directional and non commitment to lore
here on certain things i dont rely on it as its usefullness as an rp item has long passed.

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - eigos - 02-07-2018

My main character that I roleplay is of a mixed origin (outcast/rheinlander) and he is hostile toward nomads. The secondary supporting characters I roleplay are outcasts who also are viewing them as an invasive species that is to be avoided when possible or destroyed.

If you are an outcast, its entirely up to you to decide what stance you want to adopt toward nomads. You are 100% free to fight them, run from them or play a more friendly role around them, so nomad players will adapt their roleplay accordingly. At least the experienced ones will (there's no guarantee you won't get blown up by a fresh player with low english vocabulary), despite your most friendly demeanor toward them.

Outcasts are maybe my favorite unlawful faction because of all the freedom and different aspects they have - you've got options to be a long-lived cardamine user (or be drug-free), nomad foe or friend, you have the most allies from other unlawful factions and a generally more respectable reputation than their Corsair counterpart. If corsairs are starving, savage, demonic almost looking group (look at their ships and logo) then outcasts are a stylish, italian mafia-like organisation, use less hispanic vocabulary than Corsairs and have a better base of operations infrastructure overall.

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - Karlotta - 02-07-2018

(02-07-2018, 11:51 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: They call them Spirits, for hundreds of years (which is interesting, since there are infocards claiming Nomads have been spotted at Malta from the ealiest days of Malta's colonisation, while the single player campaign says the Nomads "woke up" when scientists dug too deep at Planet Pygar in Omicron Theta).

The nomads that "woke up" on Pygar and "infected" the humans are other nomads than the blue ships seen flying around in Alpha and Gamma. Some could have been dormant on Pygar while others were active elsewhere. It's also possible that "woke up" means the already active nomads "woke up" to something the humans were doing in the sense that they became aware of it and started taking actions against it. You know... they became "woke".

There are a few hints that there's more happening in the background that Trent isnt being told. There are Outcasts helping Trent fight the nomads, and the Blix psychic guy Trent meets in Berlin appears to be a nomad helping Trent. Possibly, some nomads were manipulating and using Trent against other nomads just like Juni was using and manipulating him. "Trent! You go first!"

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - Lythrilux - 02-07-2018

Is that sourceable or speculation?

It's established that Blix is just a normal dude with psychic powers. The supernatural exists in the Freelancer universe.

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - StDH - 02-07-2018

Thank you all for this clarification of "diplomacy" between Outcasts and Nomads =) At least i know what are my-abilities/possibilities in space Wink

(02-07-2018, 01:14 PM)eigos Wrote: If corsairs are starving, savage, demonic almost looking group (look at their ships and logo) then outcasts are a stylish, italian mafia-like organisation, use less hispanic vocabulary than Corsairs and have a better base of operations infrastructure overall.
Now that's the best Outcast/Corsairs difference explanation i've ever seen.

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - Karlotta - 02-07-2018

(02-07-2018, 02:01 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Is that sourceable or speculation?

It's established that Blix is just a normal dude with psychic powers. The supernatural exists in the Freelancer universe.

How was it established that he's a "normal psychic guy"? He also appears to be using a sort of crystal which is possibly nomad or DKV technology (or a nomad which is DKV technology).

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - StDH - 02-07-2018

Hey hey hey! Please don't spam with something i didn't ask

Both of you with Probation and yet you both don't seem to have red the last line i wrote in my first post.

RE: Outcasts and Nomads - Lythrilux - 02-07-2018

(02-07-2018, 02:03 PM)Karlotta Wrote: How was it established that he's a "normal psychic guy"? He also appears to be using a sort of crystal which is possibly nomad or DKV technology (or a nomad which is DKV technology).

There's a news article that says there are other psychics in Sirius. At the least, there's nothing that points to him being a Nomad or working with them.

(02-07-2018, 02:05 PM)StDH Wrote: Hey hey hey! Please don't spam with something i didn't ask

Both of you with Probation and yet you both don't seem to have red the last line i wrote in my first post.

Lol what does our Probation have anything to do with it, Member. Karlotta made a point. I was curious about it. I contributed to your discussion by elaborating on it.